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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / See you tomorrow morning

See you tomorrow morning Çeviri Fransızca

212 parallel translation
See you tomorrow morning.
A demain matin.
The emir will see you tomorrow morning.
L'émir veut te voir demain matin.
I'll see you tomorrow morning at 10 : 00 in your office.
Je vous verrai demain matin, à 10 h, dans votre bureau.
- See you tomorrow morning.
- À demain matin.
I'll come see you tomorrow morning and give you a thorough examination.
.. je vous examinerai plus à fond.
Mr. Bodalink wants to see you tomorrow morning.
M. Bodalinkm veut vous voir demain matin à 9 h 30.
We'll see you tomorrow morning.
À demain matin.
I'll see you tomorrow morning.
Je te verrai demain matin.
I'll see you tomorrow morning, at the notary's place.
Demain matin, chez le notaire.
See you tomorrow morning.
Je passerai vous voir demain matin.
OK, see you tomorrow morning... That is if I come along.
Bon, à demain matin... si on me laisse monter.
I shall see you tomorrow morning at headquarters.
- Je vous retrouve demain au Q.G.
As a matter of fact I... think I want to see you tomorrow morning.
En fait, j'aimerais vous voir demain matin.
Ciao, my love, I'll see you tomorrow morning at 10 : 00, little mouse.
Tchao petite souris Je viens demain à 10h00?
I'll see you tomorrow morning.
On se voit demain matin.
Nice meeting you. Take care. See you tomorrow morning.
Je passe te prendre demain.
I'll come see you tomorrow morning, OK?
Je viendrai te voir demain matin. Tu veux bien?
But listen, I'm going to see Jennings tomorrow morning and get an appointment for you.
Je vais rencontrer Jennings demain matin et j'organiserai une rencontre.
So you see, Harvey, by leaving early tomorrow morning... we can get the sleeper plane out of Boston.
En partant tôt demain, on peut prendre l'avion de nuit pour Boston.
I know who you all are and I wanna see every one of you back on the job tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.
Je sais qui vous êtes, et je veux voir chacun d'entre vous... au travail, demain matin, à huit heures.
Well, it leaves at 10 : 58 tomorrow morning if you'd care to come down and see me off.
Il part à 10h58, demain matin. Si vous souhaitez me dire au revoir.
I'll pop around and see you again tomorrow morning.
Je passerai demain.
I'll see you at the Queen's audience tomorrow morning.
Je vous verrai à l'audience de la Reine, demain matin!
- Yes, Doctor. - See you tomorrow morning at the usual time?
A demain.
Now, here's the address, we'll see you in court tomorrow morning at 10 : 00.
Tenez, l'adresse. À demain au tribunal, à 10 heures.
Tomorrow morning, I'll see you don't get the chance to do it again.
Demain matin, je m'assurerai que cela ne se reproduise plus.
I wonder if you could stop in to see me tomorrow morning before going into town? - About 9 : 00, say?
Pouvez-vous passer me voir demain matin vers 9 heures?
I shall stay in tonight and nurse my cold so I shan't see you until tomorrow morning.
Je ne sortirai pas ce soir. Je ne te reverrai que demain matin.
I tried to talk him out of it but he wants you to settle your account with him dont worry I'll see to everything my dear tomorrow morning I'll go to london and liquidate a few of my holdings
J'ai essayé d'obtenir un délai, mais il veut que tu lui règles ce que tu lui dois. Ne t'en fais pas, je m'occuperai de tout. Demain matin j'irai à Londres liquider quelques placements.
I don't care how you do it, but I expect to see that machine in full operation first thing tomorrow morning.
Peu m'importe comment, mais je veux que cette machine soit opérationnelle demain matin.
See you tomorrow morning,
À demain matin.
He saw you this evening come in my house and then tomorrow morning, he'll see you leaving from your house.
Il t'a vu entrer chez moi ce soir, et demain matin, il te verrait sortir de chez toi.
I shall want to see you all again at 9 : 00 sharp tomorrow morning.
Je vous revois demain matin à 9 h.
It's past quitting time now, so there's nothing we can do tonight... but tomorrow morning, you're gonna have all that equipment transferred to clear ground... and you're gonna supply me with all the trucks and labor I need to move the Whitlock memorials... and I'm gonna see the job gets done.
La journée est finie maintenant, nous ne pouvons rien faire ce soir... mais demain, tu vas déménager l'équipement sur le terrain dégagé. Tu vas me fournir les camions et la main-d'œuvre nécessaires pour... déplacer les pierres des Whitlock et je verrai à ce que ce soit fait.
Tomorrow morning you ask the officer of the day to see me.
Demain, demandez à l'officier de service de vous autoriser à me voir.
And you'll see me tomorrow morning at 8 : 00 in my office.
Et vous me verrez moi dans mon bureau à 8 h demain.
She's willing to wait until tomorrow morning to see you.
Elle attendra jusqu'à demain matin.
You'll see your client tomorrow morning in court.
Vous verrez votre client demain matin au tribunal.
Could you see them in the station tomorrow morning?
Tu peux les voir demain?
And tomorrow morning, I'll bring Paxton around to see you and the new baby.
Demain matin, je viendrai avec Paxton te rendre visite, à toi et au bébé.
Well, if it's anywhere around here, you'll see it tomorrow morning.
Si c'est quelque part ici, vous le verrez demain matin.
Then call me back and with the thought... see if you could come up tomorrow morning.
Avez-vous rencontré M. Schneider? - Oui, il est dans ce bureau.
Right. So... I'll see you at 10 tomorrow morning.
D'accord, on se voit demain à 10 h.
I'll meet you there tomorrow morning and when I fly in I wanna see you standing there alone.
Demain matin. Avant d'atterrir, je veux vous voir seul.
- See you there tomorrow morning.
- Voyons-nous là demain matin.
You'll see him again tomorrow morning.
Vous le reverrez demain matin. - Ok.
See you in the village tomorrow morning.
Moloto, accompagne-les.
I'll see you two tomorrow morning on the golf course!
Je vous attends demain sur le terrain!
You'll see me at the station tomorrow morning
I will see you in the student store tomorrow morning.
{ \ fs72 \ b0 \ cHFFFFFF } On se voit dans votre magasin demain matin.
I'll see you all tomorrow morning, 9 : 00 a.m. sharp.
Je vous verrai tous demain matin, 9 heures pile.

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