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Stoney перевод на французский

148 параллельный перевод
The usherette looked at us with stoney contempt.
L'ouvreuse nous écrasa de son mépris.
That's the works, huh, Stoney?
On a tout, Stoney?
That's all, Stoney. We'll take it up later.
On reprendra plus tard.
Why he never even smiled. Not once had a smile lit that stoney, sunless face.
Jamais un sourire n'éclairait son visage de pierre.
Stoney, Mace.
Stoney, Mace.
Meet me here in an hour, Stoney, and space out those drinks.
Rendez-vous dans 1 h, Stoney. Vas-y mollo avec la boisson.
- Looks like Stoney had an accident.
- Stoney! II a dû avoir un accident.
- Tomorrow it'll be Stoney Burough.
- Demain, ce sera Stoney Burough.
- What about Stoney Burough?
- Stoney Burough?
Somebody gave Stoney a new string tie.
On lui a offert une nouvelle cravate.
And now Stoney Burough.
Et maintenant, Stoney Burough.
He's putting up a reward for Stoney's murderer.
Il offre une récompense pour le meurtrier de Stoney.
Fred Carson was my friend, and I could even stand Stoney Burough.
Carson était mon ami, et j'arrivais même à supporter Stoney Burough.
The hanged man was a cheat. Stoney was a mean drunk.
Le pendu était un sale tricheur, Stoney un poivrot.
I'd say Fred and Stoney got killed by an outsider who got even for this hanging.
D'après moi, Fred et Stoney se sont fait tuer par un étranger. Quelqu'un qui cherche à venger le pendu.
But this outsider, this flower-picker, how did he find out Fred and Stoney were in the lynching party?
Cet étranger, cet amateur de fleurs, comment a-t-il su que Stoney et Fred avaient participé au lynchage?
For the hand that slew Fred Carson and Stoney Burough, I sought the Lord's forgiveness.
Pour la main qui a tué Fred Carson et Stoney Burough, j'ai imploré le pardon de Dieu.
Stoney with wire, Fred smothered, Mace got the rope.
Stoney, du barbelé, Fred étouffé, Mace, la corde.
And the Shoshone and the Kootenai and the Stoney.
Et les Shoshones et les Kootenais,
Stoney.. dig..
Stoney, tu aimes?
Mine is "Stoney".
Moi, c'est Stoney.
My name is Stoney.
Je m'appelle Stoney. Lui, c'est Ben.
Oh wow. ─ Leave her alone, Stoney.
Fiche-lui la paix, Stoney.
You going to put them up today, Stoney?
- Tu vas les coller aujourd'hui, Stoney?
Hey, Stoney man. Where you from?
Tu sors d'où, Stoney?
Old Stoney's got a pad all to himself.
Stoney a une piaule à lui tout seul.
You now how Stoney is about chicks.
Tu sais comment il est avec les nanas.
No, Stoney don't.
Non, Stoney.
You still playing games, Stoney?
Encore tes jeux, Stoney?
Stoney, right there!
Stoney, là.
Stoney.. Stoney, look
All burned out, Stoney.
Elle a brûlé.
I guess he was a little high Stoney.
Il était encore un peu stone, je crois.
I was watching Stoney.
Je regardais Stoney.
Games again, Stoney.
Encore tes jeux.
Stoney, I'm going out to take a walk.
- Stoney, je vais me promener.
Je ne sais pas.
Tell me your philosophy, Stoney.
Listen Stoney, what you really want is that little broad that just groped you.
Ce que tu veux vraiment, c'est la petite nana qui vient de te peloter.
You couldn't have been getting too much from Stoney anyway. ─ No.
Tu n'aurais pas tiré grand-chose de Stoney, de toute façon. Non, c'est vrai.
And now Stoney's off.. having himself a ball. ─ He sure is.
Et maintenant, il est parti, il prend son pied. - C'est sûr.
I might be better than Stoney.
Je serai peut-être meilleur que Stoney.
You're angry at Stoney and want revenge.
Tu es en colère contre Stoney, tu veux te venger.
Listen Stoney, nothing happened.
- Il ne s'est rien passé.
Damn it, stop it Stoney, stop it!
Bon sang, arrête.
The moment of truth and you go square, Stoney.
Un moment de vérité et tu deviens ringard.
You're righteous Stoney, but you're not very hip.
Tu es vertueux.
Here's Stoney.
Voici Stoney.
You take it out Stoney, you handle the camera
Va le promener, toi Stoney, tu vas filmer
That's it Stoney.
C'est ça.

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