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And we'll be on our way traducir español

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- I'll get my things and we'll be on our way.
Tomaré mis cosas y nos iremos.
Tomorrow morning, we'll be on our way. It's our vacation, and we're going to Kiev on a holiday.
Mañana ya estaremos de camino.
Let me visit the powder room and we'll be on our way.
Déjame ir a polvearme la nariz y nos vamos.
- Well, then, very well. We'll pack and be on our way.
Hago las maletas y nos vamos.
Give us one more round and we'll be on our merry way.
Una ronda más y nos iremos contentos.
- All right, Hymie, we'll go over to my place, pick up a few things, and then we'll be on our way.
Muy bien, Hymie iremos a mi casa, recogeremos algunas cosas y nos marcharemos.
Fifteen minutes and we'll be on our way again.
Quince minutos y volvemos a salir.
And now if you'll hand me the map, we'll be on our way.
Si me dan el mapa, partiremos.
By that time, your cow will be a mother, and we'll be on our way.
Para entonces, tu vaca será madre, y partiremos.
When we're through with him, we'll be on our way to the islands with the laser components, the car, and our own private fantasies.
Cuando hayamos terminado con él, iremos rumbo a las islas... con los componentes del láser, el auto, y nuestras propias fantasías.
We'll drop you all off and then we'll be on our way.
Les dejaremos y seguiremos nuestro camino.
We'll have the track cleared shortly, and we'll be on our way.
Despejaremos la vía enseguida. Seguiremos nuestro viaje.
Then I'll give her a lift and we'll be on our way.
Entonces lo levantaré y nos iremos.
The only thing that mattered to you was the Cauldron, but now it's no use to you, so we'll just take it and be on our way.
Lo único que te importaba a ti era el caldero. Pero como ahora ya no te sirve... Entonces solamente lo tomamos y nos retiramos.
Just give us some cooperation and we'll be on our way.
Coopere con nosotros y seguiremos nuestro camino.
I'll get the stud, and we'll be on our way.
Ahora llamo al semental, así podremos irnos.
All you have to do is show us your father's notes and we'll be on our way.
Lo único que queremos es ver las notas de tu padre y nos iremos.
Las pagamos, y seguiremos nuestro camino.
Asi que todos tranquilos y dejen que el haga lo que tiene que hacer, y estaremos de regreso en el camino.
I'll just get my baby and we'll be on our way.
lré por mi bebé y nos iremos.
Just give us the psycho and we'll be on our way.
Sólo entréguenos al loco y nos vamos.
I'll just get a couple oftokens, and we'll be on our way.
Voy a conseguir una mayor oftokens, y vamos a estar en nuestro camino.
Let's chalk this down to experience, and we'll be on our way.
Que esto nos sirva de experiencia, y sigamos nuestros caminos.
In that case, we'll be on our way. I will relay your position to your government, if you wish in case you're unable to complete your repairs and you remain stranded.
seguiremos sin ustedes. por si no son capaces de terminar las reparaciones y de continuar.
Quickly, my children, make our guests comfortable aboard the aircraft and we'll be on our way.
Rápido, hijos míos, acomoden a nuestros invitados en el avión, así nos vamos.
We'll just take this check and be on our way.
They can drop us off, and then we'll be on our merry way.
Nos pueden dejar y seguiremos nuestro camino.
- Pay the man and we'll be on our way.
- Pagale y nosotros nos vamos iendo.
I'll just jot your name here on the doorway and we'll be on our way.
Llegamos. Anotaré su nombre en la puerta, y podrán irse.
There is a slight complication, but we're taking care of it and we'll be on our way to LaGuardia.
Surgió una pequeña complicación pero pronto saldremos para La Guardia.
I'll pack him up, and we'll be on our way.
Lo envuelvo y nos largamos.
It will be fine. We'll just have dinner and be on our way.
Sólo cenaremos y luego seguimos, te lo prometo.
This time tomorrow, we'll be on our way home, and you'll never see them again.
Para mañana a esta hora... estaremos camino a casa y no los verás más.
¿ Por qué no anota eso y seguimos nuestro camino?
Return the core, and we'll be on our way.
Devuelva el núcleo, y siga su camino.
Just a kick in the butt and we'll be on our way.
- Y continuamos el safari
I'll retrieve him, and we'll be on our way.
Lo capturaré y después nos iremos.
Give it to me here then and we'll be on our way.
- Entonces démela y nos marcharemos.
If you don't mind, we're gonna do just a little bit of that great song, and we'll be on our way home.
Si no os importa, cantaremos esta maravillosa canción y acabamos.
Release Miss Goodheart and we'll be on our way.
Libere a Miss Goodheart y nos iremos de aquí.
On the 1 5th of August we will all be naked on Cinisi's beach. This way we'll symbolically show that we're willing to fight to regain our spaces, including our own body and our eroticism.
El 15 de agosto, todos desnudos en las playa de Cinisi, para demostrar que podemos recuperar el espacio que nos quisieron quitar y comenzar con nuestro cuerpo, nuestro erotismo.
Return my people and we'll be on our way.
Regresen a mi gente y nos iremos.
Just put them on our coats and we'll be on our way.
Los pones encima de nosotros, y así nos podemos ir.
If I were you, I'd sign the contract and we'll be on our way.
De ser ustedes, yo firmaría el contrato.
We'll be on our way quick if you load up your luggage in an orderly fashion and have your tickets ready.
Partiremos pronto si entregan su equipaje en forma ordenada y tienen sus boletos a la mano.
Just give me your breasts, and we'll be on our way.
Tan solo dame tus pechos y nos iremos a casa.
Get in the car. dear... and we'll be on our way.
Entra al auto, cariño y estaremos en camino.
We'll be on our way momentarily, ladies and gentlemen.
Estaremos en camino en un momento, señoras y señores.
We'll just write up a report here and be on our way.
Redactaremos un informe y nos iremos.
Sure, just toss me the keys and we'll be on our way.
- Desde luego, dame las llaves... e iremos a dar una vuelta.
Why don't you write us a check for 300 grand and we'll kindly be on our way.
¿ Por qué no nos das un cheque por 300 mil y nos iremos en paz?

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