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Didn't you know that traducir español

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And that really broke my heart 'Cause it felt like he didn't choose me, you know.
Y eso me rompió el corazón porque sentía que no me había elegido a mí.
No sabía que tuvieras un plan.
I didn't know that Klaus would ask Jack and me to live here, but that... That doesn't mean that you have to leave.
No sabía que Klaus nos pediría a Jack y a mí que viviésemos aquí, pero eso... eso no significa que tengas que irte.
I want you to know that... I didn't marry you for all those people.
Quiero que sepas que... no me casé contigo por toda esa gente.
You wished that you didn't know.
Deseaste no haberlo hecho.
I didn't know that you were going to be here.
No sabía que ibas a estar aquí.
I thought you said that you didn't know she was there.
Pensé que habías dicho que no sabías que estaba allí.
- You know, he didn't say it was gonna be perfect, and that there weren't gonna be any falls, and that he wasn't gonna have battles.
Él no dijo que sería perfecto... ni que no habría caídas... y que no tendría batallas.
I didn't want to believe that you would let his killer go free. You know what, Sam?
Yo no quiero creer que tú dejaras que su asesino este en libertad.
You know, I was gonna be a cop when I was younger, but sadly, that didn't work out.
Ya sabes, yo iba a ser poli cuando era joven, pero por desgracia, no funcionó.
I promise you, if anything happens to this guy, and I find out that you didn't tell us everything you know, you will go down for this.
- Te prometo que si le pasa algo a ese tipo, y descubro que no nos has contado todo lo que sabes, te hundirás con esto.
You didn't think that was something I should know?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste?
You know that you didn't fail Trick, right Dyson?
Usted sabe que usted no falla Truco, justo Dyson?
You know that you didn't fail Trick, right Dyson?
Sabes que no fallaste a Trick, ¿ verdad Dyson?
Just like they killed my mother, but you clearly didn't know that, did you?
Exactamente como mataron a mi madre, pero eso no lo sabías, ¿ cierto?
- I didn't know that about you.
- Yo no sabía eso de ti.
Uh-uh. You didn't know your mama could move like that, did you?
No sabías que tu mamá podía moverse así, ¿ verdad?
I didn't know that. She told me, back in the day, that you couldn't make the song work.
Me dijo, hace tiempo que tú no podías... hacer que la canción funcionara.
Now, come on, you know that ruiz didn't kill rolla.
Vamos, tú sabes que Ruiz no mató a Rolla.
I mean, Jesus saved me, but this guy was definitely part of his plan, same as you. When I heard you talk that night, it's like I knew you was talking to me, even though you didn't know you was talking to me.
Jesús me salvó, pero este hombre era parte de su plan, igual que usted, lo escuché esa noche y es como si supiera que me estaba hablando, aunque no sabía de qué me estaba hablando.
No. I don't know what you did or didn't do over there, but I know that you saved me. So, that counts for something.
No, no sé lo que hiciste o no hiciste allá, pero sé que me salvaste, así que eso cuenta.
Hi, Joe. I'm so sorry. I didn't know that you were- -
Hola Joe, lo siento mucho, no sabía que estabas... muriendo, ja, ja, todos están muriendo, solo que encabezo la fila.
Didn't you know that?
. No lo sabías?
TED : You told us at the garden centre that you didn't know Gareth Clarke.
Nos dijo en el vivero que no conocía a Gareth Clarke.
She didn't know that you'd come home.
No sabía que ibas a venir a casa.
And you didn't know that I was hurt.
Y no sabías que yo estaba herida.
I know you didn't mean that to be hurtful, but...
Sé que no querías herirme, pero...
What, you thought I didn't know about that?
¿ Creíste que no lo sabía?
I know what a huge hypocrite that makes me look like, and I didn't want it to affect the way you see me.
Sé lo increíblemente hipócrita que eso me hace parecer, y no quería que eso afectase a la forma en la que me ves. ¿ Hola?
You know, he really felt that I had these anger issues and that I was just really not communicating very well, which I didn't agree with, but... that's how that ended.
Él sentía que yo tenía problemas de ira y que no me estaba comunicando muy bien, con lo cual no estoy de acuerdo, pero... así es como terminó.
The fact that you didn't know, and only found out from Seth- -
El hecho de que no lo supieras, y que lo sepamos por Seth- -
I didn't Know they'd put you away that long.
Yo no sabía que te encerrarían tanto tiempo.
We also know that you didn't write the code.
También sabemos que no escribiste el código.
It would shame me for you to see that, if I didn't know that you have suffered the same distortions in the press.
Me avergonzaría que viera eso, si no supiera que usted ha sufrido la misma distorsión por la prensa.
Do you want to know what I think? I hope I didn't shock you. That's so sweet.
¿ Quieres saber qué pienso yo? Espero no haberte espantado.
I didn't think of that, you know.
No lo pienso así.
Look, I'm sorry that I didn't come and get you, and Rick asked me not to, and I just didn't know what to do, and
Mira, lo siento que no he venido a buscarte, y Rick me pidió que no, y yo no sabía qué hacer, y
Well, I didn't know that you hadn't.
Bueno, yo no sabía que no tenía.
You know, maybe that's why she didn't want a C.T.
Usted sabe, tal vez por eso no quería un CT
You know, she didn't know that we knew her, and Adalind didn't know that she was Nick's mom.
Sabes, ella no sabía que nosotros la conocíamos, y Adalind no sabía que ella era la mamá de Nick.
Or... you didn't know that she came from a wealthy family, and now you're upset because I learned more personal information on one lunch than you have in years.
O... no sabías que era de familia rica, y ahora estás enfadado porque averigüé, más cosas sobre ella en un almuerzo, que tú en muchos años.
You didn't know if you and your wife were compatible that way.
No sabías si tú y tu esposa eran compatibles de esa forma.
I would never give the uniform to someone who didn't. You know that.
Nunca daría el uniforme a alguien que no hiciera... ¡ ya sabes eso!
But I didn't even know that you wanted to go to these types of schools.
Pero ni siquiera sabía que querías ir a este tipo de universidades.
You really think that anyone would believe that I didn't know what you were doing?
¿ De verdad crees que la gente se creería que yo no sabía nada?
I wanted to give you the best manniversary ever, But the problem is I didn't know that manniversary was an actual thing until the day before.
Quería darle el mejor Manniversario nunca, pero el problema es que no sé que Manniversario era una cosa real hasta el día anterior.
You didn't know that?
¿ No sabía eso?
And I am hurt that after all my efforts to join this one, you didn't know that.
Y estoy herido que tras todo el esfuerzo para unirme a esta, no sabías eso.
But, you know, he didn't say that you had to be all shiny and new.
Pero no ha dicho... que tuvieras que estar nuevo y reluciente.
Yeah, but I didn't mean it as in, you know, that I don't want to be with you.
Sí, pero no quería decirlo como si, ya sabes, como si no quisiera estar contigo.
And I know you didn't mean anything by it, but you've got to be more careful posting rumors like that.
Y sé que no tuviste malas intenciones, pero debes tener más cuidado al publicar rumores como ese.

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