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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Q ] / Quibbler

Quibbler Çeviri Fransızca

6 parallel translation
He was always a good-for-nothing, an idle drunkard, a quibbler, a card cheat, unreliable, a thorn in the side of his employer and taxman.
II a toujours été un bon à rien, un fainéant, un soûlard, un chicanier, malhonnête au jeu, pas fiable, la plaie de son propriétaire et du percepteur.
He's not a kibble quibbler.
Ce n'est pas un chicaneur, lui.
I'm... no better than that quibbler.
Ouais, je suis pas mieux que ce sale pinailleur.
Le Chicaneur.
- Quibbler?
- Tu le veux?
I trust you know, Mr. Potter, that we at The Quibbler unlike those toadies at The Daily Prophet fully supported Dumbledore in his lifetime and, in his death, support you just as fully.
Vous savez qu'au Chicaneur, contrairement aux lèche-bottes de La Gazette du Sorcier, on soutenait Dumbledore. Et, lui mort, on vous soutient pleinement.

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