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Translate.vc / Turco → Francês / [ G ] / Give

Give tradutor Francês

477 parallel translation
- Better give them time to clear the roads.
Attends la levée des barrages.
Paramı geri almam için bana bir şans ver.
Give me a chance to get my dough back.
Sana Aşkımdan Başka Bir Şey Veremem, Bebeğim şarkısından. "
l can t give you anything but love. " - C'est absurde!
Ama ikinci sırada olmam
" l'm ready to give you my heart, dear
İzin verirseniz onu geri istiyorum.
If you don t mind, give it back.
Adamı hasta etme!
Give it back! Ça suffit!
Dizinle vurabilirsin mesela ama bunu şimdi yapma ya da istersen bacağınla da vurabilirsin, anladın mı?
You can either give me a kick with your knee... but l'm not going to try that... or you can kick me in the shin, see?
"Sana aşkımdan başka hiçbir şey veremem, bebeğim" mi?
"Can't give you anything but love, baby"?
Got the old lstanbul blues lstanbul blues they give me 30 years ain't got nothing left to lose...
Je broie du noir à Istanbul le cafard d'Istanbul on me colle 30 ans je n'ai plus rien à perdre...
I'll give you a line on anything. Baseball, basketball, football, ponies.
Je peux vous filer des tuyaux pour tout : base-ball, basket, foot...
# Ucuz haplar satan #
# Who'd give you cheap pills #
There are many people, general, don't give a damn for a human soul, you know that?
Il ya beaucoup de gens, général, qui se fichent de l'humanité, vous savez?
- It doesn't give us much time.
- Ce qui nous laisse peu de temps.
I don't give a damn about Klingon philosophy.
Je me moque complètement de la philosophie klingonne.
Give me an hour, then head for the wormhole.
Donne-moi une heure, puis traverse le vortex.
If you want him to stop, give me a hand.
Si vous voulez qu'il arrête, aidez-moi.
You never give up, do you?
Vous ne laissez jamais tomber, pas vrai?
Sökül Red.
Give it up, rouge.
¶ Oh, give me a plank that looks down on the sea
Amarrez la planche face au ciel lointain
You intended to give me a gift... and it was wonderful.
Vous vouliez me faire un don... et cela a été merveilleux.
Bu mevsim kalbime ne isim vermeliyim.
"What name can I give this season of my heart"
Hadi ona büyük bir Berlin Hoşgeldini verelim, Kristina Papagapoulus!
Let's give a nice big Berlin-Welcome to the one and only Kristina Papagapoulus!
He'll give you a great character reference.
C'est peu. Mais elle sera flatteuse.
l`m gonna have to give them cab money to go home vermek zorunda kalacağım, çünkü eğer bunu yapmazsam kendimi kötü hissederim, ama ondan sonra güle güle fıstık.
Je leur donnerai quand même l'argent pour le taxi... sinon je me sentirai mal. Mais après ça, c'est salut ma belle.
- Give him my love and the things l never had
Il se serait dit que je suis un type cool
Hediye ver karışmayız yoksa, Ayaklarımızı koklarsın sonra... Birşey ver karnımızı doyurmaya.
Trick or Treat, smell of eat, give us something good to eat...
/ / Igotallmylife tolive Igotallmylove togive / /
/ / I got all my life to live I got all my love to give / /
/ / Aslong as Ihave love togive IknowI'llbealive / /
/ / As long as I have love to give I know l'll be alive / /
/ / I've gotallmylife tolive I've gotallmylove togive / /
/ / l've got all my life to live l've got all my love to give / /
- / I'm gonna giveyou the slip A slip ofthe hip /
/ / l'm gonna give you the slip, a slip of the hip / /
Let's give abig Coyote welcome to LeAnn Rimes.
Réservons un accueil de Coyote pour LeAnn Rimes.
- / / Andgive meamoment / /
/ / And give me a moment / /
- / / Andgive meamoment / / - Yüz elli! - Satıldı!
/ / And give me a moment / / - 150 dollars!
Niye her zaman kalbimi çöpe atıyorum?
What I wouldn't give for a working fireplace.
Je donnerais tout pour avoir une cheminée.
Bir kez daha, cuchi.
Give it to me one more time, coutchi!
Lord, give me strength.
Seigneur, aide-moi.
# Kendini ona verene kadar,
# You give yourself to him
# Kendini ona verene kadar.
# You give yourself to him... #
They ask you for give up the palanquin
Ils demandent à laisser tomber le palanquin
Give me an H. Give me a U.
Donnez-moi un H. Donnez-moi un U.
Give me a giant pussy-licking, ass-fucker cock shit!
bouffe ma chatte, bourre-cul, bite, merde!
But if you go out there and you give it your all that's heroic.
mais si là, tu y vas et tu te donnes à corps perdu... c'est un acte héroïque.
Just give it four years.
Essaie juste pendant quatre ans.
I mean, would you give him head?
Enfin, tu lui taillerais une pipe?
Give me your hand! Just give us the gun, Janey.
Donne le revolver, Janey...
My parents give a scholarship to girls who can't get into art school.
mes parents donnent une bourse à une étudiante en art, tous les ans!
- I say give the ball to Marty.
- On passe le ballon à Marty.
Give me a W!
Donnez-moi un W!
Give me a Y!
Donnez-moi un Y!
Give me a- - Lick my pussy ass cock shit!
Donnez-moi un... Lèche ma chatte, cul, bite, merde!

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