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Translate.vc / Turco → Russo / [ L ] / Luckiest

Luckiest tradutor Russo

5 parallel translation
"The Luckiest," Ben Folds Five.
"Счастливейшая" в исполнении Бен фолдс файв.
İçimden bir ses, bu olanlardan sonra sömürgelerdeki en şanslı yarım akıllı olduğunu söylüyor.
Part of me thinks you must be the luckiest halfwit in the colonies, the way this all played out.
♪ Are the luckiest people ♪
* Это самые счастливые люди *
♪ They're the luckiest people ♪
* Они самые счастливые люди *
♪ Are the luckiest people... ♪
* Это самые счастливые люди *

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