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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Türkçe / [ B ] / Bubber

Bubber Çeviri Türkçe

182 parallel translation
Well, Bubber isn't gonna be that big a fool to come up around here, now.
Bubber buralara gelmek gibi büyük bir aptallik yapmaz.
I'll see Reeves, but I don't believe he's gonna know anything about Bubber.
Reeves'e giderim, ama onun Bubber hakkinda bir sey bilecegini sanmam.
- Bubber Reeves escaped from pen.
- Bubber Reeves hapisten kaçmis.
Hey, Jim, Bubber Reeves just broke out of the pen.
Hey, Jim. Bubber Reeves hapisten kaçmis.
Bubber Reeves escaped.
Bubber Reeves kaçmis.
Bubber Reeves smashed up his Cadillac and he marched him straight off to jail.
Bubber Reeves, Val'in Cadillac'ini hurdaya çevirince onu hemen hapse yolladi.
That's cute, but I heard Bubber got sent up for driving an airplane drunk.
Çok hos. Ama ben, hapse alkollüyken uçak kullanmaktan girdigini duydum.
You know, Jake Rogers and Bubber Reeves, they trade things back and forth, like wives and airplanes.
Jake Rogers'la Bubber Reeves aralarinda degis tokus yaparlar, mesela karilarini ve uçaklarini.
As soon as Bubber's out of the pen, I'm gonna ask him to take you away.
Bubber hapisten çikar çikmaz seni götürmesini isteyecegim.
I got a call a while ago from the state farm and Hearst says that Bubber's busted out.
Bir süre önce eyalet çiftliginden bir telefon aldim. Hearst, Bubber'in kaçtigini söylüyor.
That's too bad, because Bubber just had a few months to go.
Çok yazik, çünkü Bubber'in yalniz birkaç ayi kalmisti.
And I figured that Bubber isn't gonna...
Ve düsündüm ki, Bubber buraya...
Do you think Anna will hear from Bubber?
Sence Bubber, Anna'yi arar mi?
Hey, Bubber Reeves escaped today.
Hey. Bubber Reeves bugün kaçmis.
Pretending Bubber's something to be frightened of.
Bubber korkulacak bir seymis gibi davraniyorlar.
Remember, just before Bubber got sent up last time?
Bubber'in son hapse girisinden hemen öncesini hatirliyor musun?
Well, Bubber was there, right.
Bubber da oradaydi.
Did Bubber laugh?
Bubber güldü mü?
- Is there any news about Bubber?
- Bubber'dan haber var mi?
Well, when I was 16 years, Bubber was too, you know.
Ben 16 yasindayken Bubber da 16'ydi.
And that was the year Bubber was sent to reform school the first time, I mean.
Bubber'in islahevine yollandigi yiIdi yani ilk kez.
We both worked in a grocery store and $ 50 was missing and Sunshine was sheriff then, and he blamed it on Bubber.
Bir markette çalisiyorduk ve 50 dolar kayipti. O zamanki serif Sunshine'di ve Bubber'i suçladi.
Night before Bubber goes to jail this last time somebody tells him the story.
Bubber'in son hapse girisinden bir gece önce biri ona bu olayi anlatmis.
This is the last place in the world that Bubber's gonna come to.
Çünkü burasi dünyada Bubber'in gelecegi en son yer.
Jake, Bubber Reeves escaped from prison this afternoon.
Jake, Bubber Reeves bugün hapishaneden kaçmis.
We heard about Bubber.
Bubber'i duyduk.
What's that got to do with Bubber?
Bunun Bubber'la ne ilgisi var?
A guy got killed up in Siddonsville and Bubber's fingerprints is all over him.
Siddonsville'de bir adam öldürülmüs. Üstünde Bubber'in parmak izleri varmis.
I don't believe Bubber...
Inanmiyorum Bubber'in...
You're trying to find out if your old pal Bubber Reeves is back.
Eski dostun Bubber Reeves'in dönüp dönmedigini ögrenmeye çalisiyorsun.
He's not studying about Bubber Reeves.
Bubber Reeves'i arastirmiyor.
Old Archie's come to help protect Edwin from Bubber.
Bizim Archie, Edwin'i Bubber'dan korumaya yardima gelmis.
Who's afraid of Bubber Reeves Bubber Reeves, Bubber Reeves?
Kim k orkar Bubber Reeves'den, Bubber Reeves'den, Bubber Reeves'den?
If Bubber Reeves comes around, just take out your pistol and shoot.
Bubber Reeves gelirse, silahini çekip vur.
Pretending we were looking for old Bubber Reeves.
Bubber Reeves'i ariyor gibi yapiyorduk.
I'll pretend I'm Bubber Reeves, and you come looking for me.
Ben Bubber Reeves olurum, sen de beni aramaya gelirsin.
I'm Bubber Reeves.
Ben Bubber Reeves'im.
Bubber Reeves running around loose, God knows where.
Bubber Reeves disarida serbestken. Allah bilir nerede.
Do you think Bubber Reeves killed this McCormack?
Sence bu McCormack'i Bubber Reeves mi öldürdü?
Oh, poor Bubber.
Zavalli Bubber.
I like Bubber, Jake.
Bubber'i severim, Jake.
I love Bubber, Jake.
Bubber'i seviyorum, Jake.
Bubber had a bad time, Jake, and so did I.
Bubber kötü bir dönem geçirdi. Ben de.
It's Bubber's trouble.
Bu Bubber'in derdi.
- It's me, Bubber.
- Benim, Bubber.
Bubber go away, please. - No. Now, Lester, you owe me a favor.
Bubber git lütfen.
I saw Bubber.
Bubber'i gördüm.
There's Bubber.
Bubber bu.
I want to find Bubber tonight, and that is all I want.
Bu gece Bubber'i bulmak istiyorum ve tek istedigim bu.
It's Bubber who is in trouble, Jake, not you.
Basi dertte olan Bubber, sen degilsin Jake.
They say that Bubber and the man he escaped with murdered...
Bubber'la beraber kaçtigi adamin öldürdügünü...

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