But that's not it traducir español
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So you said you'd drive to the top of a dam, which you didn't, to pay tribute to a car that you said was about to die, but it's not.
Entoces, ibas a conducir hasta lo alto de una presa, cosa que no hiciste, para rendir tributo a un coche que iba a morir, pero no lo hizo.
He's a rising member of the house, super-charismatic, but let's face it, there's not a hell of a lot of competition in that.
Es un miembro emergente de la cámara, supercarismático, pero afrontémoslo, no hay mucha competitividad en eso.
I would like to say it's a pleasure, Mr. Sesselman, but I think we both know that is not the case.
Me gustaría decir que es un placer, señor Sesselman, pero creo que ambos sabemos que no es el caso.
It's wastewater but not toxic, will be sent to bamboo plants, and their roots system will activate bacteries that will decompose impurities, will eat them, and the only biomass produced is the bamboo's stem, that grows, that we cut, that we dry,
Ese agua, que está sucia pero que no es tóxica, se envía a plantaciones de bambú, y es su sistema radicular el encargado de activar unas bacterias que eliminan la suciedad alimentándose de ella. La única biomasa que se genera es la del tallo de bambú que cortamos cuando crece, la secamos y la utilizamos para calentarnos.
Those persons are writing a new story, they're telling us that it's not too late, but that we have to take action, now.
Estas personas están escribiendo una historia nueva. Están diciéndonos que no es tarde, pero debemos seguir avanzando. ¡ Ahora!
It's not that you have a history of lying, but you have a history of lying.
No es que tengas un historial de mentiras, pero tienes una historia de mentira.
It's not a panacea, but you know that.
No es una panacea, pero ya lo sabes.
Yeah, it's you two that are keeping us down, but not tonight.
Sí, ustedes nos limitan, pero no esta noche.
Could you do that thing you did last year where you lose and then you try and throw a chair but not realize it's bolted down and wrench your back and then curse at me while I wave a trophy in your big, red face, could you?
¿ Puedes repetir eso de perder, luego intentar arrojar una silla... sin darte cuenta que está atornillada, luego torcerte la espalda... e insultarme mientras agito un trofeo en tu cara roja y grandota?
Not that it's any of your business, but I'll be making 1 / 2 million a year in no time.
No es que sea de mi incumbencia, pero estaré ganando medio millón de dólares al año en poco tiempo.
And to do that as a woman, yet alone as sitting first lady, that's not just hard, it's all but impossible.
Y para hacer eso como mujer, incluso siendo primera dama, no es solo difícil, es casi imposible.
But it was either cancel my guest's appearance or have the integrity of my program undone by someone whose claims, in the end, could not be verified... claims that would be unfair to the White House.
Pero era o cancelar la aparición de mi invitado o destrozar la integridad de mi programa por alguien cuyas afirmaciones, al final, podrían no ser verificadas... afirmaciones que podrían ser injustas para la Casa Blanca.
But what if it's not her nose that makes her unhappy?
Pero, ¿ qué pasa si no es la nariz lo que la hace infeliz?
I know you really want these guys to get along and you're disappointed that it's not happening, but...
Sé que de veras quieres que se lleven bien, y estás decepcionada de que no sucedió, pero...
Yeah, I know it's not a very "PC" thing to say these days, but, uh, chicks are like that.
Sí, sé que no es políticamente correcto decirlo hoy en día pero así son las nenas.
But, at university, it's not like that.
Pero, en la universidad, no es así.
I don't know if he's mourning', but he's not happy about it, that's for sure.
No sé si está de luto, pero no está contento con ello, eso es seguro.
I understand that. And we're going after him as well, but you co-signed for the loan. And it's not the first time you've been in this situation.
Lo comprendo y vamos a ir detrás suyo también, pero firmaste también por el préstamo y no es la primera vez que estás en esta situación.
But, now, that's not true, is it?
Pero, ahora, eso no es verdad, ¿ no es así?
Yes, but it's not the software that's killing.
Sí, pero no es el programa el que mata.
But, uh, I don't know. It's the pressure to act like a normal person, it makes me feel, like, caged in, so I-I'm, um... not gonna do that.
Es la presión de actuar como una persona normal, me hace sentir, como, enjaulado, así que soy... no voy a hacer eso.
[Laughter] I mean, not to insult you, but it's just the fact that it's not something we would carry usually in the stash.
Quiero decir, no quiero insultarte, pero está el hecho de que no solemos tratar con estas cosas normalmente en el Stash.
Okay, guys, I know it's Halloween, and we're all excited about the party, but that does not mean there won't be class work today.
Vale, chicos, sé que es Halloween, y que todos estamos entusiasmados por la fiesta, pero eso no quiere decir que hoy no vaya a haber trabajo de clase.
Yeah, I know, but it's not that easy.
Sí, lo sé, pero no es tan sencillo.
