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You married her перевод на французский

654 параллельный перевод
You married her last night.
Vous l'avez épousée hier soir.
And you married her?
Et vous l'avez épousée?
You married her. Oh, sure. You bet yourself.
Oui, ça, c'est sûr.
And prettier than the day you married her.
Et plus jolie qu'au jour de votre mariage.
So she retired from the stage and you married her shortly after?
Elle atout arrêté et vous l'avez épousée. Oui.
- Yes, but I'm not in love with her, Kitty. - Well, you married her.
Mais je ne l'aime pas.
I can't think why you married her.
Pourquoi l'as-tu épousée?
You mean you knew nothing of your wife's illness when you married her?
Vous voulez dire que vous ignoriez sa maladie quand vous l'avez épousé?
- Crazy when you married her?
Dès votre mariage?
You married her. Do you have to entertain her?
- Tu dois divertir ta femme?
You're her father. Wouldn't it be a shame for us to be at each others'throats like a pair of dogs, andI married to Anna.
Ce serait bête qu'un père et un gendre puissent pas se voir, comme des chiens.
Tell me... did you tell her you're getting married?
Tu lui as dit que tu allais te marier?
Married to her 12 years and you ask me?
Marié depuis 12 ans et vous me demandez ça?
You know she married a Dutchman. My dear, he used to beat her.
Elle a épousé un Hollandais qui la battait.
Now I know you never did because you married me with her image in your mind.
Mais tu ne m'as jamais aimée. Tu m'as épousée en ayant son image en tête.
It would be terrible if, after they were married, you came to find out that... her mother was someone you would be ashamed of.
Ce serait affreux... si, après leur mariage, vous découvriez... que sa mère était... quelqu'un dont vous auriez honte.
You see, she's been married two years and she's scarcely ever seen her husband.
Elle est mariée depuis deux ans, et elle voit à peine son mari.
Are you going to stay down there and get married to her?
Tu vas rester là et l'épouser?
If you'd kept out of it, I might have married her before the yacht crashed.
Si tu ne t'en étais pas mêlé, je l'aurais peut-être épousée avant le naufrage.
Is he married to her, do you think?
Bonne nuit. Tu crois qu'ils sont mariés?
You should've married Kitty. - You would've been happier with her.
Tu aurais dû épouser Kitty, elle t'aurait rendu plus heureux.
You married Amy against my wishes and her better judgement.
Vous l'avez épouse contre mon gré et en dépit du bon sens.
Did you ever hear Kinney speak of being married to her?
Vous n'avez jamais entendu dire à Kinney qu'il était marié avec elle?
Then, you weren't married to her?
Vous n'êtes pas marié avec elle?
And there was one persistent wretch who, well... To get rid of her, he said he was married to you.
L'une d'elles persistant... il s'est prétendu marié avec vous.
Told somebody you were married to her to get rid of another dame.
Dire que vous étiez mariés pour en éconduire une autre!
I thought that you being so crazy about her father... and she takin'after him so much that... well, if you and Stephen got married... why, Lollie could come and live with you.
Je pensais, comme vous êtes si amoureuse de son père et qu'elle tient tant de lui que, si vous et Stephen vous épousiez Lollie pourrait venir vivre avec vous.
Looks like Alice is going to get married, and I think she'll be very happy because we just met the boy you sent her and he looks fine.
On dirait qu'Alice va se marier, elle semble très heureuse. Nous avons vu le garçon que Vous lui avez envoyé, il est bien.
- That you never married her?
- Que tu n'était pas marié?
Well, you'll find her at the hotel. She's married.
Vous la trouverez à l'hôtel, elle est mariée.
I can't understand how you could've been married to her and know so little about her.
Je ne comprends pas. Tu as été son mari... et tu la connais si mal...
But it would just break her heart not to see Sugarpuss married. - You understand that?
Ça lui briserait le cœur de rater le mariage de Sugarpuss.
Oh, not because you're married to her, Pete, but you know.
Pas parce que tu l'as épousée, mais...
I don't like to think of her being married to you.
Ni qu'elle vous épouse.
I wouldn't call it very much of a future being married to you... spending the rest of her life on the run.
Je n'appellerais pas ça un avenir, être mariée avec toi, passer le reste de sa vie à fuir.
Well, Ellie May's gotta get married somewhere and if you don't take a fancy to her, I don't know where.
Il va bien falloir qu'ellle May se marie et si c'est pas avec toi, ce sera avec je ne sais pas qui.
She is not, nor will she ever be, married to that labor agitator that you so kindly picked out for her.
Elle n'a pas et n'épousera jamais cet agitateur d'ouvriers que vous avez eu l'amabilité de lui choisir.
Whether you marry her or not, she'll laugh tomorrow and go get married to somebody else.
Que vous l'épousiez ou que vous ne l'épousiez pas, elle rira demain et elle en épousera un autre.
I told her that you were going to be married.
Que vous alliez vous marier. Pourquoi?
Tony, I know I'm only your sister but when you married Gloria, we sort of counted her in the family...
Tony, je sais que je ne suis que ta sœur, mais quand tu as épousé Gloria, elle est devenue un membre de la famille...
Oh, it is certain, Corporal, that he's married to Nell Quickly. And certainly she did you wrong, for you were betrothed to her.
Il a épousé Nell Rapide et elle vous a trahi car vous lui étiez lié.
Oh, no. Well, now, I suppose you mean about her still being married. I don't mind saying, I had the same thought myself.
On penserait qu'étant déjà mariée...
Gretchen Crematante was a very brave and noble woman who against the wishes of her father... The baron, you know. - Married this young inventor who didn't have a sou, penniless.
La courageuse Gretchen Crématone, malgré l'opposition de son père, le baron, épouse un jeune inventeur sans le sou, sans un cent!
I give you fair warning, I'll do everything I can to keep her away from you, to help her forget about you and get her married to a guy who'll make her happy.
Je serai franc : je ferai tout mon possible pour l'éloigner de toi, afin qu'elle t'oublie et qu'elle épouse un brave type qui la rendra heureuse.
Well, just the same, I do wish you'd be nice to her, Isabel. We're going to be married.
J'aimerais que tu sois gentille avec elle, nous allons nous marier.
I saw her in Washington the day they were married. - Oh, you know her?
Je l'ai vue le jour de son mariage.
We'll take care of her and she might be fine until you're married and have kids.
On prendra bien soin d'elle, et elle verra peut-être tes enfants.
If I had found a woman like you, how gladly I would have married her.
Si j'avais trouvé une femme comme vous, je l'aurais épousée.
I'm not going to marry you just to prove That you're not married to her.
Tu comprends? Je ne t'épouserai pas pour prouver que tu n'es pas marié avec elle.
Merely claims that she's married to you, and you want to sue her for libel?
Elle ne fait que se dire mariée à vous et vous voulez la poursuivre?
Betty is happily married. You will never find her. Not with all your investigators and all your money.
Tu ne trouveras jamais Betty, même avec tous tes enquêteurs et ton argent.

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