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Don't come back here traducir español

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"Come back here, Bill - don't make a fool o'yourself!"
"¡ Vuelve, Bill! ¡ No hagas el tonto!"
Don't you ever come back here.
¡ No vuelvas nunca por aquí!
Now, listen, don't talk, and don't come back here.
No hables y no vuelvas por aquí, ¿ me lo prometes?
Come on. I don't wanna be here when the family gets back.
Vámonos, no quiero tropezarme con la familia otra vez.
And don't come back in here again.
Y no vuelvas a entrar nunca más.
Then one day I said, "Leave that girl or don't ever come back." It happened right here.
Entonces un día le dije, "Deja esa mujer o no vuelvas nunca más"
Come on, let's get out of here. Don't look back.
No Io mires.
Yes, you see, I was sent here to bring you back, and if you don't come, why, naturally, they're going to feel that I messed things up.
Si, verá, me enviaron aquí para que la llevara, y si no viene naturalmente, pensarán que estropeé las cosas.
Get out of here and don't ever come back.
Véte y no vuelvas nunca.
Get out of here! And don't you ever come back to the state of New Hampshire again!
vete de aquí y no vuelvas a... acercarte al estado de New Hampshire.
Frank, I'm warnin'you, if Reynolds isn't dead within a half hour, don't come back here!
¡ Te lo advierto : Si Reynolds no muere en media hora, no regreses!
[Loud thuds] Man : Stay out of here, and don't come back anymore!
No pongas más tus pies aquí.
Now, you take that Georgia Peach of yours out of here and don't ever come back.
Llévate de aquí a esta joya y no volváis por aquí.
Then go straight to sleep, don't come back here.
Después vete derecho a la cama.
Of course, my dear, if you don't find your sister you can always come back here.
Por supuesto, querida, si no hallas a tu hermana puedes regresar aquí.
Take hold here and do a man's job, or don't come back.
Sienta la cabeza aquí o no vuelvas.
Now get out of here and don't ever come back!
¡ Ahora márchese de aquí y no vuelva!
Don't come back here ever.
No vuelvas más.
Here's your eight bucks, and you don't come back, see?
Toma tus ocho dólares y no regreses.
He says if she don't come back... he's coming here tomorrow morning... bright and early and get her.
Dice que si no regresa, mañana vendrá aquí... bien temprano a buscarla.
Don't come back here ever.
No vuelvas nunca aqui.
No, you don't! You come right back here this minute!
¡ Vuelve ahora mismo!
In the meantime, why don't you be a reasonable chap and come back here?
Mientras tanto, ¿ por qué no es razonable y vuelve aquí?
Get out of here and don't come back till you find em.
Ahora vete y no vuelvas hasta que lo hayas encontrado.
When I come back in five minutes, I don't wanna find anybody here, understand?
Cuando regrese en cinco minutos... no quiero encontrar a nadie aquí.
I asked you to come here because I don't intend for you to go back to the house.
Te pedí que vinieras porque no pretendo que vuelvas a la casa.
He'll be here around 7 : 30, why don't you come back then.
Llegará sobre las 7 : 30, Vuelva sobre esa hora.
Go on now, and don't come back here.
Márchate... Y no vuelvas más.
And don't you ever come back in here until they bring you in with cuffs on you!
Y no se te ocurra volver hasta que sea con unas esposas.
Don't come back here or I'll smack you one!
¡ Lárgate o te voy a poner el culo como un tomate!
Don't come back here.
¡ No se les ocurra volver por aquí!
And don't ever come sneaking back here!
¡ Y nunca vengas acá a hurtadillas!
Get out of here and don't come back till I send for you.
Fuera de aquí y no volváis hasta que os llame.
Now beat it and don't come back here again.
Ahora lárgate y no vuelvas.
Now go home, and don't come back here till you learn how to behave yourself.
Vete a casa y no vuelvas hasta que aprendas a comportarte.
I don't do it now, I got to come all the way back here tomorrow.
Si no lo hago hoy, tendré que regresar mañana.
You see, Mr. Ercole, I can't come back here.
Verá, don Ercole, yo aquí no puedo volver.
When I asked Mr. Wayne where Kyle Hadley was, he said, "I don't know, but he'd better not come back here tonight."
Al preguntar al Sr. Wayne dónde estaba Kyle Hadley... me dijo : "No lo sé, pero será mejor para él que no vuelva esta noche".
If you don't find a place to go in Tokyo, come back here anytime.
Si no encuentras sitio en Tokio, vuelve en cualquier momento.
Don't you ever try to come back here.
No intentes volver aquí.
Don't ever come back here.
Nunca vuelvas aquí.
Don't ever come back here or I'll kill you!
¡ Como volváis, os mato!
I don't want to come back here.
¡ No quiero volver más! ¡ Egle!
Don't be silly, we change, we go and we don't come back here afterwards
No seas tonto. Nos cambiamos, vamos y luego ya no volvemos aquí.
Why don't you tell her to come on back here?
¡ Entonces dile que vuelva ya!
No, you don't. You come back here.
¡ Ven aquí!
And I don't want to come back here again.
Y no quiero volver aquí.
I don't need you to come back in here and... And ruin everything.
No necesito que vuelvas y lo eches todo a perder.
Don't ever come back here!
¡ No volváis!
If you leave your post here tonight, don't bother to come back!
¡ Si abandona su puesto esta noche no se moleste en volver!
I don't know when I can get back here again, but when I do, I'd like to come to the bar again, if you don't mind.
No sé cuándo podré volver aquí otra vez. Pero cuando lo haga, me gustaría venir albar de nuevo, sino le importa.

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