Being a woman traducir español
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And being a woman then?
¿ Y ser una mujer entonces?
Paul is right, being a woman has a fatal flaw.
Paul tiene razón, ser mujer tiene un defecto fatal.
In spite of being a woman, you "'
- Ah, ¿ sí? ¿ Tu papá la regaño?
This is the happiness of being a woman.
Esto es la felicidad de ser una mujer.
- And being a woman, she's a sucker for the old look-how-many-photos-of-the-children - Grandpa-has - in-his-wallet bit.
Y al ser mujer va a caer por el viejo truco de "mira cuántas fotos de los niños tiene el abuelo en su cartera".
But Adele, being a woman of the South, had survived worse than desertion.
Pero Adele, siendo una mujer del Sur, ha sobrevivido peor que el abandono.
It's hard being a woman. Don't you think?
Es difícil ser mujer. ¿ No cree...?
This is Stefania Quattrini of "Being a Woman".
¿ Comisario Montalbano? Soy Estefanía Quatrini de "Ser Mujer".
I am so sick of being a woman, you guys.
Estoy harta de ser mujer.
Ms. Hanson, do you feel being a woman played any type of role in the president's decision?
¿ Señora Hanson, piensa Ud. que su condición de mujerjugó un papel importante en la decisión del presidente?
Being a woman who loves too much. Choosing the wrong man, then trying to change him.
Ser de las que aman demasiado, elegir un mal hombre y querer cambiarlo.
It's been a long time... since I thought about being with a woman.
Paso mucho tiempo... desde la última vez que pensé en estar con una mujer.
I am deeply in love with the woman I'm about to marry, and I am very much looking forward to raising a family and being a positive member of society.
Amo una mujer con quien voy a casarme y estoy ansioso por tener una familia y ser un miembro constructivo de la sociedad.
It seems to be some sort of confession about some horrible thing he did to a woman in Las Vegas, and... buried outside of Vegas, about Boyd being the ringleader... she wants to know what the hell's going on.
Parece ser una confesión sobre algo que ustedes le hicieron a una mujer en Las Vegas y y como Boyd era el cabecilla. Ella quiere saber que sucedió.
An attempt is being made by sympathetic Germans to ensure the escape of a brave woman.
Alemanes solidarios intentan asegurar el escape de una valiente mujer.
Well.... As far as I'm concerned... ... the lnternet is just another way of being rejected by a woman.
Bien, en lo que a mí respecta el Internet es sólo otro modo de que te rechace una mujer.
I'm looking for a woman I enjoy being with. That takes time to find.
Busco una mujer con la cual me guste estar, eso no se encuentra en dos segundos.
I'm not capable of being made a fool, not even by a woman.
- No soy tonto. Y nadie es capaz de tomarme por tonto. Y menos una mujer.
A woman being taken away from you is different to being dumped.
Quitarle la mujer a un hombre es una cosa muy seria.
Lebensborn was reduced to a shelter for woman... who had transgressed the dictates of German morality, preventing Aryan blood from being lost to abortion.
Lebensborn se redujo a un albergue para mujeres que habían transgredido las normas de la moral alemana. solo evitando la perdida de la sangre aria por el aborto.
If this boy is being questioned on the matter of the woman's body, it is highly pertinent.
Si están interrogando a este chico por lo del cuerpo de la mujer, es muy oportuno.
Now, you tell me why a respectable woman, who has just complained of being harassed by men, would then drink with them.
Dígame, ¿ por qué una mujer respetable, que acaba de quejarse del acoso de unos hombres, acaba bebiendo con ellos?
Well, we thought we were being immature. To leave a young woman in a place like this.
pensamos que estamos siendo inmaduros al dejar a una joven en un lugar como este.
They depicted this woman being restrained to a chair and then murdered when the number of hits on the website matched the one on the wall.
Describieron a esa mujer retenida en una silla, y luego asesinada cuando el numero de visitas de la pagina Web alcanzó la cifra de la pared.
Please nurse, for a woman with a dead fetus on your head, you're not being very openminded.
Por favor enfermera, para una mujer con un feto muerto en la cabeza, no está siendo muy objetiva.
Every human being on Earth knows there's only one reason a single man under 50... takes a woman to the Starlight Room.
Sólo hay una razón por la que un joven... lleva al Salón Lucero a una mujer.
And being that I can't even trust you enough to kill a woman... well, I'm left with no choice... but to seek outside assistance in guarding said package.
Y ya que no puedo ni confiar en Uds. para que maten a una mujer... pues, mi única opción... es buscar ayuda externa para cuidar dicho paquete.
