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Gregg tradutor Inglês

363 parallel translation
Evin eski sahibi, Kaptan Gregg.
The former owner, a Captain Gregg.
Sahibi Avustralya'da. Kaptan Gregg'in kuzeni.
The owner's in Australia, Captain Gregg's cousin.
Keşke Kaptan Gregg 100 yaşına kadar yaşasaydı.
I wish Captain Gregg had lived to be 100.
Sen Kaptan Gregg'sin.
You're Captain Gregg.
Kaptan Gregg, karşıma çıkmakta ısrar edersen en azından daha uzlaşmacı olabilirsin.
Captain Gregg, if you insist on haunting me, you might at least be more agreeable about it.
Kaptan Gregg.
Captain Gregg...
Neredesin Kaptan Gregg?
Captain Gregg, where are you?
Kayınvalideme çok düşkün olduğumu bilmeni isterim.
Really, Captain Gregg. I'll have you know I'm very fond of my mother-in-law.
Bu arada, düşünüyordum da Kaptan Gregg'in şu portresini tavan arasına kaldırabiliriz.
By the way, I've been thinking we might put that portrait of Captain Gregg up in the attic.
- Kaptan Gregg ile mi?
With Captain Gregg?
Kaptan Gregg'in hayaleti ile mi?
With the ghost of Captain Gregg?
Baş komiser Gregg, ve yardımcım Miller.
I'm Chief Inspector Gregg. This is Sergeant Miller.
Dedektif Gregg.
Inspector Gregg.
Savaşta yaralandım ve izinliyim Longstreet Kolordusu, Teksaslılar Bölüğü.
I was wounded... on leave from Gregg's Texans, Longstreet's Corps.
Gregg Barbara'ya güvenmiyor.
Gregg doesn't trust Barbara.
Kadınlara karşı çok kötü davranıyorsun Gregg.
You have a terrific way with women, Gregg.
Pardon Gregg.
Sorry, Gregg.
Gregg, gerçekten...
I think you know everybody here.
Bayan Gregg bugün sizinle olamayacağı için çok üzüldü.
Miss Gregg was particularly anxious that I should tell you how sorry she is to have missed you today.
Bayan Zielinsky, bayan Gregg'in gelişi heyecanla karşılandı.
My dear Miss Zielinsky, Miss Gregg's arrival has caused considerable excitement.
Film yıldızı Marina Gregg!
Marina Gregg, the film star!
Film yıldızlarını tanımıyorum, ama bu toplantı bölgedeki hayranları içinse, onları hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacaktır.
Well, I don't know anything about film stars, Miss Giles, but if this gathering is any indication of her local interest, I'm sure that Miss Gregg won't disappoint her fans. I do hope not.
Bayan Gregg hepinize teşekkür edecek.
Miss Gregg would like to thank those of you that worked so hard.
Bayan Gregg, korkarım komitemiz sizin filmlerinize her zaman aylık suarelerimizde... riskli olarak bakmıştır.
I'm afraid, Miss Gregg, that it would seem that our committee have always felt that your films are a little, how shall I say, risqué for our monthly soirée in the village hall.
Bayan Babcock, bayan Gregg.
Mrs Babcock, Miss Gregg. Miss Gregg, Mrs Babcock.
Sizi görmek ne güzel.
- Mrs Babcock, lovely to see you. - Oh, Miss Gregg.
Ondan hoşlandım, çok yakışıklı.
There was Marine Gregg and her husband Oh, I liked him. I think he's smashing.
Sekreter, Heather Babcock'u bayan Gregg'in yanına getirdi o da yıllar önce nasıl tanıştıklarını anlatmaya başladı.
Then the secretery girl came up with Heather Babcock and Heather shook hands with Miss Gregg and then she went into a boring old story about how they'd met years ago.
Bayan Gregg az daha uyuyacaktı.
On and on she went. I thought Miss Gregg was gonna fall asleep -
- Ya bayan Gregg?
I told you that. - And Miss Gregg?
Marina Gregg'in yüzünde ilginç bir ifade vardı.
Well, it... it was a sort of look on Marina Gregg's face.
Oradaki kız fotograf çekti Heather Babcock konuşuyordu, ve bayan Gregg donuk bakıyordu.
The girl took a photo. Heather Babcock was rattling on and Miss Gregg had this sort of strange frozen look.
- Bayan Gregg ne kadar baktı?
Er, now, how long did Miss Gregg remain looking at that picture?
Lola Brewster bayan Gregg'le konuştu.
Lola Brewster came up to Miss Gregg.
Bayan Babcock ve bayan Gregg'den bahset.
Cherry, we want to hear about Miss Babcock and Miss Gregg.
- Bayan Gregg!
- Oh, Miss Gregg!
Demek, Heather Babcock Marina Gregg'in kadehini kullandı.
So Heather Babcock drank from Marina Gregg's glass.
Marina Gregg'in ilk Akademi Ödülünü aldığı filmdi, değil mi?
Yes, it was Marina Gregg's first Academy Award, wasn't it?
- Bayan Gregg'in gözleri.
No, no. I was referring to Miss Gregg's eyes.
Bayan Gregg ve bayan Brewster birbirlerine yakın mıdırlar?
Miss Gregg and Miss Brewster, are they very close? Close?
- Hangisi genç, Marina mı Lola mı?
Tell me, I'm curious, who's younger? Marina Gregg or Lola Brewster?
- Bayan Gregg de kullanır mı?
Does Miss Gregg take it?
Marina Gregg gibi biriyle çalışmak heyecan verici olmalı.
Ah, I think it must be very exciting working for someone like Marina Gregg. I'm sure she's a grand person.
Medusa'yı St. Bernadette bile yapabilir.
Inspector, Marina Gregg can make Medusa look like St Bernadette.
- Bayan Gregg sinirlenmiyor mu?
I thought they might have upset Miss Gregg.
Marina Gregg'le nasıl bir ilişkiniz olduğunu bilmek isterim.
I'd like... Oh, so sorry. ... to erm, ask about your relationship with Marina Gregg.
Yabancı değil.
Gregg, that name rings a bell.
Marina Gregg ve kocası...
Just about everybody.
Heather'ın içkisi döküldü ve bayan Gregg oradan ayrıldı.
Heather spilled her drink and Miss Gregg walked away.
Gregg mi?

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