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Hold tradutor Espanhol

384 parallel translation
"Gerçek aristokrat, Murphy" sımsıkı tutar " askılarına teslim olur.
"El auténtico aristócrata adora los suspensores Murphy Hold'Em Up."
Sımsıkı tutar kısmını daha parlak harflerle bassınlar.
Usa un color brillante para "Hold'Em Up".
"Holt and Son", Mimarlık ve Dekoratörlük.
" Hold e Hijos, Constructores y decoradores.
Hey. "Hold Me" yi biliyor musun?
¿ Conoces "Hold Me"?
Sakin ol Pluto, işini bitireceğim.
Hold on Pluto, yo lo entiendo.
Başını dik tut
Hold your head up high
Gel haydi sana sarılayım
Come on, let me hold you
People, when you do fii nd that special somebody... you gotta hold that man, hold that woman... love him, please him, squeeze her, please her!
People, when you do find that special somebody... you gotta hold that man, hold that woman... love him, please him, squeeze her, please her!
Because it's so important to have that special somebody... to hold, kiss, miss... to squeeze and please!
Because it's so important to have that special somebody... to hold, kiss, miss... to squeeze and please!
Listen, if the transmission does hold together... you think we're gonna be able to bluff our way through the roadblock ahead?
¿ Crees que los engañaremos... y pasaremos la barricada?
- Hold it, he's mine.
- Esperad, es cosa mía.
Müşterilerim gidene kadar tutmaya çalışıyordum.
He intentado hold a cabo hasta que mis clientes izquierda.
Zeno, we get the hold.
Zeno, prepara todo.
Go back to the ice hold.
Vuelvan a la congeladora.
I just came by to tell you... that you're not the first cop who had his friend hold out on him.
Sólo vine a decirte... que no eres el primer policía con amigos que no le dicen la verdad.
I can hold my head up in the street.
Puedo levantar la frente en la calle.
I'm taking hold of my life
Estoy tomando las riendas de mi vida.
Arbada kal.
Hold on to the car.
Ve bu bana sıkıca sarılmana bayıldığım andır.
And this is the time I love for you to hold me tight
Sen varsın elimi tutacak
* I got you To hold my hand *
* Beni sıkıca tutuğun Zaman ısınıyorum *
* Fever when you Hold me tight *
# Seni alıcam ve sıkıca sarılıcam
I'm gonna take you, girl, and hold you
Seninle bir tür bağı var gibi.
It's like she has some kind of hold on you.
I suggest we hold here while the rest of the army attacks the other flank.
Sugiero que permanezcamos aquí, mientras el resto del ejército ataca los otros flancos.
# # Tut beni # #
# # Hold Me # #
Bir soyguncu sana takman için maskesini mi verdi?
Un hombre de hold-Up te dio su máscara para usar?
Bu taş gibi vücut. Bu ellenesi popo.
Este cuerpo duro como una roca, este "Hold Me" Heinie.
- Hold on.
- Espere.
Hold on.
Un momento.
Hold this against his ear.
Sujete esto contra la oreja.
Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars hold my hand Bırak göreyim Jüpiter ve Mars'ta baharın nasıl olduğunu.
Permíteme ver como es la primavera en Júpiter y Marte.
[Announcer] Fasten your seat belts and hold onto your hats, everyone.
Ajustense los cinturones, tomense de las manos
Elini tutmak istiyorum...
I wanna hold you hand...
Çin'de, we hold the welfare of the state above that of the individual.
En China, anteponemos al Estado por sobre el bienestar individual.
Sipariş hazır! Yentl çorbası, James Beans, ve bir Howdy hold the Doody.
Sopa Yentl, Fríjoles James y un Hola, cancelen el Doody.
Biliyor musun? Aptal şeyler hakkında heyecanlanırım People dergimin Cumartesi gelmesi ve yeni Her şeyi Saklayın kataloğumun gelmesi gibi.
Y me emociono con tonterías y el catálogo de Hold Everything.
Bunu sırf yetişkin biri olup senin pisliklerinden kurtulmak için yapıyorum.
Y sólo para mostrarte que soy madura, voy a tirar toda la porquería de "Hold Everything". ¡ Sí!
( everything you want is up. ) Bekle, dur, kapa çeneni ( "Wait up, hold up, shut up." )
"Espera ahí, aguarda ahí, silencio ahí."
Kiss me I'm coming Hold me I'm humming.
¡ Esa es buena! " ¡ Bésame, que acabo!
- Texas Yakala.
- Texas Hold'em.
Elinde tuttuğun harita eksik olsa bile
# Although the map you hold is far from complete Aunque el mapa se mantenga lejos para completarse
Ateşi kesin. Hold your fire.Beyaz bayrak!
¡ Bandera blanca!
# # The hands that hold the sceptres, every head that holds a crown
Los que empuñan el cetro Cada cabeza que lleva corona
~ Hold me, hold me... ~ - Bayan Beatrice,
- Miss Beatrice,
100 ) } Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars hold my hand
En otras palabras ; Sostén mi mano.
100 ) 1 } Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars hold my hand
En otras palabras ; Sostén mi mano.
Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars hold my hand
En otras palabras ; Sostén mi mano.
100 ) \ k28 } Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars hold my hand
En otras palabras ; Sostén mi mano.
d when marimba rhythms start to play d d Dance with me d d Make me sway d d Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore d d Hold me close d d Sway me more d d Like a flower bending in the breeze d
♪ Cuando la marimba empiece a sonar ♪ ♪ Baila conmigo ♪ ♪ Balancéame ♪
And you'll still hold the record... alone.
Y seguirás teniendo el record tú sola.
"I won't hold back I'll give you everything"

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