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Translate.vc / Turco → Inglês / [ K ] / Kiskançlik

Kiskançlik tradutor Inglês

27 parallel translation
yani kiskançlik duyabilecegi.
that he could bejealous.
iliskimiz yüzünden kiskançlik duyup sana saldirabilir.
He might attack you out of jealousy for what you and I have together.
- Ruby, kiskançlik konusunda bir seyler söylemis miydi? - Hiçbir fikrim yok.
None of whatsoever
Dukkanda alis-veris yapana yan odada oturan "Kiskançlik" tarafindan dokunuldu.
And the shopper... that's envy's doing - - The customer we got in the next room.
Hiç mi kiskançlik duymuyorsun?
Aren't you envious at all?
Ona karsi duyulan kiskançlik her zamankinden daha kuvvetli.
They are all jealous of him, now more than ever.
Melody sadece kiskançlik yapiyor.
My mom won't even care.
Kiskançlik, hirs için kullanilan baska bir sözcükten ibaret sadece.
"Envy" is just another word for "ambition."
Kiskançlik yapma.
Oh, don't be jealous.
Kiskançlik yapmaktan bahsetmiyorum.
I'm not talking about being jealous.
Just plain old jealousy.
Kiskanclik yapacagina neden kendi isine bakmiyorsun?
Why don't you mind your own business instead of being jelly?
Belki seni hemen kiskanclik okuluna gondermeliyim.
Just maybe I should have you sent off to jelly school.
- Kiskanclik okulu mu?
- Jelly school? - That's right.
- Evet. Aslinda hemen simdi kiskanclik okulunu arayacagim.
In fact, I'm gonna call the jelly school right now.
Merhaba, orasi kiskanclik okulu mu?
Hello, is this the jelly school?
Tamam, aslinda ben de gercekten kiskanclik okuluyla konusmuyordum, Wendy, tamam mi?
Mkay, well, I'm not actually on the phone With the jelly school, wendy, mkay? - Yes.
Hosca kal, kiskanclik okulu.
Oh, bye, jelly school.
Kimse kiskanclik yapmiyor.
Nobody here is jelly.
Tamam, cunku Aurora'daki kiskanclik okulunun seni almaya hazir olmasini anliyorum, dogru mudur, Rick?
- Okay, because I do understand That the jelly school in aurora Is ready to take you in, is that right, rick?
Bu kucuk kinci kiza oda ayrilmasi icin resmi talebin geldigi kiskanclik okulunun tam onundeyim.
- Tom, I'm standing in front of the jelly school Where officials claim they do have room For this little hater girl.
Orasi kiskanclik okulu falan degil, Bandir Ye Corekleri orasi!
- That's not a jelly school, that's a dunkin'donuts.
Ozur dilerim, kiskanclik yaptigim icin ozur dilerim.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I have been jelly.
Ben de bir keresinde kiskanclik yapmistim, uzgunum.
I've been jelly before too, I'm sorry.
Ben deli yasamak istiyorum romantizm ve pining ve kiskanclik.
I want to experience crazy romance and pining and jealousy.

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