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Translate.vc / Turco → Espanhol / [ T ] / Then

Then tradutor Espanhol

288 parallel translation
# And then suddenly watch it vanish away #
Y a veces ves que, de pronto, desaparece.
# And then presto, chango fiddle-dee-dee #
Pero luego, ¡ tachán!
- Canınız cehenneme!
Then droppen sie deadl
Kıçına bir tekme.. 157 00 : 19 : 48,100 - - 00 : 19 : 51,700 and then you would have him out of the way in no time at all.
Un disparo por la espalda.
Then, why does that man see her when I cannot?
¿ Entonces, por qué aquel hombre la ve cuándo yo no puedo?
I heard a yell and then a crash.
No se. Oí un grito y luego un golpe.
Then better go and get him.
Entonces es mejor ir y atraparlo.
But ev'ry now and then l feel so insecure l know that l just need you like l've never done before
Pero ahora que me siento tan inseguro. Se que te necesito como nunca antes.
- # # Then up from the ashes - # # Up from the ashes
Oh, sí Entonces de las cenizas
# Araştır bakalım
♪ Then can you dig it ♪
# Then you are # # indeed the true #
Entonces eres... el auténtico...
Then gay youth was mine
La alegre juventud era mía
# Then I'll start roarin'
Después empezaré a rugir...
# Then stick on it just like glue...
Y pueda pegarme bien a él...
- Bence hit olacak.
- And then the harder they come - ¿ Por qué no? .
First down to Rosie's, and then to the card house.
¶ Primero visito a Rosie, ¶ ¶ y luego al juego de cartas ¶
Pekâla.. şimdi biraz daha ye.
Well, then... Come un poco más.
... ben doğmadan önceymiş.
"ni-juu-San-nen" = "twenty-tres años."... then antes de que era i nació.
* Eğer Bluebird uçabiliyorsa, neden ben uçamıyorum *
# Well, if the bluebird flies then why can't I
* Sonra kollarına alırdı sallanır koltukta beni *
# Then he holds me in the rocking chair
* Pahalı tereyağıdır benim kız da *
# Then she is the high-priced spread
* Birçok şeyi o zaman *
# A lot of things then
* O zamanlar gençtik ve beraberdik *
# We were young then We were together
* O zamanlar gençtik *
# We were young then
Since then, it's moved up to the sixth grade. ls that it?
Desde entonces, se trasladó hasta el sexto grado. Es eso verdad?
I was struggling to get money to start this place... and then Julia got pregnant.
Luché por conseguir el dinero para abrir este lugar... y luego Julia se embarazó.
If you can get up in the morning and look in the mirror... and be proud of what you see... then you fulfill that obligation.
Si puedes levantarte en las mañanas, mirarte al espejo y sentirte orgulloso... entonces cumple ese compromiso.
If you can't, then you're worth nothing to nobody.
Si no puedes, entonces no vales nada para nadie.
Then what is the answer, Sonny?
Entonces ¿ cuál es la respuesta, Sonny?
Let's call her up and take her with you so she can meet this girl... and then you shoot her, right in front of her... so your wife can see what you really are.
La llamamos y la llevas contigo para que conozca a la chica... y luego tú le disparas, enfrente de ella, para que tu esposa sepa quién eres.
Win the contest and you'll be dancing a day way on DTV. But untill then, for all of you guys, from whole of the auditorium, including Ricky, the DTV regulars and me, Garry Word, we say great one.
Hasta entonces para todos ustedes de parte del equipo, incluyendo a Nikki los bailarines de "BTV" yyo, Gary Woods que se diviertan.
Sonra o dedi ki...
Then she said what
I had a short fuse back then, like now.
Entonces era de poca paciencia, como ahora.
# Keep it up like this and then "Murder", he says
Sigue así, y luego "Asesinato", dice
Dünyadaki tüm tuzlar bile onun bozulmasına engel olamaz.
Ni toda la sal del mundo podría haber evitado esta ruina then.
O zaman biz kaplumbağaları boşverin!
Then give it up for us turtles!
Sonra bayılmışım.
Then I passed out.
Hadi, kardeşine yardım et. Ben gidiyorum o zaman.
Vamos, ayuda a tu hermana i ´ m off then
Gentlemen, if we do not withdraw and if we do not maneuver in the face of the enemy then we must attack. Is there any other alternative?
Caballeros, si no nos retiramos y no hacemos maniobras frente al enemigo entónces tenémos que atacar. ¿ Hay otra alternativa?
Then... Then the politicians will press him to attack us.
Luego los políticos los presionan para que nos ataquen.
# # Ve sonra bir gün # #
# # And Then One Day # #
You're going to find her gone, you're going to find her gone Cause l will treat her right and then You'll be the lonely one, you're not the only one
Porque yo la trataré bien y entonces tu serás el que estará solo.
"Then I'm going to say that I'll know my way."
"Then I'm going to say that I'll know my way."
I knew what's wrong with them, that I was smaller, then. "
"... I knew what's wrong with them, that I was smaller, then. "
"... and then I'll know that all I've learned... "
"... and then I'll know that all I've learned... "
"... and then I'll know that all I've learned, my kid... "
"... and then I'll know that all I've learned, my kid... "
"... then I'll know that all I've learned, my kid assumes... "
"... then I'll know that all I've learned, my kid assumes... "
Hazır mısın?
You ready, then?
Parayı şimdi istiyorum.
And then the harder they come the harder they'll fall
Well, ya play that Tarantella All the hounds will start to roar The boys all go to hell and then the Cubans hit the floor
- Gidelim hadi.
Then let's go.

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