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Translate.vc / Turco → Inglês / [ U ] / Utaniyor

Utaniyor tradutor Inglês

9 parallel translation
Yemek pisirme kursu ile ilgili bir hikâye anlatacak, çünkü internette tanistigimizi söylemeye utaniyor.
Except it wasn't. She's going to tell some bogus story about a cooking class Because she's embarrassed we met online.
Ellerinden utaniyor.
He's embarrassed by his hands.
- Kendinden utaniyor olmali.
- He was ashamed.
Bilirsin. Utaniyor gibiydi. Birseyleri saklar gibi.
You know, like he was embarrassed... like he was hiding something.
o da korkuyor biliyorsun, utaniyor.
He's afraid too, you know? He is ashamed.
Utaniyor musun?
Are you feeling ashamed?
- Oh, utaniyor musun?
- Oh, are you shy?
- Yaptigim seyden utaniyor degilim.
And now stand widow for it. I do not turn from what I have done.
Birak beni. - Utaniyor musun, eh?
- You are my fiancee now I'll give it to you the day we marry

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