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Cool it traducir español

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Come on, man. Cool it.
It's cool.
Está todo bien.
- It's cool, guys.
- Está bien.
I think it's kind of cool.
Me parece bien.
That's cool. What is it?
Qué bien. ¿ Qué es?
It's cool.
Está bien.
It's... cool.
Está bien.
It's so cool you're here.
Es tan genial que estés aquí.
Yeah, it's cool. Um... So, are you gonna take the job?
Sí, es genial.
But we talked about it, we're cool.
Pero hablamos de ello, estamos fresco.
It's cool if it's not your thing.
Me parece bien si no te va el rollo.
Now, ladies, if a guy picks you up in a Honda and it's lowered, real low, low... to the ground... and there's some cool blue lights underneath it, that says, " When we get to this restaurant, get whatever you want.
Si un tipo las pasa a buscar en un Honda y está bajo. Muy bajo. Que toca el suelo.
It's quiet and it's cool.
Es tranquilo y agradable.
It's really cool.
Es bastante genial.
All right.. It's cool.. we cool.
Está bien, estamos bien.
But if it ends up in a magazine, I'm cool with it.
Pero si esto sale en una revista, por mí está bien.
- It's cool.
- Es genial.
I think it's super cool that you have a farm.
Me parece genial que tengas una granja.
It's cool.
Es genial.
Oh, I thought you were gonna say it was cool.
Pensé que ibas a decir que era genial.
I'm cool, all right? Initially, there was, like, this residual sense of betrayal, but now that I know you're serious, you know, it kind of softens the blow.
En un principio me sentí traicionado, pero ahora que sé que es algo serio, eso suaviza el golpe.
- Cool. Oh, it's J...
Look, it's cool.
Todo está bien.
You know, he's taking me, you know, to meetings and shit, so it's cool.
Ya sabes, me está llevando a reuniones y esas mierdas, así que está bien.
Luther, it's cool.
Luther, está bien.
It is not cool.
No es genial.
I'll get you a new bike with more cool shit on it.
Te conseguiré una bici nueva con mejores cosas.
It's cool working here, right?
Es genial trabajar aquí, ¿ no?
Is it cool or not?
¿ Es genial o no?
It's pretty cool.
Es más bien genial.
It's pretty cool and realistic.
Es muy genial y realista.
It's pretty cool and realistic.
es buena. Es genial y realista.
I think some of them are just faking it to try and look cool.
Creo que algunos de ellos fingen para parecen guays.
Maybe it'll be cool.
Puede estar guay.
He got mitchell elected class president Before it was cool to be gay.
Hizo que Mitchell fuese elegido delegado de clase cuando ser gay todavía no molaba.
It's all cool in the pool.
Estamos bien.
- It's very cool.
- Esta muy padre.
Father-border guard, is it cool?
Un padre guardia fronterizo, ¿ es divertido?
Right. It's just... it's been really cool having you crash on my couch.
Es solo que ha sido un placer tenerte en mi sofá.
They introduce you to cool stuff like that and it's very, you know, it's hot hooking'up with a white dude.
Te introducen a cosas guays como esas... y es muy, saben, es ardiente estar con un tipo blanco.
Hope it's cool I brought my laundry over.
Esperamos que sea fresco traje mi ropa de nuevo.
No, it's... it's cool.
No, es... que es genial.
No, it's... cool.
No, es... cool.
I mean, you know, it's been you and me for so long, and I love that, but having Wally around would be cool too.
Quiero decir, ya sabes, tú y yo ha sido durante tanto tiempo, y me encanta que, pero tener Wally torno sería demasiado frío.
- It's cool to see you!
- ¡ Me alegro verte!
It was cool.
Eres simpática.
It's cool. No?
Es genial, ¿ no?
It's thanks to him... it's cool.
- Gracias a él... - Genial.
Great boss. It's cool.
I think it's actually, uh, kinda cool.
De hecho creo que es bastante genial.
I know this is a lot to take in, so if you need to Take some time and noodle on it, that's cool.
Sé que es mucho de golpe, así que si necesitas... algo de tiempo para digerirlo, está genial.

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