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Being tradutor Espanhol

182 parallel translation
Ve sonra rüya gördüm Büyük bir tiyatroda idim where one of my motion pictures was being shown,
Y después soñé que estaba en un cine enorme... dónde se proyectaba una de mis películas.
He says he knows nothing. He's being smart.
El dice que no sabe nada.
And that's for being his friend.
Y esto por ser su amigo.
And l do appreciate you being'round
Y agradezco que estés a mi lado.
- lt's on the map as being here.
- El mapa dice que sí.
I remember that thing being over there.
Recuerdo que lo están por allí.
# Öyleyse yapın seçiminizi de Keyif verelim size
♪ So make your choice and we'll rejoice in never being free ♪
l mean, you don't know me. l try to come off like l'm being cool all the time.
Tu no me conoces. Trato de andar como si fuera genial todo el tiempo.
The closer we get to Mithra... the more everyone gets to thinking about being redesigned.
Al acercarse a Mithra... todos tiemblan porque los van a rediseñar.
It's like a scar, Sonny, being related to those people.
Estar relacionados con esa gente es como una cicatriz, Sonny.
Is that what being a man is?
¿ Eso es lo que significa ser un hombre?
That's what being a man is all about.
Eso es ser un hombre.
Affedersin. Zavallı, tâlihsiz polis memurumuzu düşünüyordum. Wilde'nin Dürüst Olmanın Önemi adlı oyunu aklıma geldi de bu çok kötü bir çizgi.
Discúlpeme, pensaba en nuestro desgraciado policía y la obra de Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, me vino a la mente en esa maravillosa y perversa línea.
Ben they usually did it... which is different than being guilty as charged.
Dije que usualmente lo hicieron.... que es diferente a ser culpable de los cargos.
Why are you being so reluctant?
¿ Por qué es tan reacia?
Quit being so fucking cute!
iDeja de ser tan jodidamente adorable!
It's me being violent.
Aquí el único violento soy yo.
Billy, being here has been good for me bu yüzden acaba kaba olmadan ayrılmanı istesem?
Billy, estar aquí ha sido bueno para mí, así que quiero encontrar el modo de pedirte con delicadeza que que te vayas.
Çok karizmatiksin. Diğerleri gibi iğrençleşmiyorsun.
You're cool without being really obnoxious about it.
Vücutla ellere ya da ellerle vücuda dokunamamak....
Not being able to touch hands with body or body with hands...
Supreme Being'in zalimlerin tarafında olduğuna dair şüphelerim var.
Dudo que el Ser Supremo esté de parte de los tiranos.
Ben ikiyüzlü davranmakla değilim, Ben being- - değilim
No estoy siendo hipócrita. No estoy...
If anything, I appreciate your being honest.
Además, aprecio que seas honesta conmigo.
Seemed like I always fall short of being worthy
Seemed like I always fall short of being worthy
Seems like I always fall short of being worthy
Seems like I always fall short of being worthy
Seemed like we always fall short of being worthy
Seemed like we always fall short of being worthy
Bunu bilemiyceksin. Are You Being Served'deki gay karakter kimdir?
Esto es para pillarte. ¿ Quien hace el papel de gay en "Han sido atendidos"?
Ben ve Molly Sugden "Are You Being Served?" den yıllar öncesinden beri arkadaşız.
Yo y Amparo Baró somos amigas desde hace siglos, mucho antes de "Siete Vidas"
Pardon "Are You Being Served?" deki kadından mı bahsediyorsunuz? . Um...
¿ Disculpe, no era esa mujer que salía en la serie "Are You Being Served?"?
Bu kadar pimpirikli, ısrarcı ve aşırı korumacı bir baş belası olduğu için...
Por ser un pesado entrometido, metomentodo, FOR BEING A NAGGING, INTRUSIVE, y sobreprotector.
Şu andan itibaren araştırmayı durduruyorum.
For the time being I've blocked the investigation.
We'll take 60, and you'll take 40, being as that Maggie's the draw.
Nosotros tomaremos el 60 y tu el 40, ya que Maggie es la atraccion.
Being Jewish çok zor
Ser judío es muy duro.
Savunmasız olmak nasıl bir duyguymuş?
Te gusta la sensación de estar You like that? You like the feeling of being indefensa?
"Being There" ayrıca... Durum kötü değil mi?
"Being There", parece que es mala, ¿ no?
"Being There," hani şu...
"Being There", ya sabes, Peter Sellers.
Ah, Amerikan Filmleri'70 "ler..." Being There. "
Ah, "Being There", de Estados Unidos, de los 70.
Well, some of them thought that you weren't being totally upfront about your head injury.
Algunos creen que no has sido totalmente sincero sobre tu herida en la cabeza.
I think we're being countered.
Creo que tenemos compañía. Echaré un vistazo. Fuera.
Being born a man's a big enough handicap Bi enbesil doğuyor
Provenir de un hombre ya es un gran obstáculo en sì, sin haber nacido de un imbècil.
# Burada olmaktan yoruldum
I'm tired of being here
# Yanlış yapmaktan yoruldum
I'm tired of being wrong
# Üç gündür burada olduktan sonra
After three days of being there
"Medium" Çeviri : sub _ ugur
Medium Temporada 4 Capitulo 15 Being Joey Carmichael
İşlemlerin her zaman sonuçtan önemli olduğunu söyleyip durdum.
¿ En serio? lo que realmente valoraba era un ideal superficial. { I was being idealistic and sanctimonious by always saying... that the means were more important than the ends. } { Me gustó mas la version de GG pero mira tu a ver cual es... XD } { } { } { separar lineas }
Their names are being with held pending notification of their family.
Sus nombres no se han hecho públicos a la la espera de notificarlo a su familia.
- Yeh, just when he was being accepted, he has to leave and start all over.
- Empezábamos a aceptarlo, y se va.
# Super-human being # # İyi misin, baba?
- ¿ Estás bien, papá?
Their bodies are being flushed out
¿ Están todos...?
- Bir Yerde filmi gibi.
Es como "Being There".
Being There ile Arabistanlı Lawrence karışımı bir şey.
Es "Being There" con "Lawrence of Arabia".

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