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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Q ] / Quinine

Quinine Çeviri Fransızca

121 parallel translation
la quinine.
Well, you'll have to take some quinine and some hot lemonade and a hotwater bottle.
Tu devrais prendre de la quinine, une citronnade chaude, et une bouillotte.
That's quinine.
C'est de la quinine.
Now get in there and give him that quinine and take a little yourself while you're at it.
Retournez près de lui, donnez-lui de la quinine et prenez-en vous aussi.
We need some iodine and quinine, just in case.
II nous faut de l'iode et de Ia quínine, au cas.
- How about the iodine and quinine?
- Et l'iode et Ia quinine?
Put quinine on her thumb and she'll stop sucking it quick enough.
Mettez de la quinine sur son pouce.
Quinine! I never would have thought of it.
Je n'y aurais pas songé!
Can you buy canons with it, or a sack full of beans or quinine?
Pouvez-vous acheter des canons avec ça, ou un sac plein de haricots ou de la quinine?
Canine, feline, quinine, when a bloke does himself in that's suicide.
Canine, féline, quinine! Quand on se tue, c'est du suicide.
Here is the week's quinine.
Voilà la quinine pour la semaine.
But I told them to drop by for their quinine, and I'll make sure they take it right here.
Mais je leur ai dit de venir ici pour leur quinine et je ferais en sorte qu'ils la prennent.
Make sure all those bums take their quinine.
Assurez-vous que tous ces clochards prennent leur quinine.
Come take your quinine.
Venez prendre votre quinine.
Have you been giving her quinine?
Lui avez-vous donné sa quinine?
All right, dish out the Atabrine tablets.
Distribuez la quinine.
The most important thing is to take your Atabrine tablets.
II est essentiel de prendre de la quinine.
I have orders to load food and quinine and try to run it to Corregidor.
Il faut que j'essaie d'arriver à Corregidor... avec du ravitaillement et de la quinine.
He's been taking atabrine, a cure for malaria.
Il a pris de la quinine, un remède contre le paludisme.
I gave the natives plenty of quinine and a hint or two on sanitation.
J'ai donné de la quinine et des conseils d'hygiène.
Sounds like one of those Whiskey and quinine resorts.
Ça a l'air d'un de ces paradis pour touristes.
Quinine, iodine, and castor oil.
La quinine, l'iode, l'huile de ricin.
Quinine should fix him up very nicely.
La quinine doit faire l'affaire.
And give him one of those pills every four hours.
Et de la quinine toutes les 4 heures.
It's time for his pill but he's sleeping so well... I didn't want to wake him.
C'est l'heure de la quinine, mais il dort...
He needs more than this quinine. I'd better get a doctor.
Ce n'est pas de quinine dont il a besoin, j'appelle un docteur.
I must go to the quinine garden.
Je dois me rendre au jardin de quinine.
- Quinine.
- Quinine.
I'll stop by tomorrow... it's only malaria... take quinine.
Je repasserai, c'est la malaria. Donne-lui de la quinine.
I ate quinine and drank brandy.
J'ai bu un cognac et de la quinine.
Quinine in the morning.
Quinine dés demain.
Too much quinine.
Trop de quinine,
- Quinine, rubbing alcohol and water.
- Quinine, frictions d'alcool et de l'eau.
- How much quinine have you left?
- Il reste de la quinine?
Give me two quinine.
Donnez-moi deux quinines.
I'll come tomorrow, with the quinine and iodine you asked for.
Cher collègue, je reviendrai demain avec du iode et de la quinine. - Merci.
Why not a balaclava since you're at it? You would think I'm leaving for Tibet!
- Pourquoi pas de la quinine et un passe-montagne?
Do I give him quinine?
Je lui donne de la quinine?
- Of course give him quinine.
- Bien sûr que oui. - Désolé.
Give him quinine and stop pretending you're Florence Nightingale.
Donnez-lui de la quinine et cessez de vous prendre pour Florence Nightingale.
De la quinine.
So do I, Lieutenant, because that's tougher to get than quinine.
C'est plus rare que la quinine.
- Quinine water with just a drop of gin.
- Du Schweppes avec une goutte de gin.
- Quinine water and a drop of gin.
- Du Schweppes et une goutte de gin.
What's the proportion of gin and quinine water in this drink?
Quelle est la proportion de gin et de Schweppes dans cette boisson?
Give the man some quinine water.
Donnez-lui du Schweppes.
All that changed hands was some quinine water and a roast duck.
Seulement du Schweppes et un canard rôti ont changé de main.
- The vial with the quinine.
- Le tube de quinine.
The vial with the quinine.
Le tube de quinine...
She stayed up two days and nights dosing me with quinine... and taking my temperature.
Elle est restée debout deux jours et deux nuits à me donner de la quinine... et à prendre ma température.
Thymine, guanine and cytosine.
Thymine, quinine et cytosine.

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