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Translate.vc / Russo → Turco / [ O ] / Overnight

Overnight tradutor Turco

9 parallel translation
Seedlings turn overnight To sunflowers
Tohum bir gecede çiçek olur
Take the overnight bag out to the car.
İhtiyaç çantasını alıp, arabaya koy.
Thanks. You know, they always say it happens overnight.
Sağ olun, bir gecede büyüdüğünü söylerlerdi hep.
Ночной переезд.
Overnight travel.
Joaquin, he ain't never show up for his overnight shift, so we don't know how long he's been laying up in there, dead.
Joaquin gece vardiyasına gelmedi o yüzden ne kadardır öyle ölü halde yattığını bilmiyoruz.
That's why I packed an overnight kit today.
O yüzden çantamı hazırladım.
Oh, yeah, no, that one stays locked until the overnight to Vegas with my college a cappella group.
Hayır, o kapı üniversitede Akapella gurubumla Vegas'taki gecemize dek kapalı kalacak.
Эддисон, с показателем IQ 78, призналась полицейским после ночи взаперти без адвоката.
Addison, whose functional IQ is 78, confessed to the cops after she was held overnight without an attorney.
The abort rate dropped overnight. Вот таким командиром он был. Now, that's the kind of a commander he was.
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