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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Don't be afraid of me

Don't be afraid of me traducir español

171 traducción paralela
"Don't be afraid of me!"
"¡ No me tengas miedo!"
You don't have to be afraid of me.
No tiene que temer nada de mí.
Oh, don't be afraid of me.
No te preocupes por mí.
You don't have to be afraid of me.
No tenga miedo.
Oh, Grazia, Grazia, don't be afraid of me.
Ay, Grazia, no me tengas miedo.
Geoff, you don't have to be afraid of me anymore.
Geoff, no tienes nada que temer de mí.
Don't be afraid of me, Mrs. Clay.
No me tenga miedo, Sra. Clay.
you don't have to be afraid if my Dunja would be afraid of me... she would have a reason to
No tienes que temer nada de mí... Si mi Dunia tuviera miedo de mí... lo tendría con razón...
who dragged her away my Dunichka answer me you don't have to be afraid of me
El que se la llevó... a mi Dunichka... dime... contesta...
Don't be afraid of me.
No tengas miedo de mí.
You don't have to be afraid of me, mister.
No tiene que tener miedo de mí, señor.
Don't be afraid of my hot Spanish blood. Kiss me!
No temas a mi sangre española y caliente. ¡ Bésame!
Don't be afraid of me, Irena.
No me tenga miedo, Irena.
Don't be afraid of hurting me.
No temas herirme. Estoy enloqueciendo.
Please don't be afraid of me.
Por favor, no me tengas miedo.
Don't be afraid of me.
No me tema.
Don't be afraid of me, You and I are alike.
No tengas miedo de mí, tú y yo somos iguales
Don't be afraid of me.
No me tengas miedo.
I love you. Don't be afraid of me.
Debes creerme, te quiero.
Don't be afraid of hurting me.
No temas hacerme daño.
Why don't you tell me I'm... I'm crazy, or... or upset or that it... there's nothing to be afraid of?
¿ Por qué no me dices que estoy loca o equivocada que no tenemos nada que temer?
Don't be afraid of hurting me.
No tengas miedo de hacerme daño.
He's a friend of mine, don't be afraid : he can't refuse me anything.
Es amigo mío. - No me puede negar nada.
One can't be always in swing You don't have to be afraid of me.
No se puede estar en forma siempre. No me tiene que tener miedo.
Don't be afraid of me.
No te asustes de mí.
You don't have to be afraid of me.
No se asuste de mí.
He took my hand. He was a man who believed in the holding of hands. "And he said," Don't be afraid. "
Él me cogió de La mano, era un hombre que creía en esas cosas, y me dijo : "No tengas miedo".
I wont let myself die of hunger, don't be afraid.
Tranquila, no me moriré de hambre.
- Today you don't have to be afraid of me, I'm not on duty
Hoy no debe tenerme miedo, no estoy de servicio...
You don't have to be afraid of me, ma'am.
No tiene por qué tenerme miedo, señora.
Don't be so afraid of me.
No me tengas tanto miedo.
I wouldn't harm you, don't be afraid of me.
Yo no te haría daño, así que no me tengas miedo.
You don't have to be afraid of me.
No tiene que temerme.
Don't be afraid of me, Assol.
¡ No me tengas miedo, Assol!
Don't be afraid of these women, none of them would betray me.
No temas a estas mujeres, ninguna de ellas me traicionaría.
- Don't be afraid of hurting me.
- No tengas miedo de herirme.
You don't have to be afraid of me.
No debéis temerme.
Don't be afraid of me.
¡ No tengas miedo!
- I don't understand myself. It's hard to explain. - When I saw him, in front of me, I started to be afraid.
Yo tampoco, no sé cómo explicarlo... cuando le vi allí, delante de mí, tuve miedo.
I don't think I'd ever be afraid of anything again, Macomber said to Wilson. " something happened inside me when we saw the buffalo for the first time.
" No creo que nunca más vuelva a tener miedo, dijo Macomber a Wilson, algo me ocurrió cuando vi al búfalo por primera vez y corrí tras él.
Don't be afraid of me.
No tenga miedo de mí.
Don't be afraid of me.
No tengas miedo de mi.
Don't be afraid of me! Don't be afraid of me!
¡ No me tengas miedo!
Everybody else does, but you don't have to be afraid of me, Helen.
Todos los demás me temen, pero tú no tienes que temerme, Helen.
Don't be afraid of me!
No te preocupes por mi!
Don't be afraid of me.
- Yo no me muevo. Ahora me visto... Usted no debe tenerme miedo.
Don't be afraid of me, Luiku, don't.
No me temas, Luiku, no me temas.
Don't be afraid of me!
No me tengas miedo!
- Don't be afraid of me.
- No me tengas miedo.
Lo siento.
Please don't be afraid of me. I was just in the middle of an interesting game.
Por favor no tengas miedo de mi, quiero enseñarte un juego interesante...

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