And her brother traducir español
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She's on student council, and her brother's the editor of the school newspaper.
Esta en el concejo estudiantil y su hermano es el editor del diario de la escuela.
Yeah, and her mother and her brother.
Sí, junta con su mamá y hermano.
And her brother, Mr. Henry Crawford.
Y a su hermano, Mr Henry Crawford.
" There's her uncle and her brother And her sister and her mother
" Están su tío, su hermano, hermana y su madre.
Isabel and her brother Max... How well do you know'em?
- Isabel y su hermano Max- ¿ Cuán bien los conoces?
So as not to hurt her and her brother.
Para no herirla a ella y a su padre.
I talk to Yasmin and her brother. They want to meet us.
He visto a Yasmine y a su hermano, quieren conocerte.
I remember Glenda and her brother fighting outside the ICU.
Recuerdo a Glenda y a su hermano peleándose a la puerta de la uci.
He was good for her and her brother.
El fue bueno para ella y para su hernamo
As appealing as that sounds to her boyfriend... and her brother... We promised to make each other gifts this year.
Aunque le parezca sensual a su novio y a su hermano no lo haré.
She and her brother Richie ran away from home one winter and camped out in the African wing of the public archives.
Ella y su hermano Richie se escaparon de casa un invierno y acamparon en el ala Africana de los archivos públicos.
And her brother comes too.
Y su hermano viene también.
so I do rely on thy uprightness and integrity, and so I love and honor thee and thine - thy noble brother Titus and his sons... and her to whom my thoughts are humbled all, gracious Lavinia, Rome's rich ornament -
Confío en tu rectitud e integridad. Y por amor a ti y los tuyos a tu noble hermano Tito y sus hijos... y por aquella ante la que se inclinan mis pensamientos... la bella Lavinia, joya suprema de Roma... despido aquí a mis queridos partidarios...
And George, her brother.
Y George, su hermano.
Her brother's name was Minhuey, and that definitely sounded Jewish.
Su hermano se llamaba Minhuey, y eso definitivamente sonaba judío.
And discovers by watching the news that her brother has been killed.
Y descubre viendo las noticias que su hermano ha sido asesinado.
" Yes, her uncle and brother her sister and mother, but
" Sí, su tío, hermano, su hermana y madre, pero
Mizuno Tomino's demanding her brother back and is threatening legal intervention to get it.
Mizuno Tomino demanda la vuelta de su hermano amenaza con tomar acciones legales.
She has been insane ever since and I thought about having her meet her brother just once.
por lo menos un momento.
My relative calculation switchings dimensions are correct. And the one what of this according to Quinnem and his / her brother?
Obviamente, no fuiste muy leal conmigo cuando decidiste traicionarme.
Chiara, her brother and sister are in the kitchen if you want to say hi.
Chiara y sus hermanos están en la cocina si quieren saludarlos.
I know Xena wanted to be buried next to her brother and Gabrielle next to her.
sé que Xena quería ser enterrada junto a su hermano, y Gabrielle junto a los suyos.
When Pao Ssu and I were infants, she saved our lives At great risk to her own to protect you from your brother.
Cuando Pao Ssu y yo éramos chicas, ella salvó nuestras vidas. Corrió un gran riesgo para protegerlas de tu hermano.
Well, Vickie was apparently... the family mattress for her father, her brother... various uncles and cousins.
Vickie sufrió mucho con el padre y el hermano...
Before she died, she was able to tell me some things about you... and about her brother.
Antes de morir, pudo contarme algunas cosas sobre usted y sobre su hermano.
I thought I'd try and show my face, let her brother have a crack at me.
- para que su hermano me la parta.
Lian returned to her royal duties for a time, while I came home to the monastery... and was awarded guardianship of Brother Gilbert's scrolls.
Lian volvió a sus deberes reales a su tiempo. Yo retorné al monasterio y tuve en guarda... los escritos del Hermano Gilbert.
She calls you "big brother" and you call her "big sister".
Ella te llama de "hermano mayor" y tú la llamas de "hermana mayor".
He lives there with the former wife of his deceased brother, Mrs Vera Ackroyd, and her daughter, Flora - vultures, eagerly awaiting his demise.
Vive aquí con la viuda de su difunto hermano, la Sra. Vera Ackroyd, y su hija Flora. Buitres que esperan con ansia su desaparición.
Her father and brother are in France right now.
Su padre y su hermano están en Francia ahora mismo.
Come and meet Yasmin and her brother.
Ven a conocer a Yasmine y a su hermano.
- Twelve or so. - Well, whatever. I mean, if that law came into place or whatever, and you wanted to get your niece a gun for Christmas, her brother would be jealous if you ain't got him one as well.
- 12 - bueno, lo que sea es decir, si esa ley se pone o lo que sea, y quieres regalarle a tu sobrino una pistola por Navidad, su hermano se pondría celoso si no tienes otra para él
and that her brother, the young lad Anatol, had lost a leg in battle.
y que su hermano AnatoIio perdió una pierna en Ia batalla.
And if she doesn't... brother, that's her problem.
Y si no lo hace hermano... es su problema.
Indian's her favorite cuisine, she likes Macy Gray, she doesn't opera, she's Catholic, she has a friend named Tricky who she met at summer camp who she thinks of as a brother, and she goes to yoga at the rec center and takes it from a guy named Jim.
Su comida favorita es la india. Le gusta Macy Gray, detesta la ópera. Es católica.
Elizabeth cast herself as the healer, someone who would bring the violent pendulum swings of the religious war back to a calm and steady centre, a middle way between the courses chosen by her half-brother and her half-sister.
Isabel asumió el rol de la sanadora, la que llevaría los violentos movimientos del péndulo de las guerras religiosas a la calma y estabilidad del centro, al camino intermedio entre los elegidos por sus hermanastros.
Her Protestant half-brother, the Earl of Moray, took charge of baby James and made himself Regent of Scotland.
Su hermanastro protestante, el Conde de Moray, tomó a su cargo al bebé Jacobo y se nombró a sí mismo Regente de Escocia.
We're pretty sure Siobhan's brother and sister-in-law set her up.
Estamos seguros de que el hermano y la cuñada de Siobhan lo planearon.
- Her brother-in-law and the kids.
! - Su cuñado y los niños.
Now she's got my brother back there in her clutches and there's not a fucking thing I can do about it.
Ahora tiene a mi hermano de nuevo en sus garras y no hay nada que pueda hacer al respecto.
Yeah, her brother's stupid, and he got a job.
Sí, su hermano estúpido, y él consiguió un puesto de trabajo.
And it was her own brother that done it to her.
Y fue su propio hermano quien se lo hizo.
Then, not long after... her other brother and her mother died.
Luego, poco después, su otro hermano y su madre murieron.
She was with her brother and I guessed from all the gulls... that the first salmon were moving inshore.
Estaba con su hermano y supongo, por todas las gaviotas, que estaban llegando los primeros salmones.
I can't stand her ass and the way she plays my brother.
Porque no Ia aguanto y anda jugando con mi hermano.
After that she only hanged out with guys who'd beat the hell out of her. And then, when I was little, she'd get drunk, and she'd drag me and my brother out of the bed at four in the morning, and she had all the news, clippings, about my grandpa, and she'd read them over and over again.
Después sólo andaba con muchachos que la golpeaban y cuando yo era pequeña se emborrachaba y me sacaba a mí y a mi hermano a las 4 : 00 a.m. y nos contaba esas historias de mi abuelo, una y otra vez.
And don't think I'll let you get all up in her head to kick me out like the last nigga did my brother.
Y no creas que voy a dejar que le laves el cerebro para que me eche como el último negro corrió a mi hermano.
Her parents won't talk to her, her brother and sisters think she's crazy.
Sus padres no quieren hablarle. Sus hermanos creen que está loca.
Walter and I had an abortion 10 years ago and Lisa imagines it's her big brother.
Walter y yo tuvimos un aborto hace 10 años. - y Lisa imagina que es su hermano.
It was at this time that she began to receive letters that were anonymous and most threatening, but which she suspected as coming from William Bosner, the young brother of her late husband.
Justo en ese momento empezó a recibir cartas anónimas y muy amenazantes que ella sospechaba procedían de William Bosner, el joven hermano de su difunto marido.
Your brother visited you about a week before the murder and told you about her infidelity.
Su hermano lo visitó una semana antes del asesinato y le habló de su infidelidad.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and her father 16
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her brother 85
brother 7165
brothers 633
brotherhood 38
brother and sister 38
brothers in arms 18
brothers and sisters 203
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her brother 85
brother 7165
brothers 633
brotherhood 38
brother and sister 38
brothers in arms 18
brothers and sisters 203