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Translate.vc / Turco → Inglês / [ R ] / Ridgeway

Ridgeway tradutor Inglês

190 parallel translation
- Paula Ridgeway.
- Paula Ridgeway.
- Ridgeway.
- Ridgeway.
- Dağ yolunda.
- Ridgeway.
Bayan Ridgeway, bu listeyi kontrol ettiniz mi?
Miss Ridgeway, have you checked this list?
- Bayan Ridgeway, masanıza dönün lütfen.
- Miss Ridgeway, get back to your desk.
Charley Blackfoot aşağı Ridgeway'de görülmüş.
Charley Blackfoot was seen in the town of Ridgeway.
Evin sahibi Bayan Ridgeway, odaları kiraya veriyor.
Miss Ridgeway owns the house and rents rooms.
Bayan Ridgeway.
Miss Ridgeway.
Bayan Ridgeway'in terk edilmiş bir âşık olduğunu biliyor musunuz?
You know that Miss Ridgeway is a rejected lover?
Bu, o, Ridgeway'lerin kızı.
- It's her. The Ridgeway girl.
"Linnet Ridgeway, beş parasız Sevimli Prens'le evlendi."
Linnet Ridgeway marries penniless Prince Charming after whirlwind romance.
- Demek Ridgeway'lerin kızı bu.
So that's the Ridgeway girl.
- Sen, Ridgeway'lerin kızısın.
You're the Ridgeway girl, aren't you?
- Affedersiniz... bayan Ridgeway.
- Sorry, Miss Ridgeway.
- O adam benim ailemi mahvetti.
Melhuish Ridgeway ruined my family.
- Linnet Ridgeway bir kenedir.
- Linnet Ridgeway's a leech. A parasite on the skin of society.
Çünkü babası sizin babanızı batırmış ve sizi bu hayata mahkum etmiş.
Because her father was Melhuish Ridgeway, whose unscrupulous business methods ruined your father and condemned you to a servant's life.
Ridgeway Drive'ın nerede olduğunu biliyor musunuz?
You know where, uh, Ridgeway Drive is?
Ridgeway Drive'ı arıyorum.
I'm looking for Ridgeway Drive.
Carla, yarın ki parti için alkolsüz içecekleri Bayan Ridgeway'in evine gönderdin mi?
Carla, did you have the soft drinks delivered to Mrs. Ridgeway's house for the party tomorrow?
- Teşekkür ederim, Bayan Ridgeway.
Thank you, Mrs. Ridgeway.
MRS. RIDGEWAY : Mother? Mother?
Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Bay Ridgeway.
The Joined-directing thing, you. Ridgeway. But you.
Ama Bay Ridgeway'den kesinlikle şüphelenmiyoruz.
Ridgeway it is above any suspicion.
Peki ya seyahate Mösyö Ridgeway çıkacak olursa?
And one would be you. Ridgeway taking the titles? You.
Bay Ridgeway mi?
Mösyö Ridgeway, meslektaşım Yüzbaşı Hastings.
Monsieur Ridgeway, this one is my partner, the Captain Hastings.
- Arabanızın markası nedir, Mösyö Ridgeway?
- What his car is, Mr. Ridgeway? - I have not.
Philip Ridgeway'in nişanlısıyım.
I am the fiancee of Philip Ridgeway.
Bay Ridgeway, çok dakiksiniz.
You. Ridgeway is very punctual.
Bay Ridgeway.
You. Ridgeway.
New York'a ulaştığınızda ne yapacağınızı biliyor musunuz, Bay Ridgeway?
He knows what it has to do when the Piece of news will arrive lorque?
Bir tanesi size, Bay Ridgeway.
This one goes with you, Mr. Ridgeway.
Bay Shaw'un yokluğunda bunları Bay Ridgeway halledebilir.
Like you. Shaw cannot, he will be you. Ridgeway.
- Günaydın, Mösyö Ridgeway.
- Bonjour, Monsieur Ridgeway.
İyi akşamlar, Ridgeway.
Good night, Ridgeway.
Pekala korkarım ki beş parasız kaldın, Ridgeway.
Well, it seems that it lost everything, Ridgeway.
- Ridgeway!
- Ridgeway!
Bütün akşam neredeydiniz, Bay Ridgeway?
And where the fact is that it was the night completely, Mr. Ridgeway?
Gidebilirsiniz, Mösyö Ridgeway.
It can go out, Mr. Ridgeway.
O zaman yapan, Ridgeway olmalı.
In this case it is possible to have been only the Ridgeway.
- Mösyö Ridgeway'in kamarası, güvertenin bu tarafına bakıyor, değil mi?
The box of the Mr. Ridgeway have door for this side, it has not? Yes, have!
- Peki ya Bay Ridgeway?
- And you. Ridgeway?
Beni görmeye geldiğinizde Mösyö Ridgeway'den korkuyordunuz, değil mi?
When it came to have with me, it was because it was afraid of Monsieur Ridgeway, yes?
Çünkü Mösyö Ridgeway'i kurtarmak istiyordunuz. O çantanın kilidini açan anahtarın,... işvereniniz Mösyö Vavasour'un anahtarı olduğuna inanmamızı istediniz.
Since it wanted to save the Monsieur Ridgeway, he wanted that we were believing that the key what opened the bad era of his chief.
Bay Vavasour ve Ridgeway, tutuklandı mı?
You. Vavasour and you. is Ridgeway imprisoned?
Suç, Mösyö Philip Ridgeway'in üstüne kalacaktı.
The Monsieur Philip Ridgeway it would keep the fault.
Kumar sorunu olan Mösyö Ridgeway.
Monsieur Ridgeway, with his problems of play.
O yüzden Mösyö Ridgeway'in o gemide olması çok önemliydi.
It is therefore that it was essential what the Ridgeway digs in the ship.
Wode Hall'a hoş geldiniz.
Welcome to Wade Hall, Miss Ridgeway.

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