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Translate.vc / Fransızca → İngilizce / Bullock

Bullock Çeviri İngilizce

948 parallel translation
Ce vieux buffle boite.
That old bullock's gone lame.
Il a bouffé un buf la semaine dernière.
The first bullock was chewed up last week.
- Allons voir ce buffle.
- Better stake out that other bullock.
Moi, c'est Bullock.
- My name is Bullock.
C'est Mme Bullock.
That's Mrs. Bullock.
Une chèvre pour Mme Bullock.
I'm Mrs. Bullock, and I have a goat.
Prenez la chèvre de Mme Bullock.
Will you please get Mrs. Bullock's goat?
Mlle Bullock a un homme oublié.
Miss Bullock has a forgotten man.
Mlle Bullock gagne 20 points pour l'homme oublié et 50 points pour l'avoir trouvé en premier.
Miss Irene Bullock... wins 20 points for a forgotten man... and 50 points extra for bringing in the first one.
- Mme Bullock, la matriarche.
- Mrs. Bullock. She's the mother type.
- Pour Mme Bullock?
- Mrs. Bullock or the buzzer?
C'est bien le majordome.
He really is the new butler, Mr. Bullock.
Un cocher de fiacre vous attend à la cuisine.
Mr. Bullock, there's a handsome cab driver waiting in the kitchen.
On ne jette pas si facilement Cornelia Bullock dans la cendre.
People don't make a practice of pushing Cornelia Bullock into ash piles.
Eh bien, toute la famille Bullock réunie dans une pièce!
Well, well, well! Imagine the Bullocks gathered together in one room.
Merci, c'est aimable à vous de le dire en public.
Thank you, Mrs. Bullock. It's a pleasure to have you say so publicly.
Pour moi, deux ça suffit et bizarrement Bullock est d'accord.
Personally, I think two are plenty, and Bullock agrees with me.
Vous étiez copain avec les Gray, et pas avec les Bullock?
Well, if you can be so chummy with the Grays, why can't you be chummy with the Bullocks?
En plus, j'ai perdu mes parts dans les entreprises Bullock.
Not only that, I've lost all of my stock in Bullock Enterprises.
Je sais depuis un moment que vos affaires vont mal.
I've known for a long time the Bullock interests were in rather a bad way.
J'ai appris la patience par M. Bullock, j'ai trouvé Mme Bullock, à tout instant... amusante.
I learned patience from Mr. Bullock. I found Mrs. Bullock at all times, shall we say, amusing.
Assez vieux pour se faire tuer par un Yankee.
Old enough to stop a Yankee bullock.
Prenez Ie dernier petit pain, BuIIock.
Now, bullock, you can't find room for just one more muffin?
allons, pour Ia future Mme BuIIock!
I should risk it for the sake of the future Mrs. bullock.
BuIIock... pas d'exces aux fetes de noel!
- bullock, go easy on the mince pies. - Merry Christmas.
- On peut pas leur refuser ça.
- You can't deny that, Mr Bullock.
Tendis que vous fumez un cigare, elles peuvent manger un boeuf jusqu'à l'os.
While you're smoking a cigar, they can eat a full-grown bullock, right down to the naked bone!
- Du lait pour m. Bullock.
- Milk for Mr. Bullock, sir.
J'ai tué un bÏuf hier.
I slaughtered a bullock yesterday.
Mercredi soir, à Sally Bullock à Miami.
Uh, Wednesday night. To a Sally Bullock in, uh, Miami.
Qu'a-t-il dit à cette femme?
What did he say to this here Sally Bullock?
- Je voudrais voir Sally Bullock.
- I'm looking for Sally Bullock.
Où habite Sally Bullock?
I'm looking for Sally Bullock. Where does she live?
- Je cherche Sally Bullock.
I'm looking for Sally Bullock. Not here.
Je veux voir Sally Bullock.
I said I'm looking for Sally Bullock. Where is she?
Alan Bullock a deux brochets, tous deux prénommés Norman, et le grand Marcel Proust avait un haddock.
Alan Bullock has two pikes, both called Norman and the late, great Marcel Proust had an haddock.
Les bœufs trépignent Et les cerfs ruminent
♪ Bullock stamps and deer champs
Pauvres petites pédales prétentieuses!
You petty, base, bully, bullock, bugger billies.
Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock?
Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock?
Un taureau!
A bullock, man, see him?
Bullock est allé chez Cybertron et un robot est revenu.
Bullock went to Cybertron and a robot came back.
Harvey Bullock.
Bullock, Harvey.
Ici Bullock.
This is Bullock.
Je vais mettre Bullock sur l'affaire.
I'll get Bullock on it.
Helen, faites venir Harvey Bullock.
Helen, get me Harvey Bullock.
Bullock de la Police.
Bullock, Gotham P.D.
Bullock, que se passe-t-il, ici?
Bullock, what the blazes is going on here?
Dites à Bullock de renforcer la garde, c'est plus sûr.
Tell Bullock he should add more guards to be safe.
Ce truc ne peut pas faire de mal tant que Harvey Bullock...
Relax, kid. That gizmo ain't gonna hurt nobody as long as Harvey Bullock's...
- Son nom est Irène Bullock.
- Her name is Irene Bullock.
- D'accord. Merci infiniment.
- Okay, Mr. Bullock.

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