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Translate.vc / Russo → Turco / [ S ] / Shells

Shells tradutor Turco

3 parallel translation
... pieces of North Vietnamese shells that were clearly identified как Северо-Вьетнамские снаряды, извлечённые из палубы Мэддокса. ... as North Vietnamese shells from the deck of the Maddox.
Maddox güvertesinde Kuzey Vietnam'a ait kovan parçaları bulduk.
Ok, we have 4 victims, all with cowrie shells in their mouths and eyes.
Gözlerinde ve ağızlarında deniz kabuğu olan dört kurban var.
В вашем распоряжении, Шеллс Беллс. Спасибо.
- Sinif senin Shells Bells.

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