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But she wouldn't traducir español

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I don't know if she's sexually abused, but I wouldn't be surprised if she knew exactly what went on.
No sé si abusan de ella pero no me sorprendería si supiera todo lo que sucede.
I begged her to make him stop, but she wouldn't.
Le rogué que lo detuviera, pero no lo hizo.
I tried talking to her about the way she was acting, but she wouldn't let it go.
Traté de hablar con ella sobre su forma de actuar, pero no me hizo caso.
But she hit him with her door, ran and they chased her so she wouldn't tell anyone.
Ella le pegó con la puerta y huyó. La persiguieron para que no se lo contara a nadie.
No, but she wouldn't appreciate you grabbing a woman like that.
No, pero no le gustaría que agarres a una mujer de esa manera.
Yes, but she wouldn't let me help.
Sí, pero no me dejó ayudarle.
But she wouldn't do this.
Pero ella no haría algo así.
she's only almost famous ; you wouldn't know her, but I did.
Apenas es famosa quizás ni la conozca Pero yo si la reconocí
But, sir, two days before the crime, through some reversal of her will, my daughter declared she wouldn't marry him.
Ahora, señor Juez,... dos días antes del crimen,... mi hija me había declarado que no podría casarse con el señor Darzac.
Jane Tennison can be difficult, but she ´ d never demand from us what she wouldn ´ t ask of herself.
Jane Tennison puede ser difícil pero nunca nos exigiría algo que no se exija a sí misma.
Her average was good enough, but the teacher said she wouldn't make it.
Su nota media era lo bastante buena, pero el profe dijo que no lo haría.
So, I wasn't there every day when she came home and maybe I didn't know about every tiny detail of her life but she understood why and she wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
... y quizás no sabía cada pequeño detalle de su vida, pero ella entendía el porqué, y no lo habría querido de otra forma.
I know she was mad at me for trying to kill you all but she wouldn't, I mean...
Sé que estaba enfadada conmigo por querer matarlos a todos... -... pero no irá a, o sea...
Okay, but if she was flipped by the vehicle, there would be evidence all over the vehicle, wouldn't there?
Bien, pero si ella fue golpeada por el vehículo, estarían todas las pruebas en el vehículo, ¿ no?
I wouldn't feel comfortable just telling anybody this but she took up with that piano teacher Matt.
No siento la confianza de contarle esto a cualquiera pero salía con Matt, el profesor de piano.
I didn ´ t want to hear about it, but she wouldn ´ t let up.
No quería hablar del tema pero ella insistió.
But whatever thoughts I have are dwarfed by this cloud of disloyalty I feel about Julia which I know is crazy. I know she wouldn't want me to feel but I do.
Pero esos pensamientos los opaca una nube de deslealtad con Julia, que sé que ella no quisiera que sintiera, pero que siento.
She said she couldn't help me out, but she wouldn't say why, so I leaned on her a bit.
Me dijo que no poda ayudarme, pero que no poda decirme la razn, as que insist.
But Jen had been drinking, and she wouldn't listen.
Pero Jen había estado bebiendo, y no me escuchaba.
( Castrillon ) Last time I saw Livia, she seemed so troubled, but she wouldn't let me help.
La última vez que vi a Livia, parecía muy preocupada... -... pero no me dejó ayudarla.
Of course you did, but she wouldn't, would she?
Usted no sabe qué hacer.
At first, Lucy was sleeping peacefully, but then she woke up, and she wouldn't stop screaming, and I was so angry.
Al principio, Lucy dormía con placidez pero luego despertó y no dejaba de gritar y yo me enojé mucho.
She dared Melody she wouldn't nick a Hubba Bubba off Darren, but Darren ain't got no pubes.
Apostó a que le arrancaría un pelo de abajo a Darren. Pero él no tiene pelos ahí abajo.
- No. No, I didn't, but that would explain why she jumped, wouldn't it?
No, no lo sabía pero eso explicaría por qué saltó, ¿ No?
But there would still be times when she wouldn't be around.
Pero no siempre podría estar cerca de él.
