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Translate.vc / Turco → Espanhol / [ S ] / Someone

Someone tradutor Espanhol

158 parallel translation
That someone is in love
Que alguien se ha enamorado
You cannot leave someone like that to do what he wants!
No puedes dejar a alguien así que haga lo que quiera.
I knew someone like you once.
Se lo que vivieron una vez.
Help! You know l need someone
Ayuda, sabes que necesito de alguien.
You know l need someone Help!
, sabes que necesito de alguien, ¡ Ayuda!
# # It's having someone near
Es tener a alguien cerca
# # Someone dear
Alguien querido
# # Someone to care for, to be there for
Alguien por quien preocuparte Por quien estar allí
# # Someone to do for, muddle through for
Alguien por quien hacer cosas Por quien terminar algo a la diabla
# # Someone to share joy or despair with
Alguien con quien compartir Alegría o desesperanza
# # Someone to tend to, be a friend to
Alguien por quien preocuparte De quien ser un amigo
# # Someone to strive for, do or die for
Alguien por quien esforzarse Por quien vencer o morir
# # I have you two # # Someone to smile once in a while with
Alguien con quien sonreír De vez en cuando
Someone to love
~ Someone to love
Yerinde siz olsanız ve birisi size silah doğrultmuş olsa ne yapardnız?
If it was you and someone pointed a gun at you, what would you do?
Listen, sweetheart, this may be butting in where I don't belong but don't you think someone should say something?
Escucha cariño, puede ser que me entrometa donde no debo. ¿ Pero no crees que alguien debería decir algo?
Başkasının karısıyla çimlerdeyim...
I'm on the lawn with someone else's wife
# Çünkü sana çok benzeyen birini kaybettim
Cos I lost someone just like you
I've never seen someone eat so much.
No he visto a nadie comer tanto.
"Beni Kollayacak Biri" üzerinde çalışabilir miyiz?
¿ Podemos ensayar "Someone to Watch Over Me"?
With someone else's head
Con la cabeza de otro
When I was someone else instead
Cuando yo era en cambio alguien más
Yeni tanıştığın birine nasıl aşık olabilirsin?
How can you be in love with someone you just met?
# But I need someone I can cry to
# Pero necesito a alguien a quien pueda llorar
# I need someone to protect
# Necesito a alguien para proteger
Aynen bir maymunun kafesinden çıkıp tekerlekte sallanması gibi.
It's like someone went into the ape cage and took out the tire swing.
- "Goodnight My Someone"
- ¿ Qué? - "Buenas noches, amor mío".
"Goodnight My Someone" ı...
¿ Cantas eso?
- Someone to be counted.
- Alguien que haga la diferencia.
You know, for someone who views himself as a tragically nice guy I spend an awful lot of time apologizing.
Para ser un tío que se considera dramáticamente bueno, pido disculpas a menudo.
- Ne istiyorsun?
- Que quieres? - Find someone who's turning
- Sıradan olmak kadar kötü birşey olduğunu sanmıyorum.
- No creo que haya algo peor que ser ordinaria. - Find someone who's turning
- Evet. Tim öldükten sonra ve annem hastalandıktan it seemed like there needed to be someone to be the glue sonra aileyi bir arada tutacak birinin olması gerekiyordu. En güçlü aday bendim.
Sí, después de que Tim murió y de que mi mamá se necesitaba que alguien uniera la familia y creo que yo era la mejor candidata.
"If someone takes a spill it's me and not you"
" Si alguien se puede caer soy yo y no tú
Bilgisayar, Someone To Watch Over Me çal, Enstrümantal olarak.
Toca el tema "Alguien me está mirando" Solo instrumental.
"VİRTÜÖZ" Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah.
Someone's in the kitchen l know - ow - ow - ow
Someone's in the kitchen, I know.
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah
Someone gets soared the party loses its point person and gets wiped out.
Alguien se alzó el clan pierde su componente crucial y es descalificada.
lf you have someone who has enough power... to put you in solitary confinement you will run.
Si tienes a alguien que tiene poder suficiente... para que usted tenga en régimen de incomunicación que se ejecutará.
Hey, someone could get hurt.
Alguien puede salir herido.
Someone rapping?
¿ Hay alguien?
Senin gibi biri uğruna.
"Someone like you" Alguien como tú
# Of someone that I knew ( Tanıdığım birinden ) #
# # De alguien que conocí # #
# Was how to shoot at someone ( Nasıl ateş edileceğiydi birisine ) # # Who outdrew you ( Senden hızlı olan ) #
# # Fue cómo dispararle a alguien que desenfundó antes que ti # #
Birilerini arayayım mı?
Can I call someone for you?
Çocuklar birine inanmak zorundadır.
A kid's gotta believe in someone.
Özellikle de onun gibi genç biri için.
Especially from someone as young as him.
- Tanrım, Maurice'in annesi için dualarımızı kabul et.
* where someone has to die Señor. Te pedimos que oigas nuestra plegaria por la madre de Maurice Williams.
seni kayıran birisine yardım et sen.
Help someone who can repay the favor.
"Oh, I need someone to love."
"Oh, I need someone to love."

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