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Translate.vc / Turco → Inglês / [ D ] / Dişinda

Dişinda tradutor Inglês

311 parallel translation
Bizim bilgimizi ozmoz yoluyla, zamanin dişinda alacaksin.
You will take our knowledge by osmosis, out of time.
Bunun içinde kendi şaşkinliğimin dişinda hiçbir şey göremiyorum.
I see nothing inside except my own perplexity.
Hayir, hiçbir ºey. Senin su atin disinda.
No, not a thing, except that horse of yours.
- Bunun dïsïnda, harika.
- Outside of that, it's perfect.
- Uçmak dïsïnda her sey için.
- For everything but flying.
Ben yemin etmis bir kanun adamiyim. Anayasada belirtilen durumlar disinda... sebebi her ne olursa olsun elindeki kanitlari benden saklayamazsin.
I'm a sworn officer of the law 24 hours a day and neither formality nor informality justifies you withholding the evidence of crime from me except on constitutional grounds.
Sahibi dürüstçe belirlemek mülkiyet hakki disinda... ne tür bir yöntemle yapilabilir bilemiyorum.
I don't see how you can honestly grant anyone else a clear title to it except by right of possession.
Bayan O'Shaughnessy'yi ise bunun disinda birakacagiz.
As for Miss O'Shaughnessy if you think she can be rigged for the part I'm willing to discuss it with you.
Ya sen, Hector, kiliç oyunlari ve boks disinda baska heveslerin var mi?
And you, Hector, do you aspire to anything... -... but to excel at swordplay and boxing?
Kehanetler ve tahminler iyi, bir istisna disinda.
The omens are good and also the prophecies, with but one exception.
Bu kraliyet sahtekarligi disinda ne yaparsin?
What do you do besides this royal imposture?
Serif kasaba disinda.
Sheriff's out of town.
Sehrin disinda çiftligi var.
He has a ranch outside city limits.
Onu sonsuza dek sehrin disinda tutamayiz.
We can't keep him out of Tombstone forever.
- Çikan duman disinda hayir.
- A belch from the pillbox.
Bunun disinda ne istersen söyle.
Beyond that, say anything you want.
Calismanin disinda birsey yok...
Nothing else is working...
Anne ve babanin disinda, belediyeye bes cocuk kaydedi :
Aside from the mother and father, five children were registered at the city hall :
Ben ve kiz kardesim Caroline disinda herkes, bu acimaz katiller tarafindan öldürülmüslerdi,
Everybody was killed or drug off by them murdering varmints except me and my sister Caroline.
Savas disinda, bir aykiri daima herseyin tersini yapar,
Except for battle, a contrary does everything backwards.
Kadin, nefes almak disinda hiç ses çikarmiyordu,
Except for breathing, that woman made no sound.
Gösteri, zincirlenmis bir modern toplumunun kabusudur ve sonuçta uyku istegi disinda bir sey ifade etmez.
The spectacle is the bad dream of enchained modern society, which ultimately expresses only its desire to sleep.
Sahte devirli zaman, günümüz ekonomisinin yasam çabasinin, günlük yasamin karar almanin disinda birakildigi, ve artik dogal düzene degil, yabancilasmis emek tarafindan ortaya konmus sahte dogaya tabi olan büyümüs yasam çabasi, tüketimiyle iliskilendirilir.
Pseudo-cyclical time... is that of the consumption of modern economic survival, augmented survival, where the experience of daily life... remains deprived of decision - making and is forced to submit, no longer to the natural order, but to the pseudo-nature... developed in alienated labor ; and therefore this time quite... naturally rediscovers the old cyclical rhythm... which governs pre - industrial societies.
Hiçbir seyi kendisinin disinda birakamayacagi bir devrimi, ve ayriligin elestirisini temsil eden bir devrimi dogurur ; bu devrimi uygulamaya geçirmek için uygun eylemleri kesfetmesi gerekmektedir.
It carries the revolution which can leave nothing outside itself, the requirement of the permanent domination... of the present over the past, and the total critique of separation ;
- Chris Haydenom un disinda baska birisiyle gorusuyor muydu?
Who is she seeing besides Chris Hayden?
Ölümü dïsïnda, aptal biri degil.
Except that he's dead, he's no dope.
Tanriya sükür, artik silahlari teslime ettiler bir iki azilisi disinda onlari da yok ediyorlar.
Thank God they all been disarmed now except for a few of the nastiest ones who they're busy running down.
Albay Walter E. Kurtz'un hafizasiyla ilgilenenin ben olmasi kaza eseri degildi... Saigon'da olmanin disinda hersey kazaraydi.
It was no accident that I got to be the caretaker of Colonel Walter E. Kurtz's memory... any more than being back in Saigon was an accident.
Kambocya'nin disinda kaydedilmis,
This was monitored out of Cambodia.
Bu süpernova patlamasinda ise, tek bir yildiz galaksi kalintisinin disinda parliyor.
In this supernova explosion a single star outshines the rest of its galaxy.
Bu büyük salonun hemen disinda 10 büyük arastirma laboratuvari vardi.
Off this great hall were 10 large research laboratories.
Duygulari disinda, insanlari her yönden taklit etmek üzere tasarlanmislardi. '
They were designed to copy human beings in every way except their emotions.
Is disinda sana tatlim dememin bir sakincasi yok, degil mi?
You don't mind if I call you honey when we're not working, do you?
Etrafini sarip ; onlari, zamanin ötesine uçmayi basarmis böcekler gibi donatiyor iste, düsünebilecegi bir nokta, zamanin disinda :
He pins them down and decorates them like insects that would have flown beyond time, and which he could contemplate from a point outside of time :
Sekoya, Paris'teki Jardin des Plantes'tekiydi ve el de agacin disinda bir yere isaret ediyordu, zamanin disinda...
The sequoia was the one in the Jardin des plantes in Paris, and the hand pointed to a place outside the tree, outside of time.
Asiri sicaklik disinda, degil mi?
Except for the damned heat, right?
Rambo gider, kimseyi bulamaz, Kongre bunu yutar, konu kapanir ve Rambo esir alinirsa sen ve bilgisayarlarin disinda kimse yasayip yasamadigini bilmez.
Rambo goes in, finds no POWs, Congress buys it, case closed. And if he happens to get caught, nobody knows except you.
Alisilmisin disinda biri, yani iyi...
Of course she's eccentric...
Resmi sanat disinda hicbir sey.
Nothing but official art.
Hayatini yasamak disinda her seyi yaptigini soyluyorsun yani.
So, what you're saying is, you do everything that has nothing to do with having a life.
- Mükemmelin disinda nasil biri?
Besides perfect, w-what is he like?
Böyle seyler kimsenin basina gelmez, Marcus disinda tabii.
Man, stuff like that never happens to anybody, except for Marcus.
Tam da sehir disinda çok vakit geçirmem gerekecegini ögrendim. Seni ararim olur mu?
I just found out that I'm gonna have to be spending a lot of time outta town, so, I'll get back to you, OK?
Sekreterim sehir disinda. Seni ararim.
I don't have my schedule, my secretary's outta town, so I'll call you.
Bu sirilsiklam gece... dudaklarimin üzerinde sözlerin vardir... içinde ates, var ve su disinda.
This drenched night... On my lips... are your words...
Elbette bir vagabond olma! disinda,
Except, of course, being a vagabond!
O benim mavi eksik bir civatam disinda kalabilir
It may be a bolt out of the blue.
Buro disinda da bir hayatin olsun istiyoruz.
We want you to have a life outside the office.
Beraber olmamiz disinda hicbir sey istemedim.
I never asked for anything except for us to be together.

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