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But that's not possible traducir español

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But that's not possible!
Pero eso no es posible.
not at all, Sanitätsrat that's not possible, Bettina what you're saying is completely impossible but it's the truth, pastor Immos himself saw it she is wearing mother's ring that's downright robbery robbery of the holiest, the dearest what has been left to us
En absoluto, sr. Consejero Médico. ¡ No es posible, Bettina!
That is possible. But it's not nearly enough of a reason to run way from you. You shouldn't think that everyone believes every lie.
- Posiblemente, pero no es motivo... para salir huyendo ante Uds. ¿ Cree que todo el mundo cae en cualquier trampa?
But, Glory... that's not possible!
¡ No es posible!
But that's not possible!
¡ No es posible!
But... That's not possible.
Pero... eso no es posible.
- It's not only possible, but that's what happened.
- Eso fue lo que sucedió.
But that's not possible.
Pero eso no es posible.
But it's also possible that a man who would take a chance like he has taken so far is not afraid to die.
Pero también es posible que un hombre que se ha arriesgado tanto no tema morir.
- I'm sorry, but that's not possible.
- Lo siento, pero no es posible.
But, of course, that's not possible right now.
Pero claro, no es posible ahora mismo.
But that's not possible, answer me.
No puede ser... Contésteme.
But that's not possible, Mr Miguel.
Señor Miguel, pero eso no puede ser.
But... That's not possible.
Pero... no es posible.
- But that's not possible.
- Pero eso es imposible.
But that's not possible.
Pero eso es imposible.
- Oh, but that's not possible. - But it is possible.
Pero eso es... ¡ imposible!
That's possible - but you are not of our faith, and that is what counts with me.
Es posible, pero no eres de nuestra religión, y eso es lo que importa. Y ahora debes marcharte.
But that's not possible.
- Pero eso no es posible.
But look.. that's not possible.
- No. No es posible, ¿ sabe?
I'm really touched that you want to come, but it's not possible.
Me enternece que quieras venir, pero no es posible.
But as we see, that's not possible.
Pero eso no es posible.
It's quite possible that whoever or... whatever inhabits this craft... is not a land creature at all... but some form of marine life.
Es posible que cualquier ser o... o cosa que maneje esta nave.. no es una criatura terrestre... sino alguna forma de vida marina.
- Yes, General, it's in fact possible to build the reactor again, but that is not the main point.
- Sí, General. Sí que es posible reconstruir el reactor. Pero eso no es lo esecial.
I am sorry, Miss, but that's not going to be possible,... the child has commitments almost every hour of the day.
Lo siento, señorita, pero eso no va a ser posible, el niño tiene ocupadas casi todas las horas del día.
But that's not possible  E It was she who was driving  E
Pero eso no es posible... Era ella quien manejaba...
No, but that's not possible.
No es posible.
But come on, that's not possible :
Anda ya, eso no es posible.
But that's not possible!
Pero eso no es posible!
But that's not possible.
Pero no es posible.
'That's what I said, until I was introduced to the General'and realised that it was not only possible...'but that education was ready to leap from the Dark Ages...'into the 20th and 21st centuries.
Eso creía yo hasta que conocí al General. He comprobado que no solo esto es posible sino que, además, la educación ha dado un salto adelante que la propulsará desde la Edad Media hasta el siglo XXI.
That's what I said, until I was introduced to the General and realised that it was not only possible but that education was ready to leap from the Dark Ages into the 20th and 21 st centuries.
Eso dije hasta que me presentaron al General. Entonces comprendí que no solo era posible, sino que era un gigantesco paso hacia el porvenir. De la antigüedad hacia los siglos XX y XXI.
Yes, the voters should be completely informed, but that's just not possible.
Sí, los votantes deberían estar completamente informados, pero eso es imposible.
But that's not possible.
- Eso no es posible.
That's possible, but you're not trying to say, Mr. Secretary General that the hibernated man is related to my wife?
Es posible, pero no pretenderá, señor secretario general, que... que el Hibernado sea un pariente de mi mujer...
But that's not possible. But... and what about you?
¡ Oh... pero eso no es posible...!
It's not because a man is killed that the problem will be solved. They must not be allowed to run free or to be involved in politics, but we must not turn them into possible future heroes.
No se les debe permitir andar libres o estar involucrados en política, pero no debemos convertirlos en posibles héroes en el futuro.
But that's not possible. Nothing can do that.
Eso es imposible.
But I say daily : That's not possible
Pero me digo diariamente
Apollo, that's possible, but what if they're not?
Apollo, es posible, ¿ pero si no fuera así?
Oh, but Caesar, that's not possible.
Eso es imposible, César.
That's an objective not for a hundred years but for a thousand or for 10 thousand but it also is possible.
No es un objetivo para dentro de 1 00 años sino para dentro de mil o 1 0 mil pero también es posible.
That's an objective not for a hundred years but for a thousand or for 1 0 thousand but it also is possible.
Predecir las estaciones, era literalmente una cuestión de vida o muerte.
And when Eva said she wanted to have one, but it's not possible with Herbert... and she doesn't want one by that old guy, only by you, oh, Franz, I was so happy!
Y cuando Eva dijo que le gustaría tener uno, y que con Herbert no funciona y que no quiere uno con ése pero contigo sí, Franz, estaba tan feliz,
- But that's not possible.
Falleció hace dos meses.
" but if that's not possible, then I will find...
" pero si eso es imposible, entonces encontraré...
" but if that's not possible, then I will find a place of peace...
"pero si eso es imposible, " entonces encontraré un lugar de paz...
- But that's just not possible.
Debe perdonarme, pero eso es totalmente imposible.
The Indians around Bombay claim... I'm not sure it's true, but they claim that if you look a tiger straight in the eye, it will not attack you ls that possible?
Los hindúes que viven cerca de Bombay aseguran... aunque no sé si es verdad o no, que si uno mira a una tigresa directamente a los ojos... nunca atacará. - ¿ Es eso posible, Señor Reginald?
But that's not possible.
Eso no es posible.
I mean, I know that you all think... that Sven pretended to be a jewel thief... to hide the fact that his real motive was to murder Antoinette, but you know, that's not possible.
Pero eso no es posible.

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