It's not like it's a big deal, but right before we were set to go on the Heathens world tour, the one that never happened because your father broke up Flash's marriage,
No es que importe mucho, pero justo antes de que empezáramos la gira mundial con Los Paganos, la que nunca hicimos porque tu padre rompió el matrimonio de Flash,
When a guy comes in and says the wife is gone, right away, not that you're jaded about the effort that you're going to put forth, but it's like,
Cuando llega un tío y dice que su mujer se ha ido, lo primero, no es que estés cansado del esfuerzo que vas a tener que hacer, pero es como,
But that's just the stuff of fairy tales, is it not?
Pero eso son solo cosas de cuentos de hadas, ¿ verdad?
Look, I don't know what you're up to, but it's damn sure not about making sure that I closed my case properly.
Mira, no sé lo que estás tramando, pero es absolutamente seguro de que no se trata de asegurarse de si cerré el caso apropiadamente.
But that's not how I should've handled it.
Pero no es así como debería haberlo resuelto.
But it's not the handling or the power or the 170-mile-an-hour top speed that impresses most.
Pero no es el manejo o la potencia Pero no es la velocidad máxima de 270 kilómetros por hora lo que impresiona.
We forget what it's like to live with a thing... not that we need, but that we want.
Olvidamos qué es vivir sin una cosa... no que necesitamos, sino que queremos.
It's not a label I gave her, but it is one that she is stuck with.
No es una etiqueta la que le di, pero es algo con lo que se ha quedado.
Not that it's any of your business, but, yes, I do, and she loves me.
No es que sea de tu incumbencia, pero, sí, la amo, y ella me ama a mí.
Couldn't help but listen, and it's not every day that one hears something so rare as the cure for vampirism.
No pude evitar escuchar, y no todos los días que uno escucha algo tan inusual como la cura para el vampirismo.
It's not, but Matilda needs to make it look that way.
No lo es, pero Matilda quiere que se vea de esa forma.
Well, I mean, maybe she was like that before, but she's not anymore, and I don't know if it's too late for you guys, but I know it's also totally awkward and I'm overstepping my boundaries maybe...
Bueno, tal vez ella ya era así, pero ya no lo es. Y no sé si sea demasiado tarde para ustedes... pero sé que esto es complicado y me estoy extralimitando...
In the beginning I was confused, but it's not like that anymore.
Al principio estaba confundida, pero no será así nunca más.
- That's a good saying. - It's not my saying, but Karl Barth's.Karl Barth :
- Ese es un buen refrán. - No es mi refrán sino de Karl Barth.Karl Barth : Un suizo clérigo y teólogo.
But that's not where you found it.
Pero allí no fue donde lo encontraste.
That's not what i meant, But if that's the source of your erratic behavior lately And you ever want to talk about it,
No es lo que quise decir, pero si es la razón de tu comportamiento errático últimamente y alguna vez quieres hablar de ello, tenemos un departamento de orientación excelente.
But you need to know that it's not because she's ashamed of you or embarrassed.
Pero tienes que saber que no es porque se avergüence de ti.
No, it is not, but that's not the point we want to be making right now.
No, no lo es, pero esa no es la cuestión que queremos abordar ahora mismo.
I know that sounds comforting, but, trust me, it's not.
Sé que puede parecer reconfortante pero, créeme, no lo es.
I'm not happy to say that I've done it, but I have done it, and I think that that's the only way you can affect change, is to go out and be honest with people and tell them
No me alegra decirlo, pero lo hecho. Creo que esa es la única forma de promover un cambio, salir y ser sincero con la gente y decirles lo que hiciste.
I know that you're doing good, but it's when you don't want to talk when I know you're not doing good, and I don't want to make that phone call.
Y cuando no quieres hablar sé que las cosas andan mal. Y no quiero llamarte.
It is, it is, it hurts quite a bit, but, you know, that's not the painful part.
Lo es, lo es, duele un poco, pero, ya sabes, esa no es la parte dolorosa.
That's why I planted my own garden, but it's just not enough.
Por eso me planté mi propio jardín, pero simplemente no es suficiente.
But I'm not happy about the fact that it's 30 years later, and there's a Berlin Wall of silence.
Pero no me gusta el hecho de que, 30 años después, haya un gran muro de silencio.
But it's not something that we discuss, and not something that we have any involvement in.
Pero no es algo sobre lo que discutamos ni en lo que estemos envueltos.
But it's not a secret that that's a "D" for Durst...
Pero no es un secreto que esta "D" es de Durst.
We not only discovered that Greenland's net ice loss could raise sea levels significantly, but also that the melt rate is actually 60 years ahead of previously held worst-case scenarios, and it's speeding up.
Supimos que el deshielo de Groenlandia... no solo elevará los niveles de los mares... sino que está ocurriendo... 60 años antes del peor escenario pensado... y que se está acelerando.
but that's not you 16
but that's beside the point 34
but that's okay 199
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's the thing 39
but that's not true 78
but that's the way it is 43
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68
but that's beside the point 34
but that's okay 199
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's the thing 39
but that's not true 78
but that's the way it is 43
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68