It reads... 75 % of the details of most sessions wouldn't carry much currency for espionage, but enough significant material passed through Sonia Baker's hands to justify, in my opinion, why she would be useful to the oil industry, U-EX in particular,
Pone... El 75 % de los detalles de la mayoría de las sesiones no valdrían demasiado para el espionaje, pero el suficiente material significante pasó por las manos de Sonia Baker lo que justifica, en mi opinión que ella era útil para la industria, y en particular para la U-EX
She wouldn't be doing laundry but there is a candy machine down there
No sería para lavar. Pero hay una máquina de dulces ahí. Ven aquí.
She wouldn't say who, but I figured it out.
No. No dijo quién. Me lo imaginé.
I had him halfway out the door this morning, but she wouldn't bite his hands.
Lo tuve a medio camino de la puerta esta mañana pero ella no le mordió los dedos.
But she is very resourceful, as we both know. I wouldn't worry about her too much.
No son los alemanes quienes me preocupan.
You raped her? We kept her naked for 3 days, but she just wouldn't talk.
Mantener el sufrimiento durante días no es suficiente, es necesario... decirlo.
If Alice came to you, desperate... with all that love still between you... and she said she needed you to want her... so she could get over you, you'd do it. I wouldn't like it either, but I'd forgive you.
Si Alice viniera a ti, desesperada con todo ese amor que todavía hay entre ustedes y dice que necesita estar contigo y de esa forma te podría olvidar, tú lo harías no me gustaría tampoco, pero te perdonaría.
BUt she woUldn't listen to me
Pero ella no me hace caso.
But of course, she wouldn't face things up when it's about herself!
¡ Por supuesto que ella no puede enfrentar las cosas cuando se trata de ella!
I was at it for a long time, but she just wouldn't listen
Yo estaba en ella durante mucho tiempo, pero ella no quiso escuchar
But she wouldn't tell me saying it was a secret code.
Pero no quiso decírmelo, sólo que era un código secreto.
She a little does planning here and there but it wouldn't be a Gennifer Douglas production if I didn't do the work.
Ella hace un poco de planeación pero no habría una producción Gennifer Douglas si yo no hiciera el trabajo.
She even left her family to marry him... but your grandma wouldn't let it happen.
Ella incluso dejó a su familia para casarse.. pero tu abuela no se lo permitió.
My research has indicated that in fact she was very much dioecious of the half, but you wouldn't know this of course from the new testament.
Mis investigaciones indican que ella era... Pero no es evidente en el Nuevo Testamento.
But she wouldn't listen.
Pero no me escuchó.
You separated before moving to Brackhampton, but she was a Catholic and wouldn't agree to a divorce.
Se separaron antes de mudarse a Brackhampton, pero ella era Católica y no acordaría el divorcio.
It doesn't sound very romantic but I do hope she wouldn't refuse.
No suena muy romántico pero espero que ella acepte.
She'd spend thousands on designer clothes, jewelry, plastic surgery... but wouldn't lend me a dime.
Ella disponía de miles de dólares para sus vestidos de marca, joyas, cirugía estética... pero no podía hacerme un préstamo.
But she wouldn't leave.
Pero ella no quería irse.
Tried to tell my mom, but she wouldn't listen.
Traté de decírselo a mamá, pero no me oyó.
I went on a few dates with her and I ended it but she wouldn't let it go.
Salí varias veces con ella, dejé de salir, pero ella no lo aceptó.
I told her you wouldn't be the most objective person in the world but she defended you.
Puede que yo no sea la persona mas objetiva en el mundo pero ella lo defendió.
I wouldn't request to see her thesis on anything... but she was charming and a good dancer.
No pediría leer su tesis pero era encantadora y bailaba bien
Lauren wouldn't tell me, but if she's as talented as she is crazy it's gonna be good.
Lauren no me lo quiso decir, pero si tiene tanto talento como locura ¡ va a ser bueno!
Yeah, but she wouldn't tell me.
- Sí, pero no quiso decirme.
Adam would come to school hungry, but she wouldn't let him eat school lunch.
Adam venía hambriento, pero ella no lo dejaba comer el almuerzo.

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