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Läzim tradutor Inglês

1,173 parallel translation
Babasina söylemesi lazim, adam barini kaybetmek üzere.
He's got to tell his dad he's about to lose his bar.
Siz çocuklar, bu hiyarin kim oldugunun farkina varmaniz lazim.
You guys have got to realise who this chap is.
Aslinda, hayatta kalmak için çok çalisman lazim, Nick.
In fact, you'll have to work very hard to stay alive, Nick.
Onlari bulmamiz lazim.
We've got to find them.
Oglana hak vermek lazim.
Can't really blame the boy.
Resepsiyonunuzdan once sizinle konusmamiz lazim.
I need to talk to you before the reception.
Evet, kapatmam lazim.
Yeah, I gotta go.
Bize onunla tam olarak ayni kiloda, ayni boyda ve bayan olan birisi lazim.
We want someone who's approximately the same weight, height, and female.
Polisin kiyida bulamamasina sasmamak lazim.
No wonder the police can't find him on the coast.
- Nerede olduklarini göstermem lazim.
- You need me to show you where they are.
Simdi gitmemiz lazim, Polly.
We gotta go now, Polly.
Burasi eyalet dişi, O yüzden FBl'i aramam lazim.
This is interstate, so I have to call the FBI.
Baski yapmam lazim.
I have to print.
Vincent'i maça hazirlamam lazim.
I have to get Vincent ready for Little League.
- Kerry'i kaldirmam lazim.
- I have to get Kerry up.
Şunu yerleştirmemiz lazim.
We got to get in that.
Çimlerimin gerçekten biçilmesi lazim.
I really do need my lawn mowed.
Bakici aileye gitmesi lazim.
He'll have to go to foster care.
Zaten bizim de çocuğun kimliğinden iyice emin olmamiz lazim.
Anyway, we want to make sure we I.D. the boy 100 %.
Giyinmem lazim.
I have to get dressed.
Onu görmem lazim.
I really want to see him.
Senin de benimle gelmen lazim tatlım.
I need you to come with me.
Su an alamam once herseyi ayarlamam lazim
I can't take him right away. I've got to arrange things fiirst.
Karimin bu durumu kabul etmeye hazir oldugunu gormem lazim
I've got to make sure that my wife is prepared to accept the situation.
Sinifa donmem lazim.
I have to go to class.
Gitmem lazim.
I gotta go to the bathroom.
Bize duzgun bir ofis lazim.
We'll need a proper office.
Bahiscileri ayarlamam lazim.
I got to make the bookies.
I got to call my girl, too, man!
Got to see the pitch, all right?
I just got to know, you know? Uh...
I got to know.
Know what?
- I got to hang with my girl tonight. I got to hang with her tonight.
All right, all right.
Kafani duzgunce tekrar yapmak lazim.
You're gonna hit the knees doing regular panel beating.
Sakin kalmak lazim.
I'll keep my feet on the ground.
Iki nobetciyi etkisiz hale getirmek gerek, Bicakla tehdit etmek, anahtarlari almak ve onlari arka mutfaga kapatmak lazim.
All we gotta do is grab two screws... knives to their throats, take their keys, march them up to the scullery... lock them in the scullery.
Yardim etmeme izin ver, uzanman lazim.
Come on let me help out, you'd better lie down and lie still.
Akan kani durdurmak lazim.
You've gotta stop the bleeding, ok?
Ilerlemeye devam etmek lazim yoksa sonum olum olur.
You gotta keep moving forward otherwise you'll perish.
Geri donmek yararsiz ilerlemek lazim.
There's no point going backwards, you gotta keep going forwards.
Biri girdigi anda sirtimi duvara yaslamam lazim.
I've gotta sit with my back against the wall in case someone comes in.
Hastaneye goturmek lazim.
Come on Chopper, we've gotta get him to the hospital.
Neden boyle soylendigine bakmak lazim.
You gotta look at the motives behind the people saying this stuff.
Dünyanin herhangi bir yerinde bizim gibi insanlarin bir ise yaramasi lazim.
Somewhere on this world, people like us have to be needed!
Her atisin iyi hesaplanmasi lazim.
Every round has to be accounted for.
Gitmem lazim. Sadece seninle bu ani paylasmak istiyoruz.
Just let your father and I share this moment with you.
surekli ayni seyi yapiyor odevimi tamamlamam lazim.
I was in here first and I need to do my homework.
gitmem lazim.
I gotta go.
tatlim.konusmamiz lazim evet beni biri aradi... rahatsiz edici seyler soyledi... ve... dogru olmadigini biliyorum ama...
Honey, we need to talk. Yes. We got a phone call, a very disturbing phone call.

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