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Quaken Çeviri Fransızca

14 parallel translation
Hiccup, what you you think of - "Catastrophic Quaken" as the name?
On l'appelle Catastrophique Devastair?
- The Catastrophic Quaken, to be exact.
Le Catastrophique Devastair, en fait.
- Quaken Shmaken. You let one lousy dragon take over Meatlug's entire island?
Tu laisses un malheureux dragon envahir toute l'île de Bouledogre?
- Quaken, one.
Devastair, un.
The only way to get rid of this Quaken and that is to push him off Dark Deep.
Pour se débarrasser du Devastair, il faut l'éloigner de Fosse obscure.
The Quaken?
Le Devastair?
The Quaken has taken over the island for now.
Le Devastair a envahi l'île, pour le moment.
And one day, maybe a bigger dragon will come along and the Quaken will be chased off.
Peut-être qu'un jour un plus gros dragon arrivera et chassera le Devastair.
Fishlegs, have you been training to take on the Quaken?
Varek, tu t'entraînes pour affronter le Devastair?
We can't just sit by and let the Quaken take over Dark Deep.
On peut pas laisser le Devastair s'emparer de Fosse obscure.
- You're right, Fishlegs. They should be back on their own island and you know what, we'll find a way to make that happen, but fighting the Quaken, no, that's not it.
Ils doivent rentrer sur leur île et on va trouver une solution, mais affronter le Devastair, non.
You know, that Quaken was a lot bigger than he said it was.
Tu sais, le Devastair était bien plus gros que ce qu'il a dit.
The Quaken's cave.
La grotte du Devastair.
The Quaken was just being defensive.
Le Devastair était sur la défensive.

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