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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ A ] / Already taken care of

Already taken care of traducir español

228 traducción paralela
I've already taken care of that.
Ya he pensado en eso.
─ I've already taken care of her thirst.
- Ya me he cuidado de su sed.
My diet's already taken care of.
Ya se ocupan de mi dieta.
I've already taken care of that.
De la ropa blanca ya me he encargado yo.
I've already taken care of your mail.
Ya me encargué de tu correo.
I've already taken care of that.
- Ya me he encargado de eso.
I've already taken care of it.
Ya me he cuidado de eso.
I've already taken care of it.
Ya lo he arreglado.
Don't worry, I've already taken care of the child, alright? Good.
No te preocupes que del niño ya se ha ocupado el que suscribe,... ¿ de acuerdo?
Pedí que transfirieran la información a través de una transmisión interna ultrasecreta.
I have already taken care of Oriental Steamship, yes.
Me he ocupado personalmente de los barcos orientales, sí.
Anyway, it's already taken care of.
De todos modos, ya me ocupé de eso.
No, I've already taken care of that.
No, ya me ocupé de eso.
I expect you've already taken care of that.
Espero que ya te hayas ocupado de eso.
I've already taken care of that.
Aquí lo tiene, ya está hecho.
I've already taken care of that. I should tell Ann.
Una nueva identificación ya la tiene, ha tenido cuidado en eso
We've already taken care of the first one.
Ya nos hemos ocupado del primero.
- It's already taken care of.
- Ya me ocupé de eso.
That's already taken care of.
Ya nos hemos ocupado de eso.
It was around about 140, 150 women. - You were... - They all were already taken care of.
Cortábamos así, aquí... ahí... y ahí... este lado... este lado... y ya estaba listo.
I've already taken care of those ghastly flamingos.
Ya me encargué de esos horribles flamencos.
Maybe he went up to check on the body, to get rid of it, but I'd already taken care of that.
Quizás Subió a ver si estaba el cuerpo para esconderlo, pero yo me había adelantado.
It's already taken care of, pal.
Ya está todo pago, amigo.
Already taken care of.
Ya me ocuparé.
Already taken care of. It's at the far end of the men's cubicle. "For a good time, phone Felicia."
Está al fondo del cubículo de los hombres.
It's already taken care of, Benjamin.
Ya me he encargado, Benjamin.
Already taken care of.
Ya lo estoy haciendo.
I've already taken care of it.
Ya me he ocupado.
You've already taken care of that yourself.
Usted ya ha tomado el cuidado de que a ti mismo.
He already has a doctor that understands him and has taken care of him.
Ya tiene un médico que lo entiende y ha cuidado de él...
Oh, I think you've taken care of that already, sir.
Creo que ya lo ha hecho, señor.
It's already been taken care of.
Ya me he encargado de eso.
"it has already been taken care of."
Ya han acabado.
She's already being taken care of.
Ya hay alguien que se ocupa de ella.
That's already been taken care of, Max.
Eso ya se ha previsto, Max.
That's already been taken care of.
Ya me encargué de eso.
It's already been taken care of.
Ya hemos tomado las precauciones.
Excuse me, but the cleaning has already been taken care of.
Disculpe, pero ya la limpieza ha sido realizada.
Oh, that's already been taken care of.
Ya me encargué de eso.
I've already got that department taken care of.
Ya tengo a alguien ocupada de ese departamento.
It had already been taken care of.
Ya habían sido atendidos.
Hey, don't worry about a thing. That's already been taken care of.
No te preocupes, Eso ya esta resuelto.
That has already been taken care of.
Ya se han arreglado.
- It's already been taken care of.
- Es already ha atendido.
It's already been taken care of.
Ya ha sido atendido.
That's already been taken care of.
Ya lo habíamos previsto.
I think everybody who didn't die has already been taken care of.
Creo que todos los que no han muerto ya han sido atendidos.
It's already been taken care of.
Esa materia ha sido considerada.
It's already been taken care of.
Eso ya está solucionado.
They have already been taken care of.
Ya está arreglado.
- I think that Philipp is already well taken care of.
- Yo pienso que Philipp ya está bien cuidado.

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