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Don't be afraid traducir español

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Don't be afraid.
No tengas miedo.
Don't be afraid, girl.
No tengas miedo, chica.
Don't be afraid. It's gentle.
Es mansito.
Now don't be afraid to be with a man your age.
Ahora no temas estar con un hombre de tu edad.
Ridley, don't be afraid.
¡ Ridley! No temas.
Now, Vanessa, honey, don't you be afraid to crack the whip on this... If he gives you any trouble, you just let us know.
Vanessa, cariño, no dudes en usar el látigo y si te causa algún problema, nos dices y lo disciplinamos.
No, don't be afraid!
No, no tengan miedo!
Don't be afraid to project.
No teman proyectar la voz.
Don't be afraid.
No temas.
Hey, don't be afraid.
No tengas miedo.
Don't be afraid, Fanny.
¡ No tengas miedo!
- Don't be afraid.
- No temas, Honoré.
Now I know I don't look proper, probably I don't smell proper, but nothing to be afraid of.
Sé que no luzco muy bien. Probablemente también huelo muy mal. Pero no deben tener miedo.
Don't be afraid to tell me.
No tengas miedo de decírmelo.
Don't be afraid, I'll lead the way.
No tengas miedo, yo iré delante.
Don't be afraid of the ball, ladies.
¡ No le teman a la pelota, señoritas!
All right, don't be afraid.
Muy bien, No temas.
Don't be afraid!
¡ No tengas miedo!
Don't be afraid!
, ¡ no tengas miedo!
Don't be afraid.
No Tengas Miedo.
You don't have to be afraid of me, Claire.
No tienes que tenerme miedo, Claire.
Don't be afraid, child.
No tengas miedo, hija.
I don't want to give her a diamond so big, she'd be afraid to wear it.
No quiero darle un diamante tan grande que tema usarlo.
Don't be afraid, they don't bite.
No tengas miedo, que no muerden.
Deep down, you are afraid, you don't want to be vulnerable.
Muy en el fondo, tienes miedo, porque no quieres ser vulnerable.
"Now don't be afraid of your heart."
"Ahora no tengas miedo de tu corazón."
Isn't it the truth that you don't want Emir Erdogan's identity to be disclosed because you're afraid of what he might reveal about his father, afraid that he might reveal something of his father's history?
¿ No es cierto que no desea que se conozca la identidad de Emir Erdogan porque teme lo que él podría revelar sobre su padre, teme que pueda divulgar algo sobre la historia de su padre?
I am so amazed by the things that I see here don't want to be afraid I just don't want to be here in my mind, this is clear what am I doing here?
* Estoy muy asombrada * por las cosas que veo aquí * * no quiero tener miedo * no quiero estar aquí * * en mi mente está claro *
If we startle it, don't be afraid, Fred.
Si asustarlo, no tengas miedo, fred.
Don't be afraid of that.
No tengas miedo de eso.
And you don't need to be afraid of him.
Y no tienes que temerle
Well, you don't have to be afraid, okay?
No debes tener miedo, ¿ sí?
Father Cuthbert don't be afraid.
Padre Cuthbert, no tenga miedo.
Hello? You don't have to be afraid!
¡ No tienes que tener miedo!
You don't have to be afraid of me. So, what do you say, you come meet me here?
No tienes por qué temerme, así que, que dices si vienes a conocerme justo aquí.
- Don't be afraid, my son.
- No temas, hijo mío.
Don't be afraid!
¡ No tengáis miedo!
Don't be afraid.
No tengan miedo.
You don't have to be afraid
- No tienes que tener miedo
"I'm afraid of failing." Well, you don't have to be afraid anymore,'cause if that's the best you got, you've already failed.
No tienes que tener miedo, porque si es lo mejor que tienes, ya fallaste.
Okay, don't be afraid.
No te asustes.
Don't be afraid... tell me what happened.
No tengas miedo. Dime que paso.
I should be, but I'm afraid if I stop speaking, you're gonna break up with me, which I really don't want you to do.
Debería, pero tengo miedo que si dejo de hablar, terminarás conmigo, y es algo que no quiero que hagas.
I want you so bad don't be afraid.
Te deseo tanto. No tengas miedo.
Don't be afraid.
No se asusten.
Our mother used to say, don't be afraid, God sees everything.
Mamá siempre decía : ... no tengas miedo, Dios lo ve todo.
Shh. Don't be afraid.
No tengas miedo.
Don't be afraid.
No tenga miedo.
Don't be afraid to live a little.
No le temas a vivir un poco.
Don't be afraid to live a little, roomie.
No le temas a vivir un poco.
That I don't need to be afraid.
Que no debo temer

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