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Come back to bed traducir español

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Come back to bed!
¡ De vuelta a la cama!
Come back to bed.
Vamos a la cama.
You'll catch cold, come back to bed.
Te vas a enfriar, ven a la cama.
Scheherazade, come back to bed.
iVuelve a la cama!
Emiliano, come back to bed.
Emiliano, ven a la cama.
Then I'll come back to bed until the 20.2 1 pm freight train.
Y luego a dormir, hasta el paso del de las 20 : 21.
Vuelve a la cama.
- Come back to bed.
- Regresa a la cama.
Come back to bed!
¡ Vuelve a la cama!
- Come back to bed immediately.
- Regresa a la cama inmediatamente.
Come back to bed... please.
Vuelve a la cama, por favor.
Come back to bed. Don't be scared.
- A la cama, no tengas miedo.
But don't be tired, come back to bed.
Pero no te canses, vuelve a la cama.
Come back to bed. Come on, now.
Regresa a la cama.
Come back to bed.
Regresa a la cama.
Come back to bed and go to sleep.
Vuelve a acostarte.
Come back to bed.
Ven a acostarte.
Then come back to bed.
Entonces vuelve a la cama.
Wish you could come back to bed with me.
Ojalá pudieras volver a la cama conmigo.
Come back to bed, Charlie.
Ven a la cama, Charlie.
Come back to bed Irene.
- Irene, vuelve a la cama. ¡ Vamos!
Darling, do take off that wretched shirt and come back to bed.
Cariño, quítate esa horrible camisa y vuelve a la cama.
Come back to bed, sweetheart.
Vuelve a la cama, cariño.
Come back to bed now.
Regresa a la cama.
Come back to bed, darling.
Vuelve a la cama, cariño.
Why don't you come back to bed?
¿ Por qué no vuelves a la cama?
Now, you must go to bed and you must get well quickly before I come back.
Debes irte a la cama y recuperarte pronto, antes de que yo regrese.
Come, darling, you must go back to bed.
Ven, mi amor, debes regresar a la cama.
Put Droopy to bed and come back here and wait for me.
- Acueste a Droopy y regrese aquí. - Sí, señorita.
Come on back to bed.
Regresa a la cama.
Be able to know that you'll come back to your own bed at night.
Poder saber que volverás a tu propia cama en la noche.
He said he was going to do an errand and come straight back here for a nap, but his bed hasn't been slept in.
Dijo que tenía algo que hacer y que volvería a dormir, pero su cama está intacta.
Yes, darling. I'll come right back and put you to bed. I'll be right back.
Claro, ahora vuelvo y te meto en la cama.
In a couple of hours when things settle down out there, we'll make it out the back way down to the creek bed and come in behind them to the horses.
En unas horas, cuando las cosas se calmen, saldremos por detrás hasta el arroyo y daremos un rodeo para ir a buscar los caballos.
Come back to bed, now, quick.
Vuelva a la cama.
Can't I come back here, Later in the evening after she's gone to bed?
¿ Puedo volver después cuando ella se vaya a dormir?
Come on, back to bed.
Vamos, vuelve a la cama.
- Put him to bed and come back.
- Ponlo en la cama y vuelve.
If you can't lick the Vandamms of this world without asking girls to bed down and fly away with them and probably never come back perhaps you should learn how to lose a few cold wars.
Si no pueden acabar con tipos como Vandamm... sin pedirle a una mujer que se acueste y se vaya con ellos, para probablemente no volver nunca, quizá deberían aprender a perder algunas guerras frías.
Will you come on back to bed?
¿ Quieres volver a la cama?
Yeah, we're just going to tuck him in bed, and get him into a hotel, and then we're going to come right back.
Vamos sólo a llevarlo, meterlo en un hotel y regresamos inmediatamente.
I'm gonna go back to my bed, I'm gonna put away the best part of a bottle of Scotch and under normal circumstances, you being normally what I'd call attractive, I would have invited you back to share my little bed with me and you might have come.
Voy a volver a la cama, y me terminaré la mejor parte de la botella de whisky y en circunstancias normales, sería lo que normalmente llamo atractiva, la invitaría a que volviera a compartir mi pequeña cama y debería venir.
[Knocks] If that's to make up the bed, will you come back later?
Si es para hacer la cama, vuelva más tarde.
I just got out of a bed to come here. And I don't intend to jump right back into one here.
Acabo de salir de la cama para venir y no voy a meterme ahora en otra.
Come on back to bed, Charlie.
Vamos, ven a la cama Charlie.
Come on, back to bed.
Vamos, de vuelta a la cama.
You go back to bed, come on.
Vuelve a la cama también tú, vamos.
Come on, you get back to bed.
Volvamos a la cama.
Come on back to bed, honey.
Regresa a la cama, cariño.
Come on, Jessica. Back to bed.
A la cama.
I let you go to bed I come back at 10 tomorrow morning
Está bien. Te dejo ir a la cama. Volveré mañana a las 10 am.

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