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Bati Çeviri İngilizce

29 parallel translation
Apparemment, il est fier que vous l'ayez bati seuls.
He seemed to think it was pretty big onions that you built it yourself.
Il avait bati, un planisphère.
Helped build the Perisphere.
Ce mur a ete bati juste au dessus.
This wall was built right on top of it.
Je l'ai bati, maintenant je le laise grandir bien haut, puis tomber bien loin.
I built it up, now i take it apart. Climbed up real high, now fall down real far.
T'es bati comme lui, alors je te fais essayer sa veste.
You're built like him, so I let you try on his jacket.
- J'ai bati cet endroit, tu te souviens?
I built the place, remember?
hummm... Bien bati.
Mmmmmm... strapping.
Le genre bien bati avec les cheveux impeccables.
So they bring you in, and he shows up wearing short tennis shorts and shit.
Aujourd'hui, un hôpital moderne est bati sur ce lieu tragique.
Today, a modern hospital has been built on that tragic site.
Les parents de Gita, Shanta et Jagmohanji... ils ont bati l'école de Charanpur.
Gita's parents Shanta and Jagmohanji... who started the school in Charanpur.
Tu es train de t'en faire une sacré relation, En voyant ça, bati sur des fondations solides de confiance mutuelle, et d'honneteté.
You got the makings of a hell of a relationship, seeing how it's built on such a solid foundation of mutual trust.
Mon arriere-arriere-arriere... grand-oncle avait signe la Declaration drindependance. Du cote de ma mere, on avait bati New York avant la Revolution.
My great, great, great... great uncle was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and my mother's side started building New York before the Revolution.
Il alerte les, edias avec un releve geo, etrique du bati, ent du Goethe-lnstitut a Athenes et exige un delai pour la, ise aux encheres du bati, ent.
In an action with great media coverage he has the Goethe Institute measured and sets a date for a forced sale.
Surtout ne pas faire un suicide collectif, et mettre en danger ce que nous avons bati.
Not to organize a mass suicide that he / she threatens what we have built.
Les constructions que tu as bati si solidement, se sont écroulées avec cette histoire de l'hélico.
The ground you staked out as a strong, decisive leader has been eroded with this helicopter story.
Je pense que tu as bati une belle maison pour Caesar, ici.
I think you've built a pretty good home for Caesar, here.
Quand tu l'auras mis sur la paille, son ilot viendra completer le plus grand espace commercial jamais bati sur l'A440.
And when you leave him penniless, his lost island will complete the biggest commercial area ever built on the A440!
L'indépendance émotionnelle est construite par le défi c'est pas aussi robuste que l'indépendance émotionnelle. bati par amour.
Emotional independence built on defiance isn't as sturdy as emotional independence built on love.
Tu tiens toujours à elle, et tu essayes juste de la rendre jalouse en voyant un sexy, beau et homme bien bati.
You still care for her, and you're just trying to make her jealous by dating a sexy, handsome, well-endowed man.
Nous l'avons bati nous même.
That's the point, we built it ourselves.
MOSSIE : On l'a bati de nos propres mains.
We built this hall with our own hands.
" Il a ramené le monde qu'il a vu dans le dancing qu'il a bati.
" He brought back the world which he had seen to the hall he built.
Ce serait compromettre tout ce que nous avons bati depuis des annees, Majeste.
You would compromise all that we've built for years, your Majesty.
Je l'ai frappé sur la tête. Une seule fois?
- Bati In his head. - one Time?
Non, je ne suis pas d'accord. Il est bien bati.
He doesn't, he's quite the young man.
Enfin, il y avait du "bati", mais aucun "folage".
I mean, there was hanky, but there wasn't any panky.
J'ai bäti tout ça.
All this I built.
Tu es en train de faire le contraire de ce qu'on a bäti.
It's against everything we've built!
Nous avons bati le dossier.
I want to withdraw.

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