For the first time a woman want prevents me from being with another.
Por primera vez, desear a una mujer me impide estar con otra.
If Indira Gandhi could run a country in spite of being a woman, "' "'then, can't you run an office for a few days?
¿ No puedes ver y abriste la puerta?
I'm only trying to show you the pleasures of being with a woman.
Sólo intento... enseñarte los placeres de estar con una mujer.
Do you feel safe being driven by a woman?
¿ Tú no te sentirías a salvo?
I mean, if I fire a woman for being too sexy or for looking too sexy, I get sued by her.
Si despido a una mujer por ser demasiado sexy, me llevan a juicio.
It's just a coincidence. You representing a woman being so inconsiderably promiscuous after you yourself...
Es una coincidencia que representes a una mujer tan promiscua después de que tú misma...
See I've always thought that the key to being a good lover, from a woman's standpoint, was the emotional connection!
Siempre he pensado que, para la mujer, ser buen amante es tener una conexión emocional.
We all know what category I fit into, Nelle, and I don't like being dismissed every time a woman's eggs warm up, and you add to that the debacle over the phone sex, this Risa girl who had to live up her sexual fantasy before going down the aisle,
No me gusta ser rechazado cuando tus óvulos se calientan. Y con lo del desastre por teléfono, lo de Risa acostándose con alguien,...
But I did hear about a woman being chased by two wild dogs.
Sólo algo de una mujer perseguida por dos perros salvajes.
You think of her in terms of being a patient, not as a woman.
Piensas en ella como paciente, no como mujer.
Hey, she's a human being... and a woman.
Es un ser humano y una mujer.
You don't know what it's like being classified as a woman.
No sabe lo que es eso, ser clasificado como una mujer, Señor.
A formal reprimand for being intimate with a young woman?
¿ Una reprimenda formal por haber intimado con una joven?
Is it possible there's a situation involving Sam, a woman and C.J. being denied information?
¿ Es posible que haya una situación que involucre a Sam, una mujer y que ocultaran información a C.J.?
We can keep this from escalating beyond a woman being angry at getting her hair messed up.
Podemos evitar que esto escale de ser sólo una mujer agraviada por habérsele raspado la pintura...
He thinks that I'm a Manhattan career woman... who dreams of being a mother in France.
Él cree que soy una profesional que sueña que es una madre en Francia.
A woman being knifed...
Una mujer apuñalada...
I mean, you being a woman and all?
Digo, para una mujer.
What's ridiculous is not being a caterer... so your husband can feel like a man... knowing his woman's cooking and ironing his drawers.
eso es ridículo no es un abastecedor... así que tu marido puede sentirse como un hombre... sabiendo que la cocina de su mujer Y planchar sus pantalones.
A married man should not have the burden of being seen alone... with a single woman.
Un hombre casado no debería llevar la carga de ser visto solo, con una mujer soltera.
Come on, Lisa, you'll like being a modern woman.
Vamos, Lisa, te gustarà ser una mujer moderna.
Do you like being a modern woman, Karen?
¿ Te gusta ser una mujer moderna, Karen?
and of course the danger of living close to high speed trains individuals run the risk of being struck by trains we've had two fatalities there in the course of the year one woman froze to death from exposure and another individual was struck by a train
Y por supuesto, está el peligro de vivir al lado de los trenes de alta velocidad. Corren el riesgo de que les pillen. Este año llevamos 2 muertes.
It is every man's duty to defend a woman who is being insulted and...
Todo hombre tiene el deber de defender a una dama ofendida, y...
being alone 20
being alive 20
a woman like you 18
a woman 648
woman 4151
womanizer 20
woman and child 29
woman screaming 45
woman on phone 18
woman laughing 20
being alive 20
a woman like you 18
a woman 648
woman 4151
womanizer 20
woman and child 29
woman screaming 45
woman on phone 18
woman laughing 20
woman show 21
woman on radio 16
woman to woman 19
woman's voice 21
woman over p 21
woman on p 32
woman speaking native language 25
woman on tv 34
woman on pa 27
woman screams 46
woman on radio 16
woman to woman 19
woman's voice 21
woman over p 21
woman on p 32
woman speaking native language 25
woman on tv 34
woman on pa 27
woman screams 46
woman laughs 23
being 356
being there 23
being erica 27
being you 16
being with you 29
being the operative word 35
being here 45
being dead 20
being 356
being there 23
being erica 27
being you 16
being with you 29
being the operative word 35
being here 45
being dead 20