Anything at all traducir español
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Look, it might not be anything at all.
Mira, podría no ser nada.
Anything at all.
Lo que fuese.
So the Doctor's God knows where, the cubes aren't doing anything at all...
El Doctor está Dios sabe dónde, los cubos no están haciendo nada...
Did you listen to anything at all I said today?
¿ Escuchó algo de lo que dije hoy?
Did anybody see any suspicious people or vehicles, anything at all?
¿ Nadie ha visto nada sospechoso, gente, vehículos... nada de nada?
Brittany S. Pierce, how do you react to the characterization of your first term in office as one in which you didn't do anything at all until prom?
Brittany S. Pierce, ¿ cómo reacciona a la caracterización de su primer mandato como aquella en la que no hizo nada más que el baile?
Do you remember anything at all about the night you woke up?
¿ Recuerdas algo de la noche en la que despertaste?
I just wanted you to know that if you need anything, anything at all, I'll be here all summer.
Sólo quería que supieras que si necesitas algo, lo que sea, estaré aquí todo el verano.
I find that when I am dragged into work to be fired, it's best to adhere to the "if you can't say, something nice, don't say anything at all" rule
Encuentro que si me obligan a venir para ser despedido, es mejor seguir la regla de "si no tienes nada bueno que decir, no digas nada"
E-mails, voice mails, cards, anything at all that would prove or even suggest you were having an affair?
E-mails, mensajes de voz, tarjetas, ¿ cualquier cosa que probara o sugiriera que estabais teniendo una aventura?
Why, it just goes to show, Mason, if you knew anything at all, you would know that Emily Thorne, despite her sizeable pocketbook, is nothing but a juvie girl who cleaned up nicely.
Creo que es obvio, Mason, que si de verdad supieras algo sabrías que Emily Thorne, a pesar de su considerable fortuna, no es más que una chica que estuvo en el reformatorio y que después limpió su pasado.
Love, loss, bar mitzvahs, nature, anything at all.
Amor, pérdida, bar mitzvahs, naturaleza, cualquier cosa.
( Lowered voice ) Brick, think about it- - if that wasn't the president's signature, he wouldn't be offering us anything at all.
Brick, piénsalo... si no fuera la firma del presidente, no nos habría ofrecido nada.
A whole lot of stuff happened, but you really don't remember anything at all?
Pasaron muchas cosas, ¿ no recuerdas nada?
No, I'm smiling because I ended up telling Jenna not to do anything at all.
No, sonrío porque terminé diciéndole a Jenna que no hiciera absolutamente nada.
Anything at all?
¿ Nada en absoluto?
You know anything at all about where to find Rosie Martin and you tell me, and I will get those Dumpster charges dropped.
Si sabes algo sobre dónde encontrar a Rosie y me lo cuentas, yo haré que retiren esos cargos de lo del contenedor.
But if it has anything to do with the President getting shot, anything at all...
Bien. Pero si tiene algo que ver con que dispararan al presidente, cualquier cosa...
And I'm afraid he's only gonna be into the things that you're into, and then we won't be able to relate on anything at all.
Y tengo miedo de que sólo se interese que te interesen, y entonces no seremos capaces de relacionarnos en nada.
Are you going to do anything at all to help them?
¿ Vas a hacer algo nada para ayudarlos?
I'm starting to think if he had anything at all to do with Annunzio's death.
Estoy empezando a pensar si realmente tuvo algo que ver con la muerte de Annunzio.
You don't have to give up anything at all.
No tienes que sacrificar nada de nada.
You think dad shot Oscar? - I don't think anything at all.
- ¿ Crees que papá disparó a Oscar?
Did she say she doesn't really remember anything at all?
¿ Realmente dijo que no recuerda?
Nevermind, I wasn't expecting anything at all.
¡ ¿ Qué están haciendo todos? !
How does it help to be so scared of being separated that you can't do anything at all?
No debes tener miedo de dejar a alguien, no puedes hacer nada ahora.
Because, believing in everything at the same time, is the same as not believing in anything at all.
Porque, creer en todo al mismo tiempo. es lo mismo que no creer en nada
Don't you have anything at all to say about this?
¿ No tienes nada que decir?
When he wakes up, if he wakes up, he may not remember the event, he may not remember anything at all.
Cuando despierte, si despierta, quizá no recuerde lo ocurrido. Quizá no recuerde nada de nada.
Anything at all?
¿ Alguna novedad?
- call me if you need anything at all.
- Llamada de RNE si necesita algo
- Anything at all?
- ¿ Algo más?
Anything at all.
Realmente cualquier cosa.
♪ all the faces that I've seen don't mean anything at all to me
♪ todas las caras que he visto no significan nada en absoluto para mí
Do you remember anything at all?
¿ Te acuerdas de algo en lo absoluto?
'Do you remember anything at all? '
¿ No te acuerdas de nada?
You won't have to worry about anything, son, anything at all.
No tendremos que preocuparnos de nada, hijo, de absolutamente nada.
I'll write to you as soon as I hear, but it's extremely unlikely there is anything wrong at all.
Le escribiré en cuanto sepa, pero es extremadamente improbable que haya algún problema.
If there's anything else at all, just telephone.
Si necesitara algo más, llame.
If you ever want to talk about anything... Or maybe not talk at all...
Si alguna vez quieres hablar de cualquier cosa... o ni siquiera hablar en absoluto...
If you're Amy's friends at all, please don't say anything about Amy's mother being gay.
Si sois amigas de Amy, por favor no digáis nada de que la madre de Amy es gay.
His dream could have meant anything or nothing at all.
Su sueño podría no significar nada.
If you're Amy's friends at all, please don't say anything about Amy's mother being gay.
Si sois amigos de Amy, por favor no digáis nada de que la madre de Amy es gay.
Oh, I don't know anything about groups at all.
No sé nada sobre los grupos.
Anything at all?
¿ Cualquier cosa?
Not at all. What does that have to do with anything?
Para nada. ¿ Qué tiene que ver eso?
Charity is part of the show in that we all help each other without expecting anything in return, and at every convention, there's always a big auction to raise funds for a worthy cause.
La caridad es parte de la demostración de que todos nos ayudamos unos a otros sin esperar nada a cambio, y en cada convención, siempre hay una gran subasta para recaudar fondos para una buena causa.
Basic stuff... where you worked in the fire, who you worked with, if you saw the missing item or anything else at all suspicious.
Cosas básicas... donde trabajaste en el fuego, con quién trabajaste, si viste el objeto perdido o alguna otra cosa sospechosa.
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you at all.
No parece que tengas nada malo ni de lejos.
Was there anything different at all?
¿ No hubo nada distinto?
If there's anything you need at all, please let me know, okay?
Si necesita algo, hágamelo saber, ¿ de acuerdo? De acuerdo.
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ally 996
at all costs 35
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all right 154529
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all the world's a stage 17
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all alone 307
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all rise 341
allergic 17
all right then 461
all the way up 39