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Does that mean something to you traducir español

71 traducción paralela
Does that mean something to you?
¿ Significa algo para ti?
Does that mean something to you?
¿ Significa algo para Ud?
Does that mean something to you?
Eso significa algo para usted?
Does that mean something to you - "akey"?
¿ Significa "akey" algo para usted?
- Does that mean something to you?
- ¿ Significa algo para ti?
Does that mean something to you?
¿ Le dice algo?
Does that mean something to you, Sheriff?
¿ Le dice algo, Sheriff?
Does that mean something to you?
¿ Tiene algún significado?
) ( Does that mean something to you?
¿ Eso significa algo para tí?
- Does that mean something to you?
¿ Significa algo para ti?
Does that mean something to you, Mr. Houdini?
¿ Significa eso algo para Ud., Sr. Houdini?
Does that mean something to you?
¿ Significa eso algo para ti?
Does that mean something to you?
¿ Significa algo para usted?
- Does that mean something to you?
- ¿ Eso significa algo para usted?
Does that mean something to you?
¿ Eso significa algo para ti?
Walter, does that mean something to you?
Walter, ¿ qué significa eso para ti?
Does that mean something to you?
¿ Tiene algún sentido para usted?
- Does that mean something to you?
- ¿ Eso significa algo?
Yeah, what? Does that mean something to you?
Si, te hace algún sentido?
Does that mean something to you?
¿ Eso significa algo para usted?
Does that mean something to you?
¿ Eso significa algo para tí?
Does that mean something to you?
¿ No significa eso algo para ti?
- Thanks. Does that mean something to you?
¿ Significa algo para ti?
Does that really mean something to you!
¡ Eso realmente significa algo para tí!
Does that name mean something to you?
¿ Le dice algo mi apellido?
- When you do something once, does that mean you have to do it twice?
- Cuando se hace algo una vez, ¡ ¿ significa que debes hacerlo otra vez? !
Does that mean something to you, Mr. Houdini?
Como si viera que alguien venia. ¿ Significa algo para usted Señor Houdini?
Does that mean you ought to be Lord something or other?
¿ Significa eso que deberías ser Lord esto o aquello?
Does that name mean something to you?
- ¿ Significa algo?
And what does that mean, you're on to something?
¿ Eso significa que tienes algo?
Does that name mean something to you?
¿ Ese nombre significa algo para ti?
Does that name mean something or nothing to you?
¿ Ese nombre significa algo o nada para Ud.?
Does that mean something to you?
- ¿ Le dice algo?
And even if she does mean something, you're still an ass and what's really sad, Nathan, is that you're too stupid to get that.
Y si significa algo, sigues siendo un imbécil. Y lo triste, Nathan, es que eres demasiado tonto para entenderlo.
Maybe you shouldn't have to. I mean, if you still beg, try to view the situation objectively. Maybe this is something that he does need to work out on his own.
Pero no tienes por qué... ya sé que está situación le supera y quizá es algo a lo que debería enfentarse por sí sólo aún estáis a tiempo
Does that mean if you do it to Aaron and something happened to us, that we wouldn't be together?
Y eso significaría que si bautizas a Aaron, y algo nos pasara a nosotros, ¿ que no estaríamos más juntos?
But it does mean something, that you came to see me, to tell me.
Pero significa algo que vinieras a verme para contarme.
Right, so how does this work? I mean, should I talk to Sarah, or is that something you want to do?
Me refiero debería hablar con Sarah, o prefieres hacerlo tú?
Doesn't mean that you have to go chasing after him every time he does something stupid.
No significa que tengas que ir tras él cada vez que hace algo estúpido.
That might mean something to you or it might not, but if it does...
Eso puede querer decir algo para usted, o no, pero si lo hace...
Do those dates and that name mean something to you? Yes, it does.
¿ Significan algo para Vd. esas fecha y ese nombre?
I mean, maybe you're doing something wrong but if it's what's meant to be, if it's what's right, does that really make you a bad person?
Puede que estés haciendo algo malo, pero si es lo que debes, ¿ pasas a ser mala persona?
Does that symbol mean something to you, sir?
¿ Ese símbolo significa algo para usted, señor?
Does that symbol mean something to you, sir?
¿ Eso significa símbolo algo a usted, señor?
I mean, yes, he does have a really good smell to him, and you wouldn't expect something like that from a Glossner.
Digo, sí, él huele rico, y no esperarías algo así de un Glosser.
Does that mean you're up to something?
¿ Significa eso que estás tramando algo?
Does that mean something to you?
- ¿ Eso significa algo para usted?
Does that area mean something to you?
¿ Esa área significa algo para ti? No.
Um, you see, this is... hmm... difficult for me and I know that it may not mean something to someone like you who does this all the time, but it seems, for the first time, I've fallen in love.
Verás, esto es... difícil para mí y sé que puede no significar nada para alguien como tú, que hace esto a menudo, pero parece, que por primera vez, me he enamorado.
Does that place mean something to you?
¿ Ese lugar significa algo para ti?
Does that name mean something to you?
¿ Ese nombre significa algo para usted?

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