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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Q ] / Quinn's

Quinn's Çeviri Fransızca

1,111 parallel translation
Poor Quinn's in a lot of pain.
Le pauvre Quinn souffre beaucoup.
I'm letting Quinn take care of that.
Je vais laisser Quinn s'occuper de ça.
- ( Quinn groans ) - lt's all in the interest of science.
C'est dans l'intérêt de la science.
Quinn, let's just go back the way we came.
Quinn, rebroussons chemin.
Quinn, most of the ship was buried on impact.
Le vaisseau s'est enterré en s'écrasant.
What if Quinn Mallory's life were at stake?
Et si la vie de Quinn Mallory était menacée?
What he's saying, Miss Wells, is that Quinn may already be dead.
Il dit que Quinn pourrait déjà être mort.
As soon as Quinn and I are ready, we're going to have the biggest press conference the world's ever seen.
Dès que Quinn et moi serons prêts, nous tiendrons la plus grosse conférence de presse de l'Histoire.
Yeah, it's Quinn Mallory.
Ici Quinn Mallory.
Maybe if we go to the press on Quinn's behalf the Professor will back down.
Si on parlait à la presse, le Professeur reculerait peut-être.
Tell her Quinn Mallory's here and it's important.
Dites-lui que Quinn Mallory est là.
( Quinn ) It's some kind of simulation.
C'est un simulateur de vol.
How's Quinn?
Comment va Quinn?
( Quinn ) I think it's balanced by those tiers. Well, If it's not, there's been a significant change in the laws of physics.
Ou les lois de la physique ont été grandement chamboulées.
( Quinn ) Wade, there's nobody there.
Wade, il n'y a personne.
( Quinn ) Please, help her!
S'il vous plaît, aidez-la!
Quinn's being arrested for murder.
Quinn est arrêté pour meurtre.
Jaime, Quinn's not a gunfighter.
Jaime... Quinn n'est pas un tueur à gages.
- that's me.
Quinn Mallory.
Quinn's the greatest gunsIinger who ever was.
Quinn est le plus grand des tireurs.
It's addressed to me, Quinn MaIIory, chief counsel for Hardaway Computers.
A mon nom. "Quinn Mallory, conseiller en chef d'Hardaway Computers".
Quinn, where's your gun?
Où est ton arme?
Quinn, the sheriff's coming down the hall.
Le shérif arrive.
( Wade ) Poor Quinn. He's having to go through the pain of losing his father all over again.
Il va revivre la perte de son père.
I'm Quinn's homeroom teacher.
Je suis le professeur de Quinn.
When I was Quinn's age, I lost a dog myself.
Quand j'avais l'âge de Quinn, j'ai perdu le mien.
Something's about to happen to young Quinn and the incident's going to occur in the schoolyard on the day we slide.
Quelque chose va arriver à Quinn. Ca arrivera à l'école le jour de notre départ.
The name's Quinn.
Je m'appelle Quinn.
She's just trying to do what she thinks is right, Quinn.
Elle fait ce qu'elle pense juste, Quinn.
Little Quinn keeps on taking it, he's gonna keep on getting it.
Si le petit Quinn ne réagit pas, ça ne cessera pas.
By using your knowledge to alter events in his life, you may be changing his future. That's the idea, Professor.
En altérant la vie de Quinn, son avenir risque de changer.
( Quinn ) It's like looking back in time.
C'est comme revoir le passé.
Does that mean that you went through something like this when you were Quinn's age?
Vous avez vécu des choses semblables?
I was Quinn's age and, man, I had a crush on her. Intense.
Quand j'avais l'âge de Quinn, j'étais fou d'elle.
I know what he's going through. I care about Quinn, and I would never let anything hurt him.
Je sais ce qui l'attend et je veux le protéger.
( Quinn ) That's it.
C'est ça.
I think Quinn's going to be okay now.
Je pense que Quinn ira bien.
( Quinn ) My name isn't Jim. It's Quinn.
Je ne m'appelle pas Jim mais Quinn.
Obviously we're not together like they were, but, Quinn, if something happened to you, I don't think I could handle it.
On n'est pas mariés mais s'il t'arrivait quelque chose, je ne le supporterais pas.
It was QR's dream to give all Americans, rich and poor, a chance at a solid education.
Le rêve de Quinn était d'offrir à chaque Américain, riche ou pauvre, une éducation solide.
There's got to be some way we can contact Q-Ball.
Il doit y avoir un moyen de contacter Quinn.
Since you asked, what I'd really like is for us to make tracks back to Quinn and Wade. It's curfew. We'd be caught on the street.
Tout ce que nous avons en commun, c'est de vouloir que la personne en face de nous en soit une autre.
The Q who committed suicide aboard Voyager?
Le Quinn qui s'est suicidé à bord du Voyager.
Quinn's in!
- Quinn est arrivé!
I just want to make sure it's you.
Je veux juste véritier si tu es bien Quinn. 'Liaison établie - Nom :
Quinn achieved clear opportunity to acquire Alpha, but Alpha escaped.
L'agent Quinn a eu une occasion unique... de capturer Alpha, mais Alpha s ´ est échappé.
Quin's wife is at the Regina. Splendid!
La femme de Quinn est censée être à l ´ hôtel Regina.
Quinn's clever.
Quinn est rusé.
Quinn, no! That's what he wants.
C'est ça qu'il veut!
He's fighting, Dr. Quinn.
Il se débat, Dr Quinn.
I get the guy who drove Jane Seymour's stagecoach... for one episode of Doctor Quinn.
Moi, j'ai le conducteur de la diligence dans Dr Quinn.
quinn 1398

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