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Bushrod tradutor Inglês

90 parallel translation
- Kuzen Bushrod.
- Why, Cousin Bushrod.
Ta ki işe yaramaz tuzakçı Bushrod Gentry ortaya çıkana kadar.
That was when that no-good trapper, Bushrod Gentry, showed up.
Bushrod'a bir miktar kaz yağı götürdü.
She took some goose grease out to that Bushrod.
Ama neden Bushrod?
But, why, Bushrod?
- Fakat, Bushrod, ben...
- But, Bushrod, I...
- Oh, Bushrod.
- Oh, Bushrod.
Bushrod hayatımı kurtardı.
Bushrod saved my life.
- Bushrod.
- Bushrod.
- Oh, Bushrod...
- Oh, Bushrod...
- Bushrod hayatımı kurtardı.
- Bushrod saved my life.
- Bushrod Gentry.
- Bushrod Gentry.
Evet, Bushrod Gentry bu kolun hemen burada ağaçların arasında yapılacak tedaviden daha fazlasına ihtiyacı var.
Well, Bushrod Gentry this arm's gonna need more tending to than it's likely to get here in these woods.
- Bay Bushrod, şimdi yaranızı temizleriz.
- Now, Mr. Bushrod, we'll just wash that.
Bay Bushrod, tek bir itiraz dahi istemem.
Mr. Bushrod, I'll hear no word of protestation from you.
- Bay Bushrod Gentry ile el sıkış.
- Shake hands with Mr. Bushrod Gentry.
- Yoluna çıkmasan iyi olur, Bushrod.
- You wanna stay out of his way, Bushrod.
Bushrod Gentry.
Bushrod Gentry.
Geleceğimizden, Bushrod.
About our future, Bushrod.
Bir kızı bu şekilde öpemezsin, Bushrod.
You oughtn't to kiss a girl like that, Bushrod.
Bushrod Gentry.
That Bushrod Gentry.
Bushrod Gentry!
Bushrod Gentry!
Biraz daha döğüş, Bushrod.
Some fight, Bushrod.
Günaydın, Bushrod.
Good morning, Bushrod.
Günaydın, Bushrod.
Aye, good morning, Bushrod.
Benim hakkımda ne düşünüyorsun, Bushrod?
What do you think of me, Bushrod?
Fikrin harikuladeydi, Bushrod.
Oh. Your idea was just wonderful, Bushrod.
- Bushrod, düşünebiliyormusun, eğer ben...
- Bushrod, would you consider now, if I...?
Ya sen, Bushrod?
Have you, Bushrod?
Bushrod kadınlar hakkında hiç bir şey bilmez.
Bushrod doesn't know anything about women.
- Sende dene, Bushrod.
- Save your life, Bushrod.
Benimle dans edermisin, Bushrod Gentry?
Will you dance with me, Bushrod Gentry?
Bushrod Gentry, Kuzey Carolina'daki akrabalarını tanıyorum.
Bushrod Gentry, I know your kin in North Carolina.
- Bunu onlara söyleyemem, Bushrod.
- I can't tell them that, Bushrod.
Fremont, sen Banks and Hugh'a karşı Bushrod'un yanında yer alacaksın.
Fremont, you take sides with Bushrod against Banks and Hugh.
Bushrod'un tarafında döğüşeceksin ve bir sansar gibi değil insan gibi davranacaksın.
You fight just as hard on Bushrod's side as if he were human and not a polecat.
Bushrod, evladım, sınırı aştığın için seni bağışlıyorum.
Bushrod, laddie, I forgive your transgression.
Ve sen, Bushrod Gentry bu kadını kendine eş olarak kabul ediyormusun?
And you, Bushrod Gentry do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?
- Hayır, Bushrod, sendin.
- No, Bushrod, it was you.
O sendin, Bushrod.
It was you, Bushrod.
Artık çıkabilirsin, Bushrod.
You can come out now, Bushrod.
Bushrod, neden bu kadar hızlı gidiyoruz?
Bushrod, why are we going so fast?
Battaniyeni çıkart, Bushrod.
Get out your blanket, Bushrod.
Bu şekilde asla ısınamazsın, Bushrod.
You're never gonna keep warm that way, Bushrod.
- Neden bu kadar utangaçsın, Bushrod?
- Why are you so shy, Bushrod?
Bir yerin kırıldımı, Bushrod?
Did you break anything, Bushrod?
Kanada'ya kadar takip etmek zorunda kalsamda seni yakalayacağım, Bushrod Gentry.
I'm gonna catch you, Bushrod Gentry, if I have to trail you all the way to Canada.
Bushrod Gentry'i yakaladığımda, onu geberteceğim.
When I catch that Bushrod Gentry, I'm gonna kill him.
Karın sana Bushrod Gentry diye seslendiğinde balmumu yüzünden kulağım tıkandı, iyi işitemedim sanmıştım.
I thought wax must have been plugging my ears when I heard your wife call you Bushrod Gentry.
Bana "Kendisini Bushrod Gentry'nin yaptığından daha beter dövdüğümü" söyledi.
He said I was the only man that hurt him worse than Bushrod Gentry.
Yolculuk ne tarafa, Bushrod?
Tell me, where are you heading?

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