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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Q ] / Quarterback's

Quarterback's Çeviri Fransızca

285 parallel translation
- It's a quarterback sneak! - Look at them go!
Non, mais regarde-les!
For quarterback, now. Charley Daly's my man.
Comme stratège, je choisis charley daly.
Think that quarterback's hot stuff?
Tu trouves ce quarterback génial?
At the right moment, Columbia's quarterback faded back with the ball, and he threw it.
Au moment voulu, le quarterback de Columbia s'appropria la balle et la lança.
That Logan boy's a quarterback, ain't he?
Logan est passé quarterback, non?
Yeah. Little reminder that he's a quarterback in this war, we're just water boys.
Le capitaine Tuttle a déjà donné son accord.
A man so out of touch with reality he even tries to smear the good name of a religious giant. A man whom the President of the United States once called "God's own quarterback."
Cet homme est si détaché des réalités qu'il essaie de salir le nom honorable d'un géant de la religion, que le président des USA a un jour appelé
He'll play quarterback in Wednesday's scrimmage.
M. Farnsworth sera quarter-back dans la mêlée de mercredi.
Center hike to Jim Hooper, Navy's all-star quarterback.
Le 14 tente une percée sur sa droite.
[Announcer] Now it's Army fighting back and we have a first down on Navy's 10 yard line and center hikes to Army's quarterback Casey Johnson and he's going to run it.
La foule continue ses ovations destinées au favori, mais le ballon est à nouveau à l'Armée. Le 12 réussit une percée sur la gauche.
That's what I mean by sacking the quarterback.
C'est ce qu'immobiliser le quart-arrière signifie.
Sounds like you're the red dog who's gonna sack the quarterback.
On dirait que vous êtes prêt à aller plaquer le quart-arrière.
Quarterback's all yours.
Le quart-arrière est à toi.
L.S.U. quarterback, right? Right.
Le quarterback, c'est ça?
That's the quarterback.
C'est le quaterback.
The quarterback's not on the defense ever. Uh...
Le quaterback ne fait jamais partie de la défense.
Where ´ s the quarterback?
Où est le... Où est le quarterback?
Where ´ s the quarterback?
Où est le quarterback?
It's so simple even a quarterback can do it.
Même un demi de mêlée peut le faire.
After they sacked the quarterback... they went after his family.
Après avoir fauché le quarterback... ils s'attaquaient à sa famille.
There's the old quarterback.
Le vieux quarterback.
Now, unless Junior swallows a few passes on game day, you and a washed-up quarterback are gonna end up a couple of channel-markers.
S'il veut pas foirer son match, vous finirez tous les deux dans un canal! Compris?
Bobby here, he's the Broncos'star quarterback.
Bobby joue pour les Broncos. Il est quarterback.
That's the bloody quarterback!
C'est notre quarterback!
Quarterback's girlfriend.
copine du quarterback.
To the quarterback's girlfriend.
- A la copine du quarterback.
That's what draws people, not that you're quarterback.
C'est ça qui te rend populaire, pas ton poste de quarterback.
This year's inductees are, from the class of 1951, the youngest member of the Hall of Fame, quarterback Grayson Dillon III.
Cette année, les élèves distingués sont : sorti de la promotion 1951, le plus jeune membre du Tableau d'Honneur, le quarterback Grayson Dillon III.
- The new quarterback's our hope.
- Ce quarterback redonne espoir.
I have a quarterback that's put his socks on backwards since high school. I've got a linebacker that hasn't washed his jockey strap in two years because he thinks flies are lucky.
J'ai un quarterback qui met ses chaussettes à l'envers... un linebacker qui lave pas son slip depuis deux ans... parce que les mouches portent bonheur.
And the big story in this Super Bowl game is the abduction of Miami's starting quarterback, Dan Marino.
La sensation de ce Super Bowl, c'est l'enlèvement... du joueur de Miami, le n ° 13, Dan Marino.
Okay, well, you're so stupid, you thought a quarterback was a refund.
Tu es si bête que tu croyais qu'un demi au foot U.S. était une bière.
The quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons is Bobby Hebert, no R which I find fascinating.
L'attaquant des Faucons d'Atlanta s'appelle Bobby Hebert. Sans "r". C'est fou, non?
BACK HOME YEARS AGO Even back home, years ago... when we first hung out, he'd know if the quarterback was on coke... I'll take Columbia for $ 20,000. ... if his girlfriend was knocked up.
Même au pays, il y a des années, quand on s'est connus, il savait si un joueur de foot carburait à la poudre... si sa copine était en cloque...
He's a good quarterback, but, uh, he ain't got no heart.
C'est un bon trois-quarts, mais sans tripes.
Why didn't i react like this when i was playing football for the blaine panthers and our quarterback went down with a dislocated knee?
Je n'ai pas réagi comme ça quand je jouais au football pour Blaine et qu'un de nos joueurs s'est démis un genou.
You're just a big brick! Let's delay the game, and my lip would tremble, and i see we have an injured quarterback.
"Reportons le match." Mes lèvres ont tremblé et j'ai dit :
When he went down, we brought in the third-string quarterback, and we went out, and we whipped the pants off of harry truman high school, and next week, went out and mopped the floor with blessed, uh, heart of mary. And they went on to win the state championship.
Quand il s'est blessé, un autre remplaçant, et on a écrasé le lycée Harry Truman, puis on a écrabouillé le Collège de Sainte-Marie, et remporté le championnat.
Like, from a quarterback's point of view.
Tu sais, lui donner un point de vue de QB.
He's quarterback of the team.
Il est quarter-back.
Ohh! Oh, it's gonna take a miracle for me to become a good quarterback.
Il faudrait un miracle pour que je devienne un bon quarterback.
Sure. There's only one thing you need to know... - to be a great quarterback.
Pour être un bon quarterback, tu n'as besoin que d'une chose.
My nephew's the best quarterback the school's ever seen.
Mon neveu Stan est le meilleur quarterback qu'on ait eu.
Chef, the South Park Cows'coach, is nervous. It's because his quarterback hasn't shown up.
Le coach des Vaches semble assez nerveux, car son quarterback vedette n'est toujours pas arrivé.
It's Stan, the star quarterback.
Stan, le quarterback vedette de South Park.
He's quarterback of the football team, isn't he?
C'est bien le quarterback de l'équipe de foot?
There's a flanker lined up to the left behind the quarterback.
Un flanker à gauche, derrière le quarterback.
In the Mud Dog's latest loss this past Saturday, the amazing 31-year-old freshman set a new NCAA record by sacking the quarterback 16 times, shattering the old record of seven.
Lors de la dernière défaite des Mud Dogs, cet étonnant débutant de 31 ans a établi un record en plaquant 16 fois le quarterback, pulvérisant l'ancien record de 7 placages.
Central Kentucky's down to their third string quarterback.
Le Kentucky a fait rentrer son 3e quarterback.
That's when the center puts the ball in the hands of the quarterback.
Là, le... centre passe le... ballon au... quarterback.
That quarterback can't get the ball off before he's hit.
Le quarterback a à peine le ballon qu'il est plaqué.

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