And she's not traducir español
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She was supposed to be home by now, and she's not answering her phone.
Se suponía que debía estar en casa por ahora, y ella no contesta su teléfono.
And until she returns to us our family's not complete.
Y hasta que no regrese con nosotros, nuestra familia no estará completa.
And she's allergic to all seafood that's not very expensive lobster.
Y es alérgica a todo el marisco que no sea una langosta muy cara.
And she's not a suspect, you have my word. Okay.
Y ella no es sospechosa tiene vd. mi palabra.
She's not under lock and key.
No está privada de libertad.
She's smart and she's got motive, but she's not a hacker.
Es lista y tenía un motivo, pero no es un hacker.
If she's not at home, we'll need to force entry and treat it as a crime scene.
Si no está en casa, tendremos que forzar la entrada y tratarla como una escena del crimen.
Yeah, and she's not good for you.
Sí, y no es buena para ti.
While she's subject to a complaint she needs permission to retire from the assistant chief constable and while the complaint looks like it may be substantiated..... they might not let her.
Mientras sea objeto de una queja, necesita permiso para retirarse del Subjefe de Policía y mientras la queja parezca fundamentada podrían no dejarla ir.
Those soldiers said there weren't any troops here, and I figure if Korra's not feeling good, she might come to a spiritual place like this to get better. There is an enormous amount of spiritual activity here, but I don't feel Korra.
Aquellos soldados dijeron que aquí no había tropas, e imagino que si Korra no está bien vendría a un sitio tan espiritual como este para sentirse mejor.
She's not returning any of my calls, and I really want to apologize for the way I acted.
No me devuelve ninguna de las llamadas, y realmente me quiero disculpar por cómo he actuado.
She's not able to relieve her husband's suspicion, but saying that he has Othello Syndrome is stranger and worse.
La naturaleza precisa de mi enfermedad es... la inseguridad y evitar las relaciones. Pero si de verdad lo ve a él, apuesto que será diferente.
- That is not the right answer. Walk in and look at her books until she's ready?
¿ Entrar y mirar sus libros hasta que esté lista?
She gets what she wants because she's a winner, and she doesn't sit around wondering whether or not she played the game right way.
Consigue lo que quiere porque es una ganadora, Y no mira alrededor para preguntarse si jugo segun las reglas.
You know me mum - if it doesn't come with ice and lemon, she's not interested.
Ya conoces a mi madre... si no viene con hielo y limón, no está interesada.
The only person that can send me home is me and the judges, not Courtney, and in due time, she's gonna fall on her face.
Las únicas personas que me pueden mandar a casa son yo mismo y los jueces, no Courtney, y a su debido tiempo, va a tropezar.
Whether or not that's true, the fact remains that she defeated both Emma and Regina.
Sea o no eso cierto, el hecho está en que ella ha derrotado tanto a Emma como a Regina.
Well, my mother died, and her other sister... she's not around anymore.
Bueno, mi madre murió, y su otra hermana... ella ya no está aquí.
A-and she was careful. It's not like she left them lying around.
Y era cuidadosa, no las dejaba por ahí.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the bride and groom for the first dance. It's Not Unusual by Tom Jones - She's an ex-girlfriend?
Damas y caballeros, den la bienvenida a la novia y al novio en su primer baile. - ¿ Es una exnovia?
It's not a tiddler, it's a monster cock and she loves it!
¡ No es un gusanito, es una polla monstruosa y a ella le encanta!
I mean, she - - She's not sensitive like you and me.
Me refiero a que ella... no es tan sensible como tú o como yo.
She knows we support her, no matter what, and if losing her magic is what she wants, well... maybe it's not such a bad thing.
Ella sabe que la apoyamos... y si quiere perder su magia, bueno... - Quizás no sea algo tan malo.
And then, when I thought, well, if she's not doing that, then what if she's not okay?
Y entonces, cuando pensé, bueno, si no está haciendo eso, ¿ entonces y si no está bien?
And she's not gonna stop until she gets it.
Y no se detendrá hasta que lo consiga.
She's wanted by the peruvian government in connection with the bombings at a government building, not to mention the theft and trafficking of stolen artifacts.
El gobierno peruano la está buscando en relación con los atentados en un edificio gubernamental, sin mencionar el robo y tráfico de artículos robados.
I've been calling and texting. She's not answering.
La he llamado y le he mandado mensajes, pero no contesta.
Ladies and gentlemen, unfortunately it looks like Elka's gonna have to forfeit because she does not have a partner.
Señoras y señores, desgraciadamente parece que Elka va a tener que renunciar porque no tiene compañero.
She's not a legal resident in this country, and the whole thing was making her nervous.
Ella no es una residente legal en este país, y todo el asunto la estaba poniendo nerviosa.
But she blufd so hard, couldn't But she blufd so hard, couldn't back any of it, and that's why Back any of it, and that's why she's gone, not because i
Pero mintió tanto que no podía respaldarla, y por eso se fue, no porque no pudiera protegerla.
I'm sorry, Erica, but I spoke with Wendyl this morning and she's not comfortable...
Lo siento, Erica, pero hablé con Wendy esta mañana y no se siente a gusto...
She's quite prolific, and not nearly as innocent as she looks.
Ella es bastante prolífica, y no tan inocente como parece.
Evie never came home today, and she's not answering her cell.
Evie no vino a casa hoy, y no responde su teléfono.
We had a great time, and she's agreed to not do the interview bashing Wallflower.
Lo pasamos muy bien, y estuvo de acuerdo en no hacer la entrevista criticando a Wallflower.
She's not at the office, and she's not answering her cell.
No está en la oficina, y no contesta al móvil.
And not to mention, she's adorable.
Y sin mencionar, que es adorable.
I asked her if it was okay for you to fly because she's asking me what we're doing, and I'm trying not to tell her because you don't want me to tell her.
Le pregunté si estaba bien que volaras porque me preguntó qué estábamos haciendo e intenté no decírselo porque no quieres que se lo cuente.
With... it's... well, it's a situation with a boyfriend who might not be in the picture but she's handling it really well and...
Con... Bueno, es un problema con un novio que puede que no esté presente pero lo está llevando muy bien - y...
I know I got a... got a lot of stuff, but... and I got a daughter who's... sometimes she's an angel, sometimes she's not.
Sé que tengo muchos asuntos, pero... y tengo una hija que... a veces es un ángel y a veces no.
Yeah, I stood there talking to this nurse, and... she's blonde, about your height, pretty- - not as pretty as you but pretty.
Vale, me quedé ahí hablando con esa enfermera, y... es rubia, de tu altura, bonita... no tanto como tú, pero bonita.
I get it, Damon, but she's happy, and I'm not gonna take that away from her until she asks me to.
Lo entiendo, Damon, pero ella es feliz, y yo no voy a tener que alejarse de ella hasta que ella me pide.
Well, she's not just the mother of the intern, she's a lawyer and a family friend, and she needs a job.
Bueno, no es solo la madre de la becaria, es abogada y amiga de la familia y necesita un trabajo.
And she's not going to, Agent Callen.
Y no lo va a hacer, agente Callen.
Day drinking, night smoking, and she's not one of these uptight Manhattan chicks that's trying to get me to change, or make me wear pants when I leave the house, or obsessed with the new blow dry bar down the block.
Beber de día, fumar de noche, y no es una de esas tías estiradas de Manhattan que intentan que cambie, o que me obligan a ponerme pantalones cuando salgo de casa, o que están obsesionadas con el nuevo bar de peinados de la calle.
And I hope it's not awkward that she's a little person and they viciously fight all the time.
Y espero que no sea incomodo que ella sea una persona pequeña y que pelean ferozmente todo el tiempo.
Claude is not my choice of an ideal wife... she's young, and I admit I haven't met her officially, but I've heard enough to know she's a terror.
Claudia no es mi elección ideal de una esposa... es joven, y tengo que admitir que no me ha sido presentada oficialmente, pero he oído lo suficiente para saber que es un diablillo.
It's not ideal, but she is a staunch Catholic, and she'll be mourning the loss of her son, scrambling to prepare a child for the throne.
No es lo ideal, pero es una católica acérrima, y estará de duelo por la pérdida de su hijo, luchando para preparar un niño para el trono.
And if she knows something, she's not inclined to share it with me.
Y si ella sabe algo, no está dispuesta a compartirlo conmigo.
And oksana's not taking it lying down, or bent over like she usually is.
Y Oksana no lo está tomando recostada, o doblada como usualmente está.
Look, I've been all over the place about her, and I'm still not thrilled that she's with her husband, but... I like her.
Mira, he hablando mucho de ella, y sigue sin emocionarme que siga con su marido, pero me cae bien.
So it's possible the reason she's not testifying, the reason she married Mr. Martin, is because she's in love with him and believes he'll be a good husband.
Entonces es posible que la razón de que no testificara, la razón por la que se casó con el señor Martin, es porque ella está enamorada y cree que será un buen esposo.
and she's beautiful 17
and she's right 30
and she's dead 32
and she's 109
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
she's not here 659
she's not worth it 28
she's not there 101
she's not picking up 30
and she's right 30
and she's dead 32
and she's 109
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
she's not here 659
she's not worth it 28
she's not there 101
she's not picking up 30
she's not that bad 34
she's not my type 42
she's not 836
she's not my wife 34
she's not here yet 28
she's not dead 149
she's not wrong 44
she's not feeling well 28
she's not bad 35
she's not the only one 38
she's not my type 42
she's not 836
she's not my wife 34
she's not here yet 28
she's not dead 149
she's not wrong 44
she's not feeling well 28
she's not bad 35
she's not the only one 38