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As it turned out traducir español

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As it turned out,
Y habría podido ahorrarme el dinero.
As it turned out, it didn't matter.
La verdad, no importó.
As it turned out, they'd escaped from prison.
- Se habían fugado de la cárcel.
Here's the Reich Chancellery where the Führer fixed himself up a duplex. As it turned out, one part got to be a big padded cell and the other a mortuary.
Aquí está la Cancillería de "Reich", donde Hitler trasladó su vivienda que resultó en parte una enorme prisión y en parte un cementerio.
More to yourself perhaps, as it turned out, than to anyone else.
Al final, quizá más a ti misma que a nadie.
We even made a canon of a three-inch pipe with a tapered marlinespike for a firing pin and a lanyard 30 yards long for protection, an added thought, which, as it turned out, proved of immense value.
Incluso fabricamos un cañón con una tubería de tres pulgadas con un pasador afilado y un perno y una protección de 30 yardas de largo. Una idea que resultó ser de inmenso valor.
As it turned out, I left a little sooner than I'd planned.
Al final, me fui antes de lo planeado.
When all this started with Vincent, it wasn't as unpleasant as it turned out to be.
Cuando todo empezó, Vincent no era tan desagradable como ha llegado a ser.
It seemed pretty idiotic at the time but as it turned out, those Ping-Pong balls sure came in handy.
Parecían una tontería al principio, pero nos vinieron muy bien.
And, as it turned out the audiences of the whole world could have been sitting in that courtroom
Y al final el público del mundo entero pudo haber estado sentado en esa sala
But as it turned out, it wasn't the captain. Miss Gravely hit him with the heel of her shoe after he attacked her.
Pero era un golpe que la Srta. Gravely le había dado porque le atacó.
As it turned out, however, the lady wasn't his mother, after all.
Pero resultó, sin embargo,... que la mujer no era su madre, después de todo.
As it turned out, he could use me as an alibi.
Tal como sucedió, yo podría servirle de coartada.
As it turned out, it was a good thing we arrived when we did.
Después de lo que sucedió, estuv o bien llegar cuando dijimos.
As it turned out, his only friend.
Según parece, su único amigo.
The lucky one, as it turned out.
Ese resultó ser el afortunado.
As it turned out, we were lucky we didn't tamper with the weed.
Como resultó que tuvimos la suerte de que no alteró la maleza.
But as it turned out, Warden LeGoff has gone on to a far greater reward.
Pero, resultó que LeGoff ha ido a por una recompensa más grande.
As it turned out Our chance meeting with the reverend arthur belling Was to change our whole way of life
Aquel encuentro fortuito con el padre Belling... cambió nuestra vida.
As it turned out, however, they put a cap on my story, prevented me from writing about what I had seen with my own eyes by hanging a murder rap over my head,
Como esto se cerró, sin embargo ellos me tienen cogido por las bolas Previniéndome de escribir lo que había visto con mis propios ojos achacándome un crimen encima.
I mean, is it - h-has it turned out as well as you'd expected?
Quiero decir, es... ¿ resultó tan bien como querías?
As it turned out, she got promoted.
Parece ser que la ascendieron.
As it turned out, Betty Grable had an unlisted telephone number.
Pero Betty Grable no aparecía en la guía de teléfonos.
Because well, as it turned out she was already dying and in great pain.
Estaba enferma y sufría mucho.
As it turned out,
Y tal y como salieron las cosas,
But not as late as it turned out.
Pero no tanto como resulto.
As it turned out, the governor was wrong ;
Al final resultó que el gobernador estaba equivocado ;
that what just the stuff for clock springs, and, as it turned out, a lot of other things.
y como se vio después, para muchas otras cosas.
Anyway, everything's turned out fine as it usually does.
Da lo mismo, todo ha salido bien, como siempre.
It all turned out just as you once suspected, Cathy... that I had been kidnapped by wicked sailors and brought to England.
Resultó como tú sospechaste una vez, Cathy me raptaron unos malvados marineros y me trajeron a Inglaterra.
It's very fortunate for you that things turned out as they did.
Ha tenido mucha suerte de que las cosas hayan acabado así.
No cabe duda.
It even turned out there was no such town as Big Falls in Rhode Island.
Ni siquiera hay un pueblo llamado Big Falls en Rhode Island.
It started just as I turned out of High street.
Empezó a llover cuando salía de High street.
So it has all turned out exactly as you planned.
Todo ha salido exactamente como lo planeó.
The microphone was hidden as you told me your story, So it turned out to be one of my best programs...
Había un micrófono escondido mientras tú hablabas.
And as it turned out... you're even littler than you were before.
Y al final acabó siendo aún más pequeño de lo que era antes.
Kid still thinks he's writing for Mercury and the group but it turned out to what Uncle Hoff described as "disahster".
El chico cree que sigue escribiendo radioteatros pero en realidad se ha transformado en eso que Hoff llama "un desastre".
As a matter of fact, although I say it myself, I think I contributed in no small way to what turned out to be a highly successful party.
Aunque esté mal que lo diga, creo que contribuí bastante... a que la fiesta fuera todo un éxito.
I planned it all and it's turned out as I hoped it would.
Yo he planeado todo y resultó tal como esperaba.
It's all turned out well, really well l don't know what I would've done if Setsuko had done the same as Mikami's daughter. I'm so relieved
Es realmente maravilloso. Tenía miedo de que Setsuko hiciera como la hija de Mikami. ¿ Qué habríamos hecho si se hubiera escapado?
I was just sitting here thinking, as a matter of fact, you know nothing really has turned out the way I thought it would.
Estaba aquí sentada pensando, que de hecho, ya saben nada ha resultado realmente del modo que creí que sería.
Yes, it all started as a mild curiosity in a junkyard and now its turned out to be quite a, quite a great spirit of adventure, don't you think?
Sí, todo comenzó con una pequeña curiosidad en un vertedero. Y ahora ha resultado ser un... un gran espíritu de aventura. ¿ No crees?
As it happens, everything has turned out very well.
Gracias a eso todo ha ido bien.
As fate would have it, he turned out to be a jeweller. And the green glass turned out to be emeralds.
El destino quiso que el galán fuese un joyero y el cristal verde una esmeralda.
Besides... it turned out that you're not as fearful as I thought.
Además, me di cuenta de que no da tanto miedo como creía.
You know, it's a long time since I came across a hypnotic subject who turned out to be as good as you are.
Sabes, hace mucho tiempo desde que no me encontraba con un sujeto que hipnotizar tan bueno como tú. Hmm!
as soon as my back is turned... you run right out and spend it on props... for your morbid little games.
¡ Pero, oh, no! Tan pronto como me doy la vuelta sales corriendo a gastartelo en chorradas para tus morbosos jueguecitos.
Perhaps somebody kept it as a pet and turned it out when it got too big to feed? !
Quizás alguien lo mantuvo como mascota y lo abandonó cuando era demasiado grande para dar de comer?
Even the central part, which is easier reading, would lend itself to being read as performance difficulty, amateurish, an improvisation, it turned out to be, instead, I'd say, well, how can I say...
Incluso la parte central, que consentirá usted tiene una lectura más fácil, y se prestaría a ser leída como dificultad actoral, amateurismo, improvisación, resulta, diría, en cambio, cómo decirlo...
As t turned out it was not so!
¡ Y resulta que no es así!

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