Before traducir español
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Before you go and see Garber, I will let them tail me to New Haven.
Antes que vayan a ver a Garber, haré que me sigan a New Haven.
Tom Saunders knew about a Venezuelan bombing three years before it happened.
Tom Saunders sabía de la bomba en Venezuela tres años antes que pasara.
I made a copy before I handed it over to Gephardt.
Hice una copia antes de entregárselos a Gephardt.
The truth is, Sherlock, that I'd been thinking about giving up detective work a long time before Archie came along.
La verdad es, Sherlock, que había estado pensando en renunciar al trabajo detectivesco mucho antes que Archie llegara.
Then before I knew it, months had passed, and then a year and then...
Antes de darme cuenta, habían pasado meses, y luego un año, y luego...
I told you before you left you'd always be my friend.
Te dije antes que te marcharas que siempre serías mi amiga.
Would you believe I've-I've never been a godparent before?
¿ Creerías que nunca he sido padrino antes?
[Platon] Before a shoot, I'm not thinking, "How can I get a good picture?" but "What can I learn from this person?"
Antes de una toma no estoy pensando cómo puedo lograr una buena imagen sino qué puedo aprender de esta persona.
That is a door to something that you never had before, and that is empathy.
Y eso es una puerta a algo que nunca había tenido antes y eso es la empatía.
[Rawsthorn] Ilse has always treated interior design, both as a designer and magazine editor originally, with a seriousness and a complexity that was arguably lacking before.
Ilse siempre ha tratado el diseño de interiores con una seriedad y complejidad que antes no existía.
Because he was of the mind that humans don't question or interrogate reality before they have an opinion.
Porque él creía que las personas no cuestionan ni interrogan la realidad antes de tener una opinión.
Before collaborating with Ilse, I had googled her and understood, you know, "Wow, she's a rock star." [chuckles]
Antes de trabajar con Ilse, la había buscado en Google y entendí que era como una estrella de rock.
Besides, I didn't want to say anything before, but a big black fellow waiting on you hand and foot, very Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Y además, antes no quise decir nada, pero un tipo negro esperando a tu disposición, es muy Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Only one other car was at that warehouse before you guys showed up.
Solo otro coche estuvo en ese almacén antes de que aparecierais.
If I'm lucky, I can find the encryption key before he gets back.
Si tengo suerte, podré encontrar la clave de encriptación antes de que vuelva.
I suppose it was only a matter of time before one of you figured it out and showed up.
Supuse que era cuestión de tiempo antes de que alguno de vosotros lo averiguara y apareciera.
And Ivy's going to Chinese school like last Saturday and the Saturday before that.
Y Ivy va a la escuela china. Asi como el sábado pasado y el antepasado.
We have to clean the whole house from top to bottom before Chinese New Year.
Tenemos que limpiar toda la casa. de arriba a abajo para el Año Nuevo Chino.
We've never celebrated Chinese New Year with the whole family before.
Nunca antes hemos celebrado Año Nuevo Chino con toda la familia.
But you'll fix it before the all-city gymnastics meet, right?
Pero lo vas a arreglar antes del Torneo Local de Gimnasia, cierto?
We've never celebrated Chinese New Year's with the entire family before.
Nunca antes hemos celebrado Año Nuevo Chino con toda la familia.
I guess they thought it would be rude to exclude him, since they were all friends before the divorce.
creo que ellos pensaron que si lo excluían sería grosero porque ellos eran todos amigos desde antes del divorcio.
Of course. It's the last Saturday before all-city.
Por supuesto. es el último sábado antes del Torneo.
Or would you give it up before you even tried?
O simplemente te rendirías sin siquiera intentarlo?
It was not until I was 19 before I had my first bite of the American hamburger.
No fue sino hasta cuando tuve 19 años que pude tener mi primer bocado de una hamburguesa americana.
Come on, before it gets cold.
Vamos, antes que se enfríe.
Ivy, it's natural to worry before a big competition, but you'll be fine.
Ivy, es natural preocuparse antes de una gran competencia, Pero vas a estar bien.
So that, before you even read it, you have sensibility and spirit.
Así, incluso antes de leerlo, tienes sensibilidad y espíritu.
I remember I made these very dark posters that had serif typography, just to do something opposite to what I had done before.
Recuerdo que hice pósteres oscuros con una fuente serif... solo para hacer algo opuesto a lo que había hecho antes.
Those were all the things that were being worked out for nearly, I think, two years before the thing launched.
Esas eran las cosas que se resolvían durante casi dos años antes de lanzarlo.
My father saw two of the paintings I did before he died.
Mi padre vio dos de las pinturas que hice antes de que muriera.
There's certain things that a man must learn before he's sent out into the world.
Hay ciertas cosas que un hombre debe aprender antes de que lo envíen al mundo.
Look, I know there's, like, a specific amount of time I'm supposed to take before I start grilling you.
Mira, sé que se supone que debo esperar un tiempo determinado antes de empezar a interrogarte.
And the trailer before that?
¿ Y antes en el remolque?
Had he done that before?
¿ Habia hecho eso antes?
Bobby removed it from the drive an hour before he died.
Bobby lo saco de la unidad una hora antes de morir.
I... I've been to this park with Stephen before.
He estado en ese parque con Stephen antes.
They iced her out way before that.
La congelaron antes de eso.
Your boy swallowed it right before he was shot.
Tu chico lo trago justo antes de que le dispararan.
I heard all that before.
He oido todo eso antes.
So, before you say no...
Así que, antes que digas que no...
Well, database says that he was a low-level foot soldier for Tito Flores before he disappeared.
Bueno, la base de datos dice que era un soldado de bajo nivel de Tito Flores antes de desaparecer.
Detective. Gideon killed her before you...
Gideon la mató antes de que usted...
I gave Carlos my phone before Maria and I left the safe house.
Le di a Carlos mi teléfono antes de que María y yo dejásemos el refugio.
Roberto had all this and more before I took him away.
Roberto tenía todo esto y más antes que me lo llevara.
When I was in your trailer and I saw the photo of your wife Miranda, I thought I recognized her, like I'd seen her before.
Cuando estuve en tu remolque y vi la foto de tu esposa Miranda, creí reconocerla, como si la hubiese visto antes.
Where have you seen her before?
¿ Dónde la viste anteriormente?
Richard, before you throttle him... - uh, heh... - Ha, ha.
Richard, antes de que lo estrangules ¿ concuerdas con él?
And they just got shut down before they got built'cause people don't want it.
Las cerraron antes de construirlas porque la gente no las quiere.
We'll be back with those codes before you know it.
Volveremos con esos códigos antes de que os deis cuenta.
it's better than before.
Oye, mucho mejor que la anterior.
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before i met you 48
before you know it 193
before i leave 41
before your time 20
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before i met you 48
before you know it 193
before i leave 41
before your time 20