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Translate.vc / Rusça → Fransızca / [ S ] / Sarcasm

Sarcasm Çeviri Fransızca

4 parallel translation
There just isn't enough research in how sarcasm effects the brain.
Il n'y a pas assez de recherches sur les effets du sarcasme.
Oh, really, you think there's a correlation between sarcasm and sarcastaball? Really?
Il y aurait une corrélation entre le sarcasme et le sarcastaball?
Well, I've got a better idea, let's get all the funding for cancer research and genetic diseases, let's take all that money and make commercials that say'hey America, sarcasm might not be such a great thing for your brain.
J'ai une meilleure idée. les maladies génétiques. Dépensons plutôt l'argent pour faire des pubs qui disent :
That was sarcasm.
C'était du sarcasme.

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