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I thought it was good перевод на французский

455 параллельный перевод
What happened? – I thought it was good news.
C'est pas une bonne nouvelle?
I didn't dale until I thought it was good enough.
J'attendais de faire quelque chose de bien.
I thought it was good that we came.
Je pensais que ce serait préférable qu'on vienne.
I thought it was good.
Je pense que c'est pas mal.
I thought it was pretty good.
Je la trouvais bien.
Good morning. lt's cold outside. - Why, I thought it was real pleasant.
- C'est agréable.
- I thought it was rather good, sir.
- Je me trouvais plutôt bien.
- Commandant Good, Marine royale.
- Not as good as I thought it was.
- Pas aussi bonne que je le croyais.
I'm sorry you feel that way about it. I thought I was doing you a good turn.
 Je croyais bien faire. " désole.
I just thought it was a good idea.
C'est une bonne idée.
- I thought it was a good idea.
I thought it was quite good.
Je l'ai bien aimée.
Well, Miss Gilmore or no Miss Gilmore... if I wrote a story I thought was good, I wouldn't care what anybody said about it... or how many editors turned it down.
Si j'avais écrit un bon livre, je me moquerais de son avis. Ou de combien de fois on l'a rejeté.
I thought about waiting for him and letting him have it... but there was a good chance in my condition I might miss... so I decided to crawl away like a poisoned dog.
J'ai pensé l'attendre pour lui régler son compte, mais dans mon état, je risquais de le manquer. Et j'ai décidé de ramper comme un chien empoisonné.
I thought it was too good to be true.
Je savais que c'était trop beau pour être vrai.
- What is it? I don't know if it's any good or not, but I thought... I was wondering, if I gave you and Buckley about $ 1,500, how would you like to elope?
Si je vous donnais... 1 500 dollars à Buckley et à toi?
I thought it was a good idea.
Je pensais que c'était une bonne idée.
Because you and I thought it was a good idea,
Nous pensions que ça pouvait faire bien.
So I thought it would do him some good after Letterman. It was a mistake.
Il n'aurait pas dû revenir ici, après Letterman.
I thought it was a good speech.
C'était un bon discours.
When he gave me the fifty bucks I told him I thought it was a pretty good tip.
Quand il m'a donné le billet je lui ai dit que c'était trop.
I thought I was doing pretty good just to make it to here.
C'était déjà pas mal d'arriver ici.
- I thought it was rather good.
- J'en étais fière.
I thought because I didn't send.... He was as grateful as a St. Bernard, and I felt generous and warm-hearted inside. It was a good scene.
Il était touchant de gratitude et quel beau rôle pour moi!
But Artie was such a good friend of a young man... who helped him write a ransom note on a stolen typewriter... and who rented a black sedan from the Collins drive-yourself agency... on May 16, that I thought it might joggle your memory.
Artie était l'ami d'un jeune homme. Il l'a aidé à taper une demande de rançon sur une machine à écrire volée et a loué une voiture dans une agence le 16 mai. Cela réveille votre mémoire?
When I thought it was over, Ben, I felt good. I felt good inside.
Quand j'ai cru que c'était terminé, je me suis senti heureux.
I know it was stupid of me to take the bottle, but I knew Monsieur Meyer wouldn't be using it anymore, and... well, I thought I'd be doing somebody a good turn.
Je croyais rendre service.
I thought it was a bit too good to be true.
Je trouvais ça trop beau pour être vrai.
I thought it was rather good.
Je pense que c'était bien.
It's all this secretarial business. I got cramp in my gluteals and my dorsals were dormant, so I thought it was a good idea.
Le secrétariat me donne des crampes et mes dorsaux sont engourdis, je me suis décidée.
I thought that... it was a good thing.
J'ai cru... qu'il le fallait.
- I thought it was too good to be true.
- C'était trop beau pour etre vrai.
I thought it was a good idea to get a fresh start... where the surroundings wouldn't remind me of Dick.
C'était une bonne idée de recommencer á neuf... dans un environnement qui me me rappellerait Dick.
- That's why I thought it was a good idea. - Don't you wake him up...
Ne le réveille pas...
but I thought it was a good idea.
Pourtant, je la trouvais bonne.
Gee, Rex, that's too bad...'cause I listened to your idea, and I thought it was a good one, too.
Eh bien, c'est dommage, parce que j'ai écouté ton idée et je crois qu'elle est bonne.
- I thought it was pretty good.
Moi je trouve que si.
It's just because I was excited tonight, and it seemed like a good idea... and I thought of making these little cards and...
J'étais énervée ce soir, et ça semblait une bonne idée. Je pensais à ces cartes...
- What? I thought it was a good deal.
Moi, refuser une affaire?
I thought it was hello. But it was really good-bye.
Comme un bonjour... mais en fait, c'était un adieu!
Just between ourselves, Hatch I never thought it was a very good plan, anyway.
Entre nous, ton plan ne me semblait pas très bon.
At times I thought it was too much of a good thing, but I never refused.
Parfois j'ai pensé que c'était trop, mais je n'ai jamais refusé.
I thought it was pretty good.
Je pensais avoir bien agi.
A farmhand in the beginning when he was young, I thought, a young man, it's good for him to travel, take differentjobs.
Au début, je me disais, qu'il traîne, qu'il fasse des tas de métiers!
I thought it was a good trade as well.
Je crois aussi que c'est une bonne affaire.
I just thought it was a good idea to call is... is what I was gonna do.
J'ai pensé que c'était une bonne idée d'appeler.
I always thought it was good what you did. Why harp on it?
J'ai toujours pensé que ce que tu faisais, c'était bien.
Friday afternoon, I think it was Good Friday... we came back in the courtroom that afternoon... and we were sort of elated because we thought...
Vendredi après-midi, je crois que c'était le Vendredi saint, on est retournés au tribunal et on était super excités parce qu'on se disait :
Good. My French is a lot rustier then I thought it was.
Bien, mon français est plus rouillé que je ne pensais.
When Pete Thornton established a stress-relief program for Phoenix Foundation employees, I thought it was a pretty good idea.
Quand Pete Thornton a lancé son programme anti-stress pour la Fondation Phénix, j'ai tout de suite été séduit.

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