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Open completely.
los despliega también.
ambiguous and completely surrealistic.
Muy ambigua, surrealista.
she was completely dumbfounded.
Not completely, remember.
No totalmente, recuérdalo.
And we now know that they knew about this for, you know, a good 18 months and were completely working overtime to make sure no one would find out about it. There's no doubt in your mind this was a cover-up?
Y ahora sabemos que lo sabían desde hacía unos 18 meses... y trabajaban tiempo extra para que nadie se enterara.
If you had missed the recital, it would have been completely meaningless.
Si se lo hubieran perdido, no hubiera tenido ningún sentido.
Alien technology that'll completely revolutionize the electronic dance music scene around here.
Tecnología espacial que revolucionará la escena del baile electrónico.
I completely understand.
Entiendo perfectamente.
Humans are a species of large hairless ape that invented many gadgets, but is otherwise completely stupid.
Los humanos son una especie de simios grandes sin pelos que inventaron muchos aparatos, pero por lo demás son muy estúpidos.
you know, the little things, and I didn't think anything of it until one day I went to spray sun-tan lotion, and the sun-tan lotion slipped completely out of my hand.
No le hice caso hasta que un día me quise aplicar bronceador... y la loción se me cayó de la mano.
Okay, now, see, you look sincere, but your words are completely false.
Bien, ahora, pareces sincera, pero tus palabras son completamente falsas.
How is it possible, these Romans so completely duplicitous and unworthy, have ruled the world for centuries?
Cómo es posible, esos romanos tan completamente duplicidad e indignos, ¿ han gobernado el mundo durante siglos?
It was completely my fault.
La culpa fue totalmente mía.
I was completely out of line to bring it up now.
Estuvo totalmente fuera de lugar sacar el tema.
You've completely reinvigorated your campaign.
Has revitalizado completamente tu campaña.
Which means that someone was able to get in and out of the house completely undetected.
Lo que significa que alguien ha podido entrar y salir de la casa sin ser detectado.
I wouldn't mind dying if I hadn't screwed up, but I screwed up completely.
No me importaría morir si no lo hubiera arruinado, pero lo hice completamente.
¿ Por completo?
Awesome. And completely useless.
Genial y completamente inútil.
Esther, you're playing something completely different.
Esther, estás tocando algo completamente diferente.
We're completely fucked so we may as well watch him throw his rings around.
Estamos completamente jodidos así que bien podríamos mirarlo arrojar sus anillos.
You promised to be completely up-front with us here, Mr. Ritter.
Usted prometió ser completamente frontal con nosotros, Sr. Ritter.
- He looked completely over his head.
- Se vio totalmente fuera de sí.
And completely healthy, right?
Y completamente sana, ¿ verdad?
- So twee and completely...
- Tan cursi y absolutamente...
Actually, studies have shown that marijuana can curtail being completely lame.
En realidad, estudios han demostrado que la marihuana puede reducir el ser totalmente soso.
Without Waylon to talk to, I feel completely alone.
Si no está Waylon para hablarle, me siento completamente sola.
And while it's amazingly effective for C. Diff, we might be completely missing out on all kinds of other things that it's effective for.
Y aunque son efectivas para C.diff, podría ser efectiva para muchas otras cosas.
So, it's a... it's a completely wide open science right now.
Así que hoy es una ciencia totalmente abierta.
This is completely irresponsible.
Esto es completamente irresponsable.
No, completely irresponsible doesn't involve condoms.
No, completamente irresponsable no involucra condones.
Vernon, the guest shower is. Completely clogged by your curly hair.
Vernon, la ducha de invitados está totalmente obstruida por tu pelo rizado.
In space I never feel completely normal.
En el espacio nunca me siento completamente normal.
Maybe it's a false impression that Mars is studied in every detail, but it is actually not mapped in every detail completely.
Tal vez sea una falsa impresión que Marte ha sido estudiado en detalle, pero en realidad no está mapeado completamente al detalle.
In trying to establish a survivable community, lots of people throughout the history of exploration have either died out completely or had, you know, high casualty rates.
Intentando establecer una comunidad habitable, muchos grupos a lo largo de la historia de la exploración han muerto por completo o han sufrido numerosas bajas.
There's no visibility, you'll be completely blind.
No hay visibilidad, estarías completamente ciego.
completely forget about it.
se olvidaba completamente.
And they come away completely different individuals after the experience.
Y salen de esta experiencia totalmente diferentes.
But now I personally have received confirmation that the testimony by Syrian dissidents was completely bogus.
Pero he recibido personalmente confirmación que el testimonio de los disidentes sirios fue completamente falso.
No, I was completely sober.
No, estaba totalmente sobria.
That's very noble of you, Amy, but your piano is on a completely different day.
Eso es muy noble de ti, Amy, pero tu clase de piano es otro día completamente diferente.
You're completely boring.
Eres un completo aburrimiento.
After our day off, with a completely clear head, I realized part of what makes humans so fun is that they're unpredictable.
Luego de nuestro día libre, con la cabeza completamente despejada, me di cuenta que parte de lo que hace a los humanos tan divertidos es que son impredecibles.
But if you dismiss black complaints of mistreatment by police as being completely rooted in our modern context, then you're missing the point completely.
Pero si descartas las quejas de los negros del maltrato por parte de la policía como algo totalmente arraigado en el contexto moderno, te equivocas por completo.
And this is the fifth bedroom, and I'm completely open to you knocking down walls or removing windows, by the way.
Y este es el quinto dormitorio y estoy totalmente dispuesto a que tires paredes o quites ventanas, por cierto.
I completely agree with you.
Estoy completamente de acuerdo.
It was completely freaky and awesome.
Fue totalmente aterrador e increíble.
You know, everyone feels like this a little bit, and they're just not talking about it, or I'm completely fucking alone...
Ya sabes, todo el mundo siente esto un poco, y simplemente no hablan de ello.
Yes so, by the way completely humiliating.
- Qué humillante.
This place is completely annihilated.
Esto está totalmente destruido.
- Completely different.
- Es distinto.

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