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Behave yourself traducir español

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If you behave yourself, I may come back and get you.
Si se porta bien, puede que vuelva a recogerla.
Now, you run along and behave yourself.
Ahora vete por ahí y pórtate bien.
Now, you behave yourself, partner.
Compórtate, amigo.
Please behave yourself.
Por favor, compórtate.
Behave yourself.
Oye, pórtate bien.
Behave yourself.
- Compórtate.
Come back here and behave yourself.
Vuelve aquí y compórtate.
So go home and behave yourself.
Así que váyase a casa y pórtese bien.
Come in, Dolly, and behave yourself.
Pasa, Dolly, y compórtate.
Charles Lomax, if you can behave yourself, behave yourself.
Charles Lomax, si sabes comportarte, hazlo.
But you, Adolphus, can behave yourself if you choose to.
Pero tú, Adolphus, sabes comportarte si quieres.
Not even how to behave yourself.
Ni comportarte siquiera.
Jeff, behave yourself.
Jeff, compórtate.
Not if you can behave yourself.
- No, si puedes comportarte.
Come on, now, Cookie, behave yourself.
Venga, hombre, Cocinillas, sé bueno.
Just lie still, please, and behave yourself.
Quedaos tumbada y quieta.
Behave yourself
Eat up your delicious piece of railway fish and behave yourself.
Come tu delicioso pescado y compórtate.
I'm crazy, but if you promise to behave yourself...
Estoy loco, pero si promete comportarse...
Behave yourself, Betsy!
¡ Pórtate bien, Betsy!
Cheetah, you behave yourself.
Chita, pórtate bien.
Now you behave yourself, my girl.
¡ Trata de ser juiciosa!
Go on to bed now and behave yourself.
Vete a dormir y pórtate bien.
Now you behave yourself!
¡ Compórtate!
I'll break your blasted neck if you don't behave yourself. Go on!
Te voy a partir el maldito cuello si no te portas bien. ¡ Vamos!
- Now behave yourself.
- Compórtate.
Ahora, Vicky, pórtate bien.
You behave yourself.
As long as her ladyship's around, You've got to behave yourself.
Bueno, con antecedentes o sin antecedentes debe comportarse, frente a esta damisela.
- Behave yourself.
- Cuídese.
You behave yourself unless you like being hit over the head.
Mejor que te comportes, a no ser que quieras un buen porrazo en la cabeza.
Behave yourself, Homer.
Compórtese, Homer.
Homer, behave yourself.
Homer, compórtese.
Franklin, behave yourself. Get up from that pavement this instant.
Franklin, compórtate, levántate del piso ahora mismo.
But in the meantime - as long as you're with us, I mean - your mum and me would be much obliged... if you'd keep your tongue between your teeth and behave yourself.
Pero mientras vivas con nosotros, tu madre y yo agradeceremos que te calles y te comportes.
If you don't behave yourself there won't be tonight or any night.
Si no se porta bien, no habrá esta noche ni ninguna otra.
Behave yourself.
Pórtate como se debe.
You'll have to behave yourself.
Tienes que comportarte.
But if you behave yourself in the future, I'll see you're provided with some cheap china which, on Sundays and holidays, you can throw at yourself.
Pero si te portas bien, te daré porcelana barata que podrás tirar contra ti misma los domingos y festivos.
Behave yourself...
Haz el favor de portarte bien.
Behave yourself.
¡ Pórtate bien!
And then a little later when I was writing him a prescription... he suddenly said, "For heaven's sake, behave yourself."
Y cuando le estaba escribiendo una receta de repente dijo : ¡ Por Amor de Dios, compórtate!
That might not be necessary, if you behave yourself.
Eso no será necesario si se comporta.
Well behave yourself.
Pues pórtate bien.
Now mind you behave yourself.
Ya puedes portarte bien.
- Behave yourself.
- Compórtate.
Behave yourself!
No haga burradas, ¡ eh...!
Just behave yourself.
Tomalo con calma.
Está bien, nunca te dejaré, ¡ pero compórtate!
Behave yourself, Poppy!
Compórtate, Poppy.
It's my duty to see that you behave properly and don't make a fool of yourself.
Es mi obligación de que te comportes correctamente y no hagas el ridículo.

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