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Others tradutor Russo

58 parallel translation
Başkaları unutmuş görünse de, biz Amerikalılar gerginlik yaymanın riskini biliyoruz.
Линдон Джонсон : - Мы, Американцы, знаем, хотя другие, кажется, забывают... - We Americans know, although others appear to forget к чему приводит риск распространения конфликта.
Ve ben onu öldürenin Shane olduğunu anladıysam, onlar da anlar.
And if I'm coming to that conclusion... Shane... then others will, too.
Nasıl olur da oğlumun hayatını birçoklarının önüne koyarım?
How can I put my kid's life before so many others?
# dignified and true # # and do unto others # # as you'd have done to you #
Послание в бутылке, почтальон... Кевин Костнер. Ну...
♪ May you always do for others ♪
Alphia, WaterLove, sikildyavka, asst, kukla _ woodo
♪ May you always do for others ♪
WaterLove, sikildyavka, margareta440, RobertCoren, asst, Kaliopsa
♪ May you always do for others ♪
WaterLove, sikildyavka, Alphia
♪ May you always do for others ♪
WaterLove, Alphia, asst, Kaliopsa, sikildyavka
♪ And may your wishes all come true ♪ ♪ May you always do for others ♪
Перевели : sikildyavka, sanika _ san, WaterLove, ChristianSmith
# May God bless and keep you always # # and may your wishes all come true # # may you always do for others # # and let others do for you # # may you build a ladder to the stars #
Родители 4 сезон 6 серия "Я буду рядом" Перевели : WaterLove, sanika _ san, sikildyavka, ChristianSmith, lightlana
# May God bless and keep you always # # and may your wishes all come true # # may you always do for others # # and let others do for you # may you build a ladder to the stars #
Родители 4 сезон 7 серия "Солидарность" Перевели : lightlana, sikildyavka, WaterLove, sanika _ san
# May God bless and keep you always # # and may your wishes all come true # # may you always do for others # # and let others do for you # # may you build a ladder to the stars #
Родители 4 сезон 8 серия "Совместные выходные" Перевели : Atabaska, sanika _ san, WaterLove, sikildyavka
♪ and may your wishes all come true ♪ ♪ may you always do for others ♪
Перевели : sikildyavka, sanika _ san, WaterLove
# May God bless and keep you always # # and may your wishes all come true # # may you always do for others # # and let others do for you # # may you build a ladder to the stars #
Родители 4 сезон 10 серия "Переполох в раю" Перевели : WaterLove, sikildyavka, sanika _ san
♪ may you always do for others ♪ ♪ and let others do for you ♪
WaterLove и sikildyavka
Diğerlerine çalışmaya devam edin ve ben de ikiye ilk aramı vereyim.
Let's keep working the others and I'll make my first cut to the two.
♪ and may your wishes all come true ♪ ♪ may you always do for others ♪
Перевели : sikildyavka, WaterLove, ChristianSmith, sanika _ san
♪ and may your wishes all come true ♪ ♪ may you always do for others ♪
Перевели : sikildyavka и WaterLove
♪ may you always do for others ♪ ♪ and let others do for you
Перевели : sikildyavka, WaterLove, sanika _ san
Bir işi başkalarının yapmasına göz yummak zordur.
It is hard to let others take over.
Buna göz yummam.
I don't let others take over.
Hayır, sen yatağına git. Diğerlerini de götür.
No, go to bed.Take the others with you.
♪ and let others do for you
YarDen, WaterLove, Irene _ B, sikildyavka и asst
Diğerlerini bulmamız için bıraktılar.
We didn't get to find the others.
Hayır, böyle bir isimden bahsetmedi.
No. - She was found together with six others.
- Filmlerde başkalarıyla seks yaptı mı?
- Did she have sex with others in movies?
♪ and let others do for you
Irene _ B, WaterLove, sikildyavka, sanika _ san
♪ and let others do for you
WaterLove, sikildyavka, Irene _ B, sanika _ san
♪ and let others do for you
WaterLove, sanika _ san, sikildyavka, Irene _ B
♪ may you always do for others ♪ ♪ and let others do for you
Перевели : renta _ karpova, WaterLove, ZegDerTeg, sikildyavka
Diğerini ilk önce ele veren anlaşmayı alır.
First suspect to flip on the others gets the deal.
♪ and let others do for you
WaterLove, U _ Lea, sikildyavka
♪ and let others do for you
WaterLove, sikildyavka, U _ Lea
Senin ve diğerlerinin yardımı olmasaydı silahların alınamayacağını söyledim.
I told her she would not have her guns without yours and the others'help.
- Peki diğerleri?
And the others? Human.
♪ may you always do for others ♪ ♪ and let others do for you
Перевели : inola, WaterLove, Olivia2013 и sikildyavka
♪ may you always do for others ♪ ♪ and let others do for you
Перевели : inola, sanika _ san, Olivia2013, sikildyavka и WaterLove
d May God bless and keep you always d d and may your wishes all come true d d may you always do for others d d and let others do for you d d may you build a ladder to the stars
Родители, 5 сезон, 15 серия "Как дома" Перевели : marina _ o, sanika _ san, inola, WaterLove и sikildyavka
♪ may you always do for others ♪ ♪ and let others do for you
Перевели : inola, marina _ o, sanika _ san, WaterLove и sikildyavka
♪ and may your wishes all come true ♪ ♪ may you always do for others ♪ ♪ and let others do for you ♪
Перевели : sikildyavka, marina _ o, inola, sanika _ san и WaterLove
d May God bless and keep you always d d and may your wishes all come true d d may you always do for others d d and let others do for you d d may you build a ladder to the stars d
Родители, 5 сезон, 17 серия "Ад" Перевели : WaterLove, marina _ o, inola, sikildyavka
♪ may you always do for others ♪ ♪ and let others do for you ♪
Перевели : inola, sikildyavka, marina _ o, WaterLove и sanika _ san
♪ may you always do for others ♪ ♪ and let others do for you ♪
Перевели : inola, WaterLove, sanika _ san, marina _ o и sikildyavka
Ben de diğerleri gibi kullanılıp atılacak bir şeyim sadece.
I'm just something to be thrown away, like all the others in there.
Beni öldür, beni dirilt, but spare the others.
Kill me, resurrect me, but spare the others.
Diğerlerini nasıl öğrendi henüz bilmiyoruz.
We don't know how he learned about the others yet.
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = d May God bless and keep you always d d and may your wishes all come true d d may you always do for others d d and let others do for you d
Синхронизация и коррекция by elderman
♪ may you always do for others ♪
- Нет, неправда. - Нет, правда.
♪ and let others do for you
- Просто у тебя ушло 10 лет, чтобы всего лишь отрастить вот это вот.
♪ may you always do for others ♪
Перевели :
â ™ ª May God bless and keep you always â ™ ª â ™ ª and may your wishes all come true â ™ ª â ™ ª may you always do for others â ™ ª â ™ ª and let others do for you â ™ ª

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