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Translate.vc / Turco → Espanhol / [ B ] / Because

Because tradutor Espanhol

205 parallel translation
# Because hocus-pocus Lo and behold # # You get blinded by that moon of bright gold above #
Porque con un abracadabra, un magia potagia, quedas cegado por el resplandor dorado de la luna.
135. Look, they're only needlin'you because you had'em confined to the post.
Mira, te están pinchando porque les has hecho quedarse retenidos.
Yes. Because to me it just didn't seem right. It went too smoothly.
Esto no me pareció complicado fue suave.
lt's because you're a Beatle that your fingers wasn't on it.
El seguro no cubre sus dedos porque es un Beatle.
# # Because we love you truly
Porque te queremos, de verdad
"... because it's been a long time gone... "
"... because it's been a long time gone... "
"Because it's a brand new game and I want to play."
"Because it's a brand new game and I want to play."
"... because you've got a home as long as I've got mine. "
"... because you've got a home as long as I've got mine. "
"... because that is something everybody, everywhere does in the same way. "
"... because that is something everybody, everywhere does in the same way. "
"Says they,'You can't use the car, because you didn't work a lick."
I told the boss I was sick. " " Says they,'You can't use the car, because you didn't work a lick. "'
"Because I swore when I was small, that I'd remember when..." "...
"Because I swore when I was small, that I'd remember when..."
# Because when they've all grown up...
Porque cuando todos hayan crecido...
Gururum yüzünden
And I merely survived Because of my pride
Çünkü savcılıktaki kendini beğenmiş... Because those snot - nosed young bastards... küstah gençler nasıl olsa onu bir şekilde cezalandırıyor.
Ahora un policía le dispara a un matón en la calle... y mejor será que tire el cuerpo en algún sitio, porque esos jodidos bastardos... de la oficina del fiscal del distrito te acabarán crucificando.
Memleketim tarafından beslendiğim için o gün neysem bugün hala O'yum.
I es eso que l es hoy because que yo fui nutrido por mi ciudad natal.
* Çünkü kolay biriyim ben *
# Because I'm easy
* Kolay biriyim ben *
# Because I'm easy
Because it's so important to have that special somebody... to hold, kiss, miss... to squeeze and please!
Because it's so important to have that special somebody... to hold, kiss, miss... to squeeze and please!
Yemin ediyorum bunu ödeyecekler... because when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
¡ Les aseguro que pagarán por esto! ¡ Verán nadie me detendrá!
Okay, man, don't jump in my face because you let your friend play you.
Bueno, viejo, no te enojes conmigo porque tu amigo te engañó.
And you're gonna stand by and let that girl die... because your father needs to stay clean so he can start a casino?
¿ Y tú te vas a quedar ahí parado y vas a dejar que ella muera... porque tu papá necesita estar limpio para obtener la licencia del casino?
Because that's the only thing that got us out of the jungle, with our minds.
Porque eso fue lo único que nos sacó de la guerra con nuestras mentes enteras.
"You can make this promise Because it's true"
"Puedes hacer esta promesa porque es verdad"
# Çünkü her zaman elinin altındaydım
Because you've got one you'll never lose
"Because one day" "you might not slide"
Porque un día no se podrán escapar
Bana boyun eğdiriyor.
"I surrender because" finalmente me rindo
Strange thing is after playing this poor fool farmer for a while, I can't help but feel sorry for him because no one cares.
Extraña es que después de interpretar a este pobre tonto campesino por un tiempo, no puedo dejar de sentir pena por él porque a nadie le importa.
* Got no resources in a great big stupor * - Bu büyük uyuşuklukta kaynağımız yok - * All because of the evil King Koopa *
# No tenemos recursos pero tenemos un gobierno... # #... a cargo del malvado rey Koopa #
Ben gönderildim, çünkü o en iyisini istedi.
I was sent because he wanted the best.
Because- - Çünkü sistemi anlıyorum, yapabildiğime inanıyorum, uh- - Onu kontrol edebilirim, belki tamamen kontrol değil,
Porque entiendo el sistema, creo que puedo controlarlo, quizá no totalmente, pero sí domarlo para conseguir algo bueno.
Herkesin ailesi, etrafında pervane olmayabilir ama benimkiler oluyor çünkü..
Now not every family would go by on a conveyor belt for you... but mine would because- -
Herkesin ailesi, etrafında pervane olmayabilir ama benimkiler oluyor çünkü..
Now, not every family would go by on a conveyor belt for you... but mine would because- -
Herkesin ailesi, etrafında pervane olmayabilir ama benimkiler oluyor çünkü..
Now, not every family would go by on a conveyor belt for you... but mine would, because- -
Herkesin ailesi, etrafında pervane olmayabilir ama benimkiler oluyor çünkü..
Now, not every family would go by on a conveyor belt for you... but mine would because...
Çünkü mecburdum.
Because I had to.
Ben kabul etmiştim çünkü... Bak.
I agreed only because...
Çünkü, artık sen sorumluluk sahibi bir gelin olmalısın.
Because, now you've to become a responsible daughter-in-law.
Now, not every famiIy wouId defy gravity for you... but mine wouId because- -
Ahora, no todas las familias desafían la gravedad por uno. Pero la mía si porque- -
Hayır anlamıyorsun, because what I was gonna say before this world-according-to-Pacey speech is that this has nothing to do with getting Jen in the sack. It has to do with one thing...
No, porque lo que iba a decir antes de este sermón sobre el mundo según Pacey, es que esto no tiene que ver con ninguna señal sino con una sola cosa.
Just because you're on steroids, doesn't mean you can barge in line.
Esto le parecerá un insulto pero el hecho de que consumas esteroides no significa que puedes moverte al lugar que quieras en la fila.
... and because you do not feel for him what a young heated fancy imagines to be necessary for happiness...
Por tanto sólo añadiré que puesto que no sientes por Mr Crawford lo que una imaginación joven considera necesario para ser feliz...
"Because Mintos puts the fresh in life"
"Porque Mintos pone frescor en tu vida."
Maybe it's because I'm so versatile [Çok yönlüyüm adamım belki ondan]
Quizás porque soy un loco de atar
Çünkü seni çok seviyorum.
"Because I love you too much"
Shag, bi-level, bob, Dorothy Hamill do sosis bukleler, tavuk kanatları hepsi senin yüzünden zevk düşkünlüğünden
Shag, bi-level, bob, Dorothy Hamill do Sausage curls chicken wings It's all because of you
Flip,'fro, frizz, flop hepsi senin yüzünden hepsi senin yüzünden
Flip,'fro, frizz, flop It's all because of you It's all because of you
ve şimdi de seyahat acentesini açmam gerekiyor, Çünkü koca popolu kız arkadaşı ve o çok meşgul
Ahora debo ir a abrir la agencia de viajes, because some jack-off... y su novia culona esta muy ocupada.
It's all good because we'll get Club Landon and Club Eric jumping now.
Todo bien, el Club Landon y eI Club Eric van a bailar.
Because l don't know iF l'm ever gonna come back here.
Porque no sé si regrese.
"Are you sad because you're on your own?"
"Are you sad because you're on your own?"
\ Because I'm gonna buy the records that they play on the radio... Bu dünyaya ait değilmiş hissi veren şarkıları sevmez misin?
Me encantan las canciones sobre la vida extraterrestre